Just Shelley

The long way home

Before weblogging and RSS—long before Facebook, Twitter, or the next poor bastard service, doomed to be worshiped and then sacrificed on some given Friday—I used to write long essays I’d publish online by hand editing the HTML and posting the static files. Having to manually create the HTML template and design, incorporate navigation, and craft the links and images, took a considerable amount of time.

To justify the time, I wanted to make sure that what I published was worth the effort. I would research a story and edit and re-edit it, and look for additional resources, and then re-edit the story again. My one essay on the giant squid actually took two months to research, and days, not minutes, to edit. Even after publication, I would tweak the pages as old links died, or to refine a section of the writing.

Now, we have wonderful tools to make it easy to put writing or other content online. We can think of a topic, create a writing about it, and publish it—all in five or less minutes. We’ve also come to expect that whatever is published is read as quickly. We’ve moved from multi-page writings, to a single page, to a few paragraphs, to 140 characters or less. Though there is something to be said for brevity, and it takes a true master to create a mental image that can stand alone in 140 characters or less, there still is a place for longer writings. We don’t have to be in a continuous state of noise; a race to create and to consume.

Other than a few posts, such as this, all writings at Just Shelley will be spread across pages, not paragraphs, or characters. Such length will, naturally, require a commitment of your time in addition to your interest. However, I can’t guarantee that your time will be well spent, or even that your interest will be held (though the former will, naturally, be dependent on the latter). All I can guarantee is that I probably took longer to create the writing than you will in reading it.

I am using a tool to publish, true, and even providing an Atom feed. There are no categories, tags, or taxonomies, though, because everything here fits under one bucket: it is something that interests me. Taxonomies would just clutter the site’s zen-like structure, as well as set expectations I’m almost certainly not going to fulfill.

To further add to my state of web regression, I’ve not enabled comments, though I’d love to hear from you through some other means. As anachronistic as it may seem nowadays, this is not a site that’s community built. It’s not that I don’t care about you or community, or that I’m asking you to be a passive observer. My hope is that if I don’t inspire you—to talk, to write, to howl at the moon— I make you think; if I don’t make you think, I provide comfort; if I don’t comfort, I entertain; if I don’t entertain, at a minimum, I hope I’ve kept you in the house long enough not to be hit on one of those rare occasions when a meteorite falls from space and lands in front of your home just as you were leaving.

Just Shelley is my place to be still, and my invitation for you to be still with me.

My tree

Media SVG Writing


I’m almost ready to go live with the site. Right now I’m trying to create a custom Drupal theme from this site’s design. Once that’s finished, then we’ll be in business.

The image below was created by converting two bitmap graphics, the book cover and a painter’s easel, into one combined image using SVG–Scalable Vector Graphics.

Though the book cover image was large enough for my intended use, the easel wasn’t and using SVG allows us to resize images beyond the original and without pixelation. The combined image was sized to what you see here, and then re-converted back into a bitmap graphic, in this case a PNG.

I used Vector Magic to convert the bitmap images to SVG and Inkscape to convert back to the bitmap. Inkscape also has a bitmap trace function to convert from bitmap to vector (SVG), but I’ve not found it to be as good as Vector Magic for my purposes.

I received my inspiration for the drop shadowed clip art used in all of my sites from the old English/Victorian toy theaters. These wonderful creations featured static backdrops painted like a theater set, with characters that could be clipped or cut out from a book, pasted to a stick and then used to re-create a specific play. Ironically enough, toy theaters lost their popularity with the advent of television, itself endangered by the increasing use of the web to deliver video content. What goes around, comes around.

All is not lost for toy theater, though. Released last year and with a planned US release of this summer, a new movie adaption of Dante’s Inferno was created with modern theme and as toy theater. If your computer can swing it, select the HD trailer. Note that this trailer does have a mature theme.

For the more ambitious, a laptop framed in a toy theater box.

Photography Web Writing

Color management support in browsers

With the addition of support for color profiles built into Firefox 3, it’s time to take a closer look at how the popular browsers support color management. First though, a quick refresher on the importance of color profiles.

If you’ve every worked with a photo in a photo editor, only to have the rich colors leach out when the photo shows in your web page, you’ve run directly into what happens when your editor supports color profiles, but the browser does not. Color profiles are a mapping between device and color space, in such a way that a photo that looks richly colorful in Photoshop, still looks richly colorful in your browser, across multiple operating systems and devices.

The following are two sets of photos, each incorporating different color management. The first in the series shows the photo as I would normally create a photo for publishing on the web: I’d calibrate my monitor, set the gamma half way between PC and Mac, and then set my tool’s color space to the LCD. Then, when I work with the image, the result I get will end up looking relatively decent in both Macs and PCs. The second photo in the series hasn’t been manipulated at all. The third was created after I set the photo editor’s color settings to sRGB, and then converted the photo to this color space. When I saved the photo, I incorporated the color profile.

