
The Red Fox

For a year, we lived on Grande Isle in Vermont. Our home was a rented house with a view of the lake from the living room, and the main road and hills from the large country kitchen in the front. You had to turn down into our drive, which made leaving a bit difficult at times during adverse weather. To the side of our drive way was a big red barn. In front of that, in the field all by itself, was a beautifully shaped evergreen in perfect Christmas tree form.

That first winter, snow began to fall before Halloween and never left once it took hold. The lake started freezing all around the shoreline, and ice filled in the small bay in front of our house. Along the access way to the mainland, we could see tentative tracks in the snow near the water as fisherman tested the ice anxiously, checking for that magic time when they could put up their ice fishing shacks.

As Thanksgiving came and went, the snow grew higher–brilliant white, powdered crystals that drifted around the house and along the side of the road. The crews kept the roads remarkably clear, and we could see from our ‘mud room’ the cars zipping down the hill, as it curved around the field where our house lay.

We had feeders in the big, gnarly old apple tree in front, which were appreciated by cardinal and chipmunk alike. The chipmunks were especially funny, because they would stuff their mouths so full of nuts that their eyes were almost forced shut.

On Thanksgiving day, two busy beavers took time off from easting roasted turkey and fresh baked pumpkin pie, in order to create our own special Christmas scene. That night, we flipped the switches, and on came the lights surrounding our house, the red barn, the bushes in front, and especially that evergreen tree–now splendidly lit in its proud isolation in the snow covered field.

Not elegant white lights, no. These were a child’s delight of color. Rich reds, greens, blues, and sparkling yellows and oranges chased themselves around the eaves and danced in their own reflection in the snow and around the icicles hanging down from house and barn.

We stood out on the porch looking at the lit tree, sipping hot spiced cider and enjoying the results of our work when we heard a car coming down and around the hill facing toward the tree. Muffled against the snow was the sound of racing engine almost stalling as whoever was driving took their foot off the gas. What must they have seen? A house covered in lights, and in what was once a dark, formless nighttime field, a perfect tree, glowing with color?

From that night on until New Years, cars would slow coming down the hill, sometimes even pulling over to the side to stop to look at a tableau of moonlight streaking across a frozen lake, fronting a snow softened valley and field filled with home, barn, and tree, sparkling in color.

Christmas morning dawned with sun shining brilliantly on the snow and ice, glowing richly against the red of the barn, the green of evergreen brush and trees; blue sky forming a backdrop for lake and field. Snow had come and gone since the lights had been added and covered the tracks and electrical line to the tree, leaving a field unmarked by human.

I was at the window looking out at the field, drinking a cup of coffee, when I noticed movement to the left. Out from the brush and trees separating us from our neighbors came a red fox. We watched as it stopped for a moment, seemingly also enjoying the view. It then took off across the field; hopping rather than running, as it would sink into snow that almost covered its head with each jump.

The fox hopped to the Christmas tree and stopped once more, looking closely into its depths. Perhaps it wondered what strange stuff was wrapped around the familiar old tree. Maybe it heard the rustle of bird or small creature. The red of its fur was brightened by the sun, saturated against the dark green of the tree. A breeze blew a wisp of powdered snow from the tree down on the fox, and it raised its nose into the air and sniffed at the stream of glitter flowing past. Catching the scent of rabbit or den, it once again began making its slow, hopping away across the field and out of sight.

Energy Users Environment Political

Not overblown, but important to Congress

Via Sierra Club, the Daily Kos has a break down on the top presidential candidates–Republican and Democrat–and their responses to a Katie Couric question: Is Global Warming Overblow.

The answers are interesting. Fred Thompson’s response was a joke–electing him would be like electing Bush again for a third term. The other Republican candidates, at least are willing to admit there is a problem.

What I don’t understand, though, is if the presidential candidates think the problem is serious, then why does the energy bill, which is a start at addressing the problem, lying on the Congressional cutting room floor? Scientists are now saying arctic ice could be gone in less than ten years, and all the candidates are talking about solutions cutting emissions in 2050. “Thinking Green”, as if the solution can be found in a viral ad campaign.

Why stop at the candidates. If the environment is a Democratic thing, tell me something else: why are there are just as many Democrats driving gas guzzlers, as Republicans?

The problem of global warming isn’t political, it’s personal. And with recent news from the scientists, damn personal.

