
Bay area layoffs

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

SF Gate, one of my favorite daily reads (must add them to my list) had a week long series of articles on the past year from a San Francisco business perspective, including layoffs, dot-com failures, real estate hitting the skids in San Francisco and so on. It’s an excellent review — read the first entry “Bay Area Layoffs”.

As bad as it seems at times, only about 10% of existing dot coms have failed. I read that statistic somewhere this week and now can’t find the reference.

Doc Searls pointed out this Fortune list of dot coms that died this year. Look under S and you’ll see my old company —

Just Shelley

Car loan

Forecast for Northern California: rain, followed by rain, preceded by periods of rain, with occasional breaks of clouds that are just too tired or too wimpy to rain.

Found a loan for the car — Ouch! There goes my savings safety net. Must write more. Must sell more books. Must look for a new contract. Must not tell clients they’re idiots when they make the same old technology mistakes that are the equivalent to me of fingernails on a chalk board.

(Just foolin’ with that last one — honest. I never call clients idiots. Well, almost never. Not to their face. Not in print where I can get sued.)