Legal, Laws, and Regs

We dissent

I woke up June 24 feeling little different than when waking up the day after Trump was elected President. I woke up knowing everything has changed, and not for the better.

Alito’s Dobbs decision gutting abortion rights in this country has triggered a massive upheaval in the rights of over half the population, and all because of five justices determined to impose their viewpoints and their beliefs on society. Five justices, of whom three were hastily selected by a President who didn’t even win the popular vote.

But it wasn’t just Roe v. Wade that was tossed out. No, this same group of people have enshrined gun rights as the second most important freedom, following that for religion…if you follow a specific type of religion. And they haven’t even begun their determined march into overthrowing everything that makes this country good. I suspect before the end of the week is out, we’ll see an attack on the very fabric of our government, as this small group of elites continues its unthinking drive to wreck havoc on our society. They’ve already hinted they’re coming after rights for the LGBTQ+ community and birth control.

Justices Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan penned a very rare joint dissent against Alito’s pretense of a decision. In it, instead of using the usual “We respectfully dissent” they just wrote

“We dissent.”