Climate Change Environment

Biofuel and global warming

The Christian Science Monitor has a good article on the effects of global warming in six different countries, including Indonesia. One aspect of global warming in that country is the aggressive nature of deforestation in order to grow palm trees for palm oil for biofuel.

I am not in favor of biofuels. They do not address the problems, which is to make more efficient machinery, depend more on solar energy, and frankly, do with less. Instead, people can now have their SUVs and drive them, too, by planting corn in their tanks.

We had an issue with biofuels in this state in that one company wanted to build a corn biofuel plant using water tapped from one of Missouri’s precious non-replenishing aquifers. When asked what he would do if the plant sucked the aquifer dry, the owner just stated he would have to deal with the situation. Of course, he neglects to mention about how everyone who lives around the plant would also have to deal with the situation.

What about turning corn into biofuel? Most of the surplus corn grown in the US is sent to countries where the people are suffering drought and famine. When the corn is diverted to fuel, starvation results.

I now read that a Canadian company is building a biofuel plant here in Missouri, to make fuel from wood scraps. This sounds commendable: use scrap wood to create cleaner biofuels. However, what is never mentioned in these stories is that all biofuel production requires a great deal of water, and can have serious consequences on the land surrounding such plants.

Missouri is attractive to biofuel producers like Oregon and Washington are attractive to companies wanting to install computer server plants: we have a seemingly abundant supply of the natural resource they need. In the northwest, it’s electricity; here in Missouri, it’s water. However, as we’ve seen in Georgia, there is no guarantee that the water we have in the ground today, will be there tomorrow.

Ultimately, I don’t agree with the use of biofuels. Their use postpones the decisions we will inevitably have to make as to lifestyle; they gloss over the real issues facing the world; and they let the greedy continue their wasteful ways of life. More than that, we don’t need more industry profiting from our natural resources.


Squid Scandal

It’s not often that I can report a scandal for Squid Friday.

Wednesday night, the History channel aired a program from its new series, Monster Quest, about a supposed ‘giant’ Humboldt squid, and whether it could be the famed Kraken of the past. Though the Humboldt typically are no more than a couple of meters long, they are aggressive, a closer match for Kraken behavior than other, larger squid.

Now, Monster Quest is a pure cryptozoology show, though they do engage scientists, or least seem to engage scientists. This particular show tried something I’ve never seen tried previously: attaching a ‘squid cam’ to a Humboldt squid, and then filming what it uncovers as it dives to deeper depths.

The squid sank down, down, down. Along the way, Humboldts would ‘mouth’ the camera, whether as attack or curiosity is open to interpretation. It was at a 1000 feet that we caught a glimpse that, frankly, had me sitting up and out of my chair.

It was a beautiful, graceful, and large, squid, barely seen in the murky water. How big is hard to say, but you knew as soon as you looked at it, that it was significantly larger than the Humboldt carrying the camera. Here’s a portion of the video, though it doesn’t do justice to the larger squid image.

I immediately located a Tonmo thread on the film and have been following the debate associated with this film. It especially got interesting when Scott Cassell, who assisted with the show, left a note debunking most of the supposed facts, including the squid measurements.

The original size proposed by the show writers was that this squid was 108 feet long. They came up with this value by measuring distances based on what they decided was an eye reflection. Well, few people in the Tonmo thread bought into this, including Scott, but he did propose that it could be a 25 foot, or more, Architeuthis. That’s Latin for my favorite, Giant Squid.

If the squid was an Architeuthis, then this is still a very exciting discovery. The only other film of a live Architeuthis was hooked on a fishing line, which is an unnatural environment for the creature. This film would show the squid in very realistic surroundings. In addition, show it in waters that I didn’t think had evidence of Architeuthis.

Dr. O’Shea is attempting to get a better copy of the video, and I imagine he’ll have excellent input into what the squid is. In the meantime, the cryptos are having fun.


A better video.


How green is my valley

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

The housing complex that I live in is quite large, with small buildings consisting of a combination of townhomes and flats. One of the nicest aspects of the place is all the trees and plants and green areas, including our fair share of critters–raccoons, opossum, rabbits, birds, teenagers.

This week, the complex started tearing up some of the green space, and in particular, taking down some trees in order to add parking spaces. It almost broke my heart yesterday to drive by a 20 foot tree, killed to make way for someone’s Toyota or Ford Explorer. What is essentially meaningless about all of this is that there is enough parking, but people have to park 2 or 3 blocks away from their apartments.

