
The wise person finds the simple path

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I picked up a couple of books from the library yesterday that I’d ordered based on their being mentioned in other weblogs. One was Le Ton beau de Marot: In Praise of the Music of Language by Douglas Hofstadter. I would give credit to the person who mentioned this, in either a posting or a comment, but I can’t remember exactly where I heard of this book; the people I read tend to drop titles as frequently as Hantzel and Gretel dropped bread crumbs, and for about the same reason — to mark a path.

Well, if you recognize yourself as the person, give yourself a bow, because this book is an absolute delight. Here is a person, Hofstadter, discussing the principles of translation based on a small French poem, but doing so in a manner that is both engaging as well as enlightening. Rather than make the topic more complex and obscure, he simplifies, and in the process creates something infinitely richer.

In the introduction, Hofstadter discusses his obsession with controlling the layout and format of the published book, not just the content. He writes:


I know this sounds quite nutty, but it is me to the core. This is my style at its more pure, and, I must say, at its most joyous. Paradoxical thought it surely sounds, I feel at my freest, my most exuberant, and my most creative when operating under a set of heavy self-imposed constraints. I suspect that the welcoming of constraints is, at bottom, the deepest secret of creativity — and that, of course, is why poetry, building on a foundation of constraints, is so central to this book. Translation, too, is a dense fabric of constraints — and thus, needless, to say, the merging of translation with poetry gives rise to such a rich mesh of interlocking constraints that the mind goes a bit berserk in a mixture of frustration of delight.

I’ll relate just one example of the strangely twisty effects of my many self-composed constraints. Early on, I decided, just for the fun of it, to begin each chapter with a bit of a flourish — a few large letters that grandually would shirnk down to the size of the normal text. I soon realized that I had to avoid descenders in those first few letters — in other words, no “g”, no “y”, and so forth — in order to prevent collisions with letters just below. Well, this tiny constraint had quite a big effect in the case of Chapter 2.

An early draft of the chapters started out with a word that had a letter with a descender in it, and my search for a way to reword that first sentence to get rid of the lone descender led to a totally unexpected, unplanned style for that paragraph, which set a distinct opening tone for the chapter, which led to a curiously assonant three-word section head, which then suggested to me the idea of repeating that three-word pattern for all of the section heads in the chapter, and then the various section heads that I created in the appealing mold of that pattern would up exerting a considerable influence on what I actually said in the sections that they headed. Thust the trivial avoidance of one descender in the first five letters had a major impact on the ideas expressed in that chapter. Though this may seem bizarre, it is in fact absolutely typical. It is one of the more easily explained examples, but is not exceptional.

I was charmed by Hofstadster’s admission of this fact — I wonder how many writers would? — but I was hooked when he used ‘twisty’.

The book is ostensibly about the experience and effort of translating one small French poem. I don’t know French, nor is it a topic of particular interest; and my knowledge of poetry is limited. But from the first I was engaged and now can’t wait to finish the book. On a topic I have little interest in. Can you think of a higher compliment to give a writer?

I started this post last night, but left the finishing it to today. This morning, while doing my weblog reading, I found this at Loren’s about the poet Ezra Pound:


As I read the Cantos, I constantly wondered whom Pound considered his audience. I’ve had seven years of college English, with a focus on poetry. I’ve had two grad-level courses in Chinese Literature taught by a brilliant Korean professor. I’ve read a wide range of poetry for over twenty years. Yet, I felt totally inadequate when faced with the Cantos. Who, then, did Pound think would read his poem? Did he really expect anyone to be cognizant of all the literary influences found in the poems? Or did he think that, like a prophet, scribes would meticulously study his poems for years, annotating them so that the faithful could begin to truly comprehend his message? At the very least, the poem seems directed at a small, elite group of artist-scholars who believed, as Pound apparently did, that the great poets are seers.

The small, elite group.

I respect the need for any scholar to communicate with those of like mind in order to increase the base of knowledge. But I reserve my highest acclaim for the person who can write something like “Postmodernism for Dummies”, without condescending to the audience, or lessening the topic.



