
Some tinkering

Depending on which stylesheet you favor at this site, you most likely noticed that I’ve been tweaking the site design, doing some cleanup, a little polishing here, and little polishing there.

I eliminated the emotive stylesheet, primarily because I kept forgetting to attach an ‘emotion’ to each writing. Besides – aren’t we women always supposed to keep people guessing?

Some of the styles don’t work that well with Internet Explorer, especially if I embed photos in the page. I am about ready to bag IE, as I was ready to bag Netscape 4.x long ago. Still, I know that it’s still being used by poor souls everywhere. Walker Evans should always work with IE, and Fire & Ice most of the time. I put WE as the default stylesheet now, and we’ll leave it at that.

I changed the background color for Lemon Shake-Ups to a nice buttercup yellow. That and some of the sidebar image changes make it a most cheerful stylesheet. Not a soft pastel or hip 2004 color in the page.

I now use it as my default.

I’m in the process of creating an about page, and doing a major re-design on my front page. I hope to increase my web development business, and to do that, I need a more traditional, professional looking front page. No ‘floating clouds’. No buttercup yellow, with bright red accents.

However, note that I will refrain from using this year’s Big Color, pseudo-avocado green.