In essence, the green was torn up because of convenience, not necessity. And next they’re looking at my block. (In case you’re wondering, I park close to three blocks away and walk, willingly, to and from my car. No fears about being mugged–the complex is home to one of St. Louis’ unique neighborhood police outlets.)

Today I read in CNN that President Bush wants to prevent forest fires such as the ones that are consuming miles of forest in Oregon and northern California–forests I have walked. Bush’s plan is to ease restrictions on timber companies, allowing them to enter a forest and “thin” it to prevent additional fires. And as a side benefit to the whole thing, think of all the boardfeet of lumber this will add to the market, more fuel for a sad, sad economy, and needed money to support forestry efforts.

In reality, removing Bush-colored glasses, this plan would give the forestry industry leave to police its own actions in regards to what it considers “thinning”. It would be giving the timber industry the ability to determine how forests are managed, comparable to giving the airline industry the right to control the agency that regulates the airline industry. Oh. Wait a sec…

I grew up in a town in a town called Kettle Falls, in the Northeastern corner of Washington state. The community’s economy was based on logging, and the timber industry still has a strong presence in the area. I’ve also walked miles and miles of clearcut, seeing huge bald patches of forest carefully hidden behind hills so that motorists can’t see what’s happened. They see mile after mile of tree and think, “Well, hey. What’s the problem? Plenty of trees.”

I’ve seen streams and the associated fishing destroyed by runoff. I’ve also seen homes literally buried in mud, and towns wiped off the map as the hills above them slowly and surely pushed the town out of existense. No trees to provide root systems to provide stability to the earth to provide a base for undergrowth to provide a drainage system to keep the land from literally slip, slidin, away.

These clearcuts are evidence of the timber companies good forestry management skills.

To prevent forest fires (as Smokey would say), you need to clear the scrub brush, the small trees, and the sick trees. Timber companies, though, don’t want these. They want the big, healthy trees, the ones that provide the wood they can sell. After all, they are in business to make money. And make no mistake about it, the forest industry is no different then the oil industry in that both will sell out the environment to add profit to the bottom line. I know, I’ve worked for both: Sierra Geophysics, a Halliburton subsidiary (oil), and Weyerhaeuser (wood products and forest).

(What can I say? I’ve been around in my professional career.)

Some people will say that we want to cut the big trees to prevent the fire leaping from crown to crown, which is what can create a devastating blaze. True, this type of fire spread is the worst; however, the fire wouldn’t get to the crowns of these big trees if the scrub and the small and sick trees were gone, as happens with lightning-caused fires and controlled burns.

Mr. President, give us a little credit, okay? Do you really think we’re going to accept your plan at face value? Sorry, can’t wrap this one up under cover of the War on Terror, and therefore not to be questioned.

In the virtual neighborhood (where trees grow without threat of blade, the air is always clear, and rain and sunshine fall in appropriate measure), Loren’s also been reading the same news I have, but is somewhat heartened by Time Magazine’s Green Century edition, which focuses entirely on the environment. This edition comes about because of the upcoming 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa. (Will our man in SA, Mike Golby provide coverage?).

My favorite passage from the Time articles so far is:

For starters, let’s be clear about what we mean by “saving the earth.” The globe doesn’t need to be saved by us, and we couldn’t kill it if we tried. What we do need to save—and what we have done a fair job of bollixing up so far—is the earth as we like it, with its climate, air, water and biomass all in that destructible balance that best supports life as we have come to know it. Muck that up, and the planet will simply shake us off, as it’s shaken off countless species before us. In the end, then, it’s us we’re trying to save—and while the job is doable, it won’t be easy.

Right on. Focus the problem on us and maybe people will pay attention. Bloody smart move.

It was good to read a major publication focusing entirely on the environment (and thanks to Loren for pointing this bit of bright news out as well as the funny Green Awards), but this ray of hope is tempered by the fact that our beloved president has decided not to attend the Summit. I believe he’s currently on another vacation at his home in Texas, plotting more details of the War on Terror, and trying to figure out how to create yet more confusion about whether we/won’t we invade Iraq. As our delegate, he’s sending Colin Powell, the man most consistently out of step with, and ignored by, the President and the rest of the administration.


Still, I have my tree in the corner near my place, a real beauty. And I don’t think there’s any corporate concern that wants it…yet. And if they do, you’ll know where I’ll be–chained to the tree while accessing my weblog through wi-fi and documenting the story for you all as it unfolds.