Recovered from the Wayback Machine.
My train leaves in about 8 hours and I’m not going to try to nap before taking it. Instead, I’m going to write, about this and that, until I have to close my computer and pack it.
My mother did order DSL through her phone company for me to use because she didn’t want me to be cut off from work while I was in Sandpoint. It’s uncertain if it will work on her wires, and if it doesn’t we might try cable. Regardless, my time is going to be occupied with other things for a time, so these rambling weblog posts might be the last you’ll hear from me for a while. Perhaps when I return, I’ll have wonderous photos of the Snake River and other points to show; a nice change from Missouri.
I’ve tweaked the looks on the site, just enough to refine the header, resize the content and so on. I rather like the header, though I am using a transparent PNG image, which means that it looks solid white in IE. I’ve decided, though, that as long as the text is readable in IE I’ve met my obligations to that browser.
And I can’t even describe how much my back hurts. Luckily, the train seats are supposed to be fairly comfortable. And there is a lounge where one can get drinks. Alcohol does act as a muscle relaxant. I have a feeling though, the best pain killer will be vast vistas, and my camera.