Just Shelley

51,000+ DotCom Layoffs…

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Being one of those that are part of a steeply growing curve, a layed off dot comer, I found the article Silicon Valley Workers Head Home in the Australian IT to be very interesting.

According to a source quoted in the article, there have been over 51,564 people laid off from DotComs…to date.

I bucked the trend and actually moved to San Francisco from Boston — and I found a new contract within a couple of weeks. Note, though, that I do have a number of years of experience, and with some fairly significant technologies. Still, before we attend a wake for the Internet, time for a reality check folks. The Internet and technology businesses are down, but they ain’t dead.

Just Shelley

New City, New Servers

The Burning Bird Corporation is now open for business in beautiful San Francisco. What can I say folks, but I love this city!

In addition, I’ve aggregated all of my web sites on to one server. Hopefully the move will go smoothly, but if you find pages missing or out of synch, most likely they didn’t survive the move. Please send me an email with the missing reference.

The Burning Bird (formerly known as YASD) is being joined by other web sites on the Burning Bird Network. Among the new Webs to be posted will sites focusing on travel and art. Man does not live by technology alone…and neither does Woman.

If you’re in the San Francisco area, drop me an email, say Hi, let me know the good restaurants, walks, etc. I would be appreciative.