Just Shelley

The wise person finds the simple path

I picked up a couple of books from the library yesterday that I’d ordered based on their being mentioned in other weblogs. One was Le Ton beau de Marot: In Praise of the Music of Language by Douglas Hofstadter. I would give credit to the person who mentioned this, in either a posting or a comment, but I can’t remember exactly where I heard of this book; the people I read tend to drop titles as frequently as Hantzel and Gretel dropped breadcrumbs, and for the same reason — to mark a path.

Well, if you recognize yourself as the person, give yourself a bow, because this book is an absolute delight. Here is a person, Hofstadter, discussing the principles of translation based on a small French poem, but doing so in a manner that is both engaging as well as enlightening. Rather than make the topic more complex and obscure, he simplifies, and in the process creates something infinitely richer.

In the introduction, Hofstadter discusses his obsession with controlling the layout and format of the published book, not just the content. He writes:

I know this sounds quite nutty, but it is me to the core. This is my style at its more pure, and, I must say, at its most joyous. Paradoxical thought it surely sounds, I feel at my freest, my most exuberant, and my most creative when operating under a set of heavy self-imposed constraints. I suspect that the welcoming of constraints is, at bottom, the deepest secret of creativity — and that, of course, is why poetry, building on a foundation of constraints, is so central to this book. Translation, too, is a dense fabric of constraints — and thus, needless, to say, the merging of translation with poetry gives rise to such a rich mesh of interlocking constraints that the mind goes a bit berserk in a mixture of frustration of delight.

I’ll relate just one example of the strangely twisty effects of my many self-composed constraints. Early on, I decided, just for the fun of it, to begin each chapter with a bit of a flourish — a few large letters that grandually would shirnk down to the size of the normal text. I soon realized that I had to avoid descenders in those first few letters — in other words, no “g”, no “y”, and so forth — in order to prevent collisions with letters just below. Well, this tiny constraint had quite a big effect in the case of Chapter 2.

An early draft of the chapters started out with a word that had a letter with a descender in it, and my search for a way to reword that first sentence to get rid of the lone descender led to a totally unexpected, unplanned style for that paragraph, which set a distinct opening tone for the chapter, which led to a curiously assonant three-word section head, which then suggested to me the idea of repeating that three-word pattern for all of the section heads in the chapter, and then the various section heads that I created in the appealing mold of that pattern would up exerting a considerable influence on what I actually said in the sections that they headed. Thust the trivial avoidance of one descender in the first five letters had a major impact on the ideas expressed in that chapter. Though this may seem bizarre, it is in fact absolutely typical. It is one of the more easily explained examples, but is not exceptional.

I was charmed by Hofstadster’s admission of this fact — I wonder how many writers would? — but I was hooked when he used ‘twisty’.

The book is ostensibly about the experience and effort of translating one small French poem. I don’t know French, nor is it a topic of particular interest; and my knowledge of poetry is limited. But from the first, I was engaged and now can’t wait to finish the book. On a topic I have little interest in. Can you think of a higher compliment to give a writer?

I started this post last night but left the finishing it to today. This morning, while doing my weblog reading, I found this at Loren’s about the poet Ezra Pound:

As I read the Cantos, I constantly wondered whom Pound considered his audience. I’ve had seven years of college English, with a focus on poetry. I’ve had two grad-level courses in Chinese Literature taught by a brilliant Korean professor. I’ve read a wide range of poetry for over twenty years. Yet, I felt totally inadequate when faced with the Cantos. Who, then, did Pound think would read his poem? Did he really expect anyone to be cognizant of all the literary influences found in the poems? Or did he think that, like a prophet, scribes would meticulously study his poems for years, annotating them so that the faithful could begin to truly comprehend his message? At the very least, the poem seems directed at a small, elite group of artist-scholars who believed, as Pound apparently did, that the great poets are seers.

The small, elite group.

I respect the need for any scholar to communicate with those of like mind in order to increase the base of knowledge. But I reserve my highest acclaim for the person who can write something like “Postmodernism for Dummies”, without condescending to the audience, or lessen the topic.

Archived with comments at the Wayback Machine

Just Shelley Weblogging

Happily Busy

Just a ramble:

Had a grand celebration meal with roommate last night: caesar salad and prime rib rubbed with seasons and lightly grilled, accompanied by margaritas made with Sauza Tres Generaciones Anejo tequila and Grand Marnier.

Since I start my new job tomorrow, I am happily busy today, though I hope to get out for a nice walk later. Lest you all think my walking will be drastically curtailed once I start working, my new office location is in the midst of parks with over 16 miles of trailway, rough and paved. If anything, I think I’ll be walking more, not less.

With such a quick start date, I only have one day to break some of my bad habits. For instance, tomorrow when I wake up, I must immediately put on clothes rather than around the home flops. And when I’m working on the computer, I must stop talking to it. I especially must not sing to it.

I also need to get my butt in gear and finish installing the software on the new server, disabling root access, enabling FTP and so on. For some odd reason, this has all become that much more enjoyable now.

We moved the Renaissance Web discussion group to a JournURL site, but aren’t quite sure who made the move over with us. Rick Thomas and I had a lovely discussion about the Semantic Web and Natural Language, including Poetry Finder, and he promised to return in a couple of days with talk about organic semantics.

Speaking of technology, I may be spinning the semantic web posts, including RDF for Poets and the Finder, to a separate weblog again. Hard to say, but I am all enthused to branch out and have fun again.

And speaking of fun: evil twin’s having fun in the comments in Farrago’s (Lynette’s) new experimental photo blog. She be teaching the twin how to make sisterfritters.

Just Shelley

What’s new

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Well, I guess I won’t be able to take off this week to San Francisco as originally planned. Seems this nice company here in St. Louis has decided that they can’t live without me and that I need to start right away. In fact, this week.

Yup, I finally got a job. Or I should say, I was offered a consulting assignment that should last at least three months, most likely more.

I’m taking a lesson from others, and am not going to be talking about my job in this weblog. All I will say is that the people I interviewed with today were terrific, the place is a very comfortable place to work, the job is perfect for me (technical architecture, trouble shooting, mentoring), the technology uses both my Windows AND my Unix background, the pay is great, and I get full medical and paid days off.

Best of all, as I looked around at the complex where I’ll be working, I realized that the tall building half a block away is where my roommate works, and we’ll be able to commute together.

Now, I ask you — can it get any better than that?

A flower for you my friends in celebration

Just Shelley


Recovered from the Wayback Machine. 

stoplight.jpgYou spend the first half of your life accumulating baggage and the second half of your life getting rid of it.

I’m heading over to San Francisco this week, and I’m taking things with me to leave in the storage unit for later disposal. Among these items is the traffic light you see to your right.

I picked up this traffic light years and years ago at a charity auction. It is a genuine stoplight that’s been converted to a lamp, with a separate switch for each light. When I got the lamp, it had regulation traffic light bulbs in it but they were so bright I had to pull them and put in regular bulbs.

Why the stoplight? I don’t know. It seemed the thing to do at the time. However, it has been useful. I used it for some of my indoor photography years ago, to add a tri-color effect as shown in the photo below.

Of course I picked up the light at the height of what I call my acquisitive period, that peak time when ‘stuff’ meant a lot to me. We had a large multi-room house, and I proceeded to fill it with as many things as I could — large couches, books, entertainment systems, curios, collectables, paintings, and of course, oddities like my stoplight. It was during this time that I bought most of my lava lights, which probably doesn’t surprise you.

This was all before criss-crossing the country twice, as well as getting divorced, and with each move I’d drop more items like a bird shedding feathers. Now, with the knowledge of yet more moves ahead of me I’m paring down to the core. This means the lava lights, the traffic light, many of the pictures, all the furniture, most of the books, and the mineral collection I held on to with the tenaciousness of a child holding its mother’s breast — they’re all going.

No regrets either. These items, they’re just stuff. Baggage. Dropping it all is like dropping anchors.