The first sequence of photos are screenshots taken when the photo is loaded into Firefox without color management. Though a screenshot doesn’t necessarily capture the nuances of color, I think you can see that the color of the last photo from the first sequence of three differs from the color of the last photo in the second sequence of three, which consist of screenshots from Safari 3.x, which does have built-in support for color profiles.

screenshot one screenshot two

The following are the actual photos used for these screenshots. The first shows the photo without any color manipulation and not using color management.

bird with pink feathers

The second photo was made using my old LCD color trick.

bird with pink feathers

The last photo was not manipulated in the photo editor, other than to scale the image. The sRGB color profile was embedded into the photo. I could have also embedded the Adobe RGB color profile, but I stayed with the popular sRGB color profile.

bird with pink feather

If you look at this page using a browser that doesn’t support color management, the first and third photos should be very similar. However, if you look at the photos using Firefox 3 with color management enabled, Safari 3, or other browser or device that supports color management, the last photo should appear more colorful than the first. To get an even better idea of the color variations, the following are screenshots of color swatches in a web page— opened in both a color managed browser, and in a browser that doesn’t support color management. The difference should be noticeable.

Currently, I know of only a few browsers that support color profiles: Safari 3.x, in both Windows and the Mac, supports color management; supposedly Omniweb also supports color management, as did the older version of IE for the Mac (IE 5.5), though I’ve not tried either tool. Now, Firefox 3 supports color profiles, but not without a caveat: color profiles are disabled by default.

The reason Firefox 3 is releasing without color profiles on by default is primarily because of performance issues. Turning on color management in Firefox 3 can really slow load times of a site that uses color profiles embedded in pictures, especially larger pictures. In addition, according to John Resig there are some real concerns about plug-ins, such as those for Flash and Silverlight, that don’t do color profile support, and which can lead to incorrect renderings.

I can understand the issues, though I am disappointed. Support for color profiles with Firefox 3 would go a long way to encouraging color profile support in other browsers. I hope that Firefox 3.1 works through the performance issues and we get support for color profiles by default. You can still take advantage of color profile support in Firefox 3, now, but you either have to set a custom option using a less than friendly procedure, or make use of a color management add-on.

Do I use embedded color profiles in images at my site? I have started to, though not across all sites. If I use color management, I won’t use my LCD trick, which means that the photo won’t look as good for those people using browsers that don’t support color profiles. At the same time, I would really like to encourage better graphics support in our browsers, which means using the functionality we want the browsers to support. We’ll never progress if we keep designing for the lowest common denominator.

For more on color profiles, check out the International Color Consortium web site.

SVG Writing

Off Painting

We’ve finished up proofs on Painting the Web this week, and I have my first snap of the new cover. I embedded a version of the cover that’s been converted into SVG over at Burningbird, but have included a JPEG below.

Now I can turn my attention to the new book, as well as the site changes and book support sites. I’ve closed down my experimentation at Burningbird, leaving it for now with an appropriate background image. Red is not normally my color, but I rather like the warmth of the color and the new background SVG works exceptionally well in a flexibly sized environment.

Something will happen to RealTech, I’m just not sure what. Only the Feeds know what lurks within the hearts of online writers. Mwahaha, or something to that effect.

Spring has arrived here in St. Louis, though reluctantly and wetly.

Painting the Web

Updated: O’Reilly went with a Golden Oriole rather than a Prairie Chicken.

The cover of my newest book, rendered in SVG. I used Vector Magic to convert the raster image to an SVG vector drawing. I then “combined” it with another image that I had vectorized.

Copyright Web Writing

Something for nothing

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I like Andrew Orlowski, though he offered me a writing job once and then yanked it. I don’t always agree with him, and I don’t always agree with how he phrases some of his material, but he typically has a good point.

Take the recent Nine Inch Nails album release. Several songs for free, and the rest of the album costs $5.00. What happens? It’s immediately dumped on Pirate Bay. Bandwidth issues aside, as Radiohead found out, people won’t pay.

The anti-copyright crowd kicked at the music business, because it was complacent, wasteful and reactionary, and no digital download services were available. Then they kicked at DRM-locked music, because DRM was there. Then DRM died, and they’d indiscriminately kick at the music business – indie or major – simply because there was a middleman. But now, with no middleman, they just kick the creator directly. They can’t stop kicking. These zombies are unstoppable. Are they incurable, too?

This goes beyond copyright. Too many people expect immediate access to anything on the Net, or anything that could possibly be put on the Net. They want something for nothing. This isn’t free speech, this isn’t Free the Mouse, this isn’t anything to do with not stifling creativity: people assume a privilege for themselves they, frankly, don’t deserve. Their cry is, “gimme gimme gimme”, existing in a state of selfishness to bring down the band. And by their selfishness, they’ll probably screw things up for the rest of us. After all, DRM doesn’t exist so you can’t copy a song on to your iPod.

Excuse me, while I go put my DRM locked movie into the DVD player.