
Slow Cooked

This week I’m taking a break and heading down to Arkansas and the Ozarks. When I leave depends on if the Techwatch people respond to my email telling me where I need to be and when, and what I need to do. Since I haven’t heard anything by now, I’ll probably take off right after I vote Tuesday morning.

Arkansas is a wonderfully funky sounding state and I’m looking forward to my visit. The trout are moving upstream in the White River, one of the last rivers in this country where they can do this naturally. Arkansas is also home to the effort to preserve the genre of music known as ‘mountain music’.

There’s also a bakery that makes bread purely from wheat starter, and doesn’t use yeast for anything. They heat their old brick ovens up to 1000 degrees in the morning, clean them out, and then cool them down to 450 before putting the bread in. The loaves themselves are wrapped tightly in baker’s linen, and variations in the bread occur because of the incredible pressure that can build up. When you remove the loaf from the oven, you can’t eat it right away–the bread is still cooking internally. In fact, the guide I read recommended you wait for three days before cutting into the loaf.

In some ways this bread reminds me of the US Presidential election, and you might say we’ve all been wrapped tight in in baker’s linen, and the compression will keep us cooking long past the actual election date, regardless of who wins, regardless of how close the vote.

Today in Michelle Malkin’s weblog, she wrote the following based on Kerry’s response to the bin Laden tape:

The only thing “crystal clear” is Kerry’s utter lack of clarity on national security matters:

Which terrorists will Kerry “hunt down and destroy?” Only the ones who have already committed acts of terrorism. To borrow Charles Krauthammer’s brilliant phrase, Kerry is the self-styled “retroactive genius” in this campaign–the one “who always knows what needs to be done after it has already happened.” This is true not only of Kerry’s after-the-fact foreign policy in Afghanistan and Iraq, but also of his after-the-fact homeland security policy. Kerry has lambasted John Ashcroft for targeting Middle Eastern illegal aliens, surveilling terrorist sympathizers, and arresting and prosecuting Islamist suspects. Yet, Kerry is silent on the preemptive measures he would take to stop terrorist conspirators on American soil before they commit their crimes.

Period? Has Kerry ever said anything unequivocally ? Period? Insert laugh track here.

Malkin is a journalist, author of a controversial book on the Japanese internment, and an extremely conservative person who one could say is a leading light on the side of the neoconservatives.

At Orcinus, Dave Neiwert’s weblog, I read the following based on the same tape:

In fact, that lack of judgment manifested itself in important ways: in the failure to heed the pre-Sept. 11 terrorist-attack warnings and being, essentially, asleep at the wheel when it came to terrorism on Sept. 10; and then by going to war in Iraq under what proved to be false pretenses; and most of all, his failure (despite multiple warnings) to adequately prepare or plan for an extended occupation coupled with a violent insurgency, not to mention providing enough troops to secure all the former Iraqi weapons sites.

How has Bush answered the justifiable criticism for these massive blunders? By questioning the patriotism of his opponents, of course.

But then, what else could we expect from someone with such a casual relationship with the truth?

Neiwert is also a journalist/weblogger, author of an upcoming book on the Japanese internment, and an extremely liberal person who one could say is a leading light on the side of the progressives.

Neiwert and Malkin used to work together on the same newspaper once upon a time. Other than that, being journalists as well as webloggers, and writing books on the Internment, couldn’t find two people more separated. Yet change the words a bit and you have two people who sound remarkably the same — it’s just each has picked a different devil to dance with.

Such absolute surety in the evilness of the presidential candidate they are not supporting. Bush wasn’t wrong on Iraq–he is evil, he was stupid, and now he’s lying. Kerry isn’t wrong on his plan for moving ahead on terrorism–he is evil, he is stupid, and now he’s flip-flopping.

And what are we shouting for? To convince some unconvinced voter? Would you want to vote for either of these men after reading both of these excerpts?

I am voting for Kerry. He doesn’t make me jump up and down for joy, but I think he’ll do his best, and most importantly, keep informed and be flexible to meet needs. I like his support on certain issues such as global health insurance, and re-training the unemployed. And no, I don’t he won’t give our country away to the terrorists. If anything, that’s probably what will disappoint me about him — he won’t roll back much of the Patriot Act and is unlikely to disband that horrid Office of Homeland Security.

He will boot out Ashcroft and Rumsfeld, so there is that.

In many ways the thing that Kerry has been most criticized for, his flexibility, is why I’m not voting for Bush. I studied Bush’ tenure as governor in Texas, where you can see the imprint of the man more clearly in a smaller, defined community.

He’s not willing to listen to naysayers, he tends to stick to a plan, even when finding out it’s not the best plan to follow. Additionally, I don’t think he understands people like me; like a lot of us.

He was raised in a family of wealthy people, primarily invested in oil and other rather conversative industries. The Bush family were brought up to believe that you help yourself or you help your friends and families, but you don’t ask the government for help. Anyone can be somebody in this country if they only work hard enough. This is, in essence, the core of the fiscal conservatives that make up the majority of the Republican Party.

But somewhere along the way Bush, the drinking, partying guy, found God, and in a big way. Like many reformed people, he is obsessive about his faith, to the point where he imposes his particular brand of faith on the country (though he may not always be aware that he is, or doesn’t see this as an imposition).

His family is one that doesn’t tolerate much in the way of disagreement, and they see this as a strength. If you were to tell him he’s being inflexible and rigid, and that this leads to acts such as the invasion of Iraq, he would look at you in astonishment and say that he’s just being a strong and committed leader. And he would mean it.

As for Iraq, Kerry voted with most of the Senate to give support to Bush for an invasion of Iraq, and he has to share cupability for this act. Bluntly, I don’t forgive either of them for not thinking through the passion of the moment following 9/11, and the clamor of the American people for blood. They have both wrought harm on that country, for what we have done to it; and this one for what we have become with this act.

However, Bush and his Cabinet are responsible for how this invasion was run, and it was badly done. Too much loss of life; too much loss, period, and the losses continue. I have no doubt that Rumsfeld was responsible for much of this with his arrogant assumption that this would be a cake walk — but in the military, and the person in the White House holds the highest office in the military, the top-ranking officer takes responsibility for the actions of his or her people under their command.

“Who was on deck, Captain, when the ship was blown up.”

“I was, sir.”

Would Kerry have done better? Frankly, I don’t think the issue of invading Iraq would have come up with Kerry. Whether you consider this criticism or a compliment to him resides, of course, with your view of the war in Iraq.

As for other issues, I don’t think that Kerry is necessarily a savior of the environment, but he’ll follow the party line and protect it. Not as much as I would like, but our beloved ANWR will be left alone, and we’ll stop drilling in Colorado and elsewhere; see what we can do to salvage Kyoto, too, because we need that act — every year now, we break temperature records, and this means something’s changing and I think global warming is it.

Contrary to a lot of assrtions, Bush is not against the environment as much as he grew up in a time when people believed that science could solve everything. Every little problem that man creates, science will fix. Rather than restrict our uses of limited resources, which would only constrain our progress and expansion, we’ll invent new things, such as hydrogen-powered cars.

To Bush, the environmentalists are alarmists who want to stop progress. They don’t take into account how inventive and capable humanity is; how we can rise to meet each challenge.

But I don’t agree with Bush, and that same science he rests his hopes on, tends to agree with me. We will run out of time before finding the solutions he believes in. Species are dying every day, and we’re loosing enormous amounts of natural wild land (essential for oxygen production and home to many amazing discoveries in medicine) by the minute. It tears my heart to see it, and to know that if you have kids under five today, by the time they have kids under five, chances are there will be no true wilderness left in this country and elsewhere.

We will feed the people, though. Not the soul of the people, not the heart, or the head; but we will feed the stomach. I don’t see this as something one should hold as a goal.

I don’t see Bush as a villain when it comes to the environment, as much as he has a set mind in how things work, and is resistent to seeing how things are.

As for the government helping the people, we are the last industrial nation on this world to not have a global health care plan or coverage for its people. If this doesn’t appall you, aren’t you at least embarrassed by it? And allowing people to invest their Social Security into the stockmarket is a course to disaster that only benefits those with the understanding of how it all works; frankly, these are the people who don’t need Social Security.

Kerry is a product of his background, which is New England liberal, balanced by his Catholic roots. As such he won’t be a blazing brand for change, but I think he’ll be a lot more conservative about the environment, and a little more liberal about social change. Internationally, the very fact that he isn’t Bush will probably work for him, because President Bush has pissed a lot of people off.

Bush is also a product of his background, which is Texas independent, balanced, or perhaps overloaded, by being a reformed born-again. As such he won’t be a blazing brand for change either, but I think he will erode many of the more global measures that have been enacted the last fifty years. This includes the expansions of rights we’ve enjoyed, as well as the environment and the movement of a society to care for its own.

As for terrorism, I have no doubts both will pursue bin Laden, and al Queda. I have no doubts that both will fight terrorism in this country, perhaps to the exclusion of other more needed efforts.

Returning to the Iraq War–we’re all just as much responsible for this as either Bush or Kerry. This is our war folks; we can’t push it off on others, or walk away and pretend it didn’t happen, and all is better now. It is our shame. And now it is our duty to do what we can to repair what we’ve done. I wish we knew what this is, though.

In the end, if Bush wins, we will survive. For the next four years, I will be watching and doing what I can to ensure he governs effectively, including using care in selecting all the other people running for House and Senate, and local government, and watching how they vote once in office. I will also use whatever other power I have as citizen to make my wishes and concerns known. But you know, I would do the same with Kerry.

Why hover over my man’s efforts equally with the other guy? Because though neither is evil, or stupid, they are politicians; and to blindly trust a politician is to court disaster.

Same kind of disaster as it is to continue fighting against each other, as foes to be crushed and vanquished but I imagine this is human nature and isn’t going to change with this election. Long live the human condition; slow cooked bread of a different kind. However, when this loaf of bread is removed from the oven on Tuesday, I’m not going to be around for the three days afterwards to watch it finish cooking. I’ll be in Arkansas stomping rocks and not people, and maybe trying my hand at a dulcimer; finding, I hope that last gasp and hope of fall color in this region.


End of a too-long road

We’re finally heading into the last few days before the election, and at this point, I wouldn’t give a plug nickel for either the Democrats or the Republicans. I can’t turn on the TV or radio without some negative piece of crap (worst I’ve ever seen) being played. I’ve just brushed up against the one millionth vicious, barely coherent political brawl in weblog comment threads.

My postwoman, who has become a friend over the last few years, probably will have take a deskjob after this year because her wrists are so bad from delivering the mail. Now, I watch her weighed down by useless political flyers in combination with even more useless Christmas catalogs, and I wince at the pain I see on her face.

We can’t answer our phone anymore, but that’s okay – the political group who is calling has an automated response that talks to our automated response.

Everyone acts as if Wednesday is going to become a political The Day After Tomorrow, and the fate of the world will rest on this election–we’re all going to die if we don’t pick right. Worse, we’re going to go to hell.

Now with all the people hovering over the ballot places (pretending that they know what to do and they’re objective when every damn one has an agenda), what was once a friendly experience is going to turn into the re-creation of the gladiator fights at Rome. Not to mention all the doomsayers saying that no matter what happens Tuesday, the election will be so hotly contested with fouls cried on either side, that we could be deciding this for months.

We’ll have a chance to listen to Ralph Nader whine about how he didn’t get on the polls or get invited to the debates and what’s wrong with the country is the two-party system. You mean, Ralph, you want more parties involved with this? Have you ever seen the Australian political scene with its many parties? Seems to me, they don’t have it easier or more open because there’s more people greedily grabbing at power.

I’m watching the race for governer in this state and I’m seeing a young man who is going to be Bush in about four to eight years, if he wins. I’m sure he’ll give Ashcroft a place at the White House.

All of this is magnified and amplified here until when I read a poem posted in another weblog, it seems less a work of art than an act of defiance.

I woke up with a sour taste in my mouth, and realized it wasn’t something I had eaten, it was what I was reading. Am I a sad, lonely puppy for feeling that whatever this environment was, once upon a time, fresh and new and interesting, has now become the dominion of the professional Neocons and Progressives, the target of corporations, and the gleam in the eyes of the people always on the lookout for the main chance?

Of course, if it has, what’s the harm? After all, if this environment generates opportunities, opportunity is good not bad. We couldn’t stay buried in the amber of obscurity forever; we know this. I think it is just my melancholy mood that makes me see the shadows in the piles of gold, rather than the sparkle of the medal.

We’ve shared so much. The death of a beloved friend to terrorism. Battles with alcoholism and crime and despair–not all winning battles, either. Then there’s the brighter side, with new jobs and rekindled romance with old lovers, and new romance with souls chance met over the wireless void. And the code and silly memes and cat photos; soft, sad reminisces, the loss of family, but the joy of new babies; poetry and art, and silly jokes and gleeful moments; linguistics and irony, and raucus parties all night; our favorite walks, trips, books, and people. And opinion–we are not a shy group when it comes to giving our opinions.

All of what we love is still here, including the friends we’ve made and the writing and photos and technology others have shared, and that we cherish. But there’s a fine film of gray over it now, a faint smell of burnt birth in the distance, and that tinned, shiny hