Documents Legal, Laws, and Regs

An Open PACER: an effective demonstration

I wrote earlier (An Open PACER) that we don’t need a formalized open alternative to PACER, all we need do is post court documents with appropriate labels, and the search engines become the alternative system.

This week I became aware of another case I wanted to follow: Trumpeter Swan Society et al vs. the EPA. Several environmental groups are suing the EPA for not doing enough to eliminate lead bullets. Lead in bullets causes significant harm to endangered wild birds and other wild life.

I found the Docket entries for the case, but before downloading any documents, did a search in Google on the case name. Among the results is what looks to be an NRA related site opposing this lawsuit that also provides access to most of the court filings.

I don’t have to agree with the site and it doesn’t have to agree with me about which side is dancing with the angels in this case. What’s important is we both agree the PACER documents should be easily and freely available. I’ve now copied the documents and will post links of my own—helping to ensure access to these documents in the future.

Documents Legal, Laws, and Regs

Open Law Journals

I discovered another very open law journal, the Georgetown Law Journal. I found it when following a link from the New York Time’s Mark Bittman to Combating Obesity with a Right to Nutrition, which I immediately snagged for my personal use.

I’ve added The Georgetown Law Library to my Open Document Sites sidebar links. Now excuse me while I go read what promises to be a fascinating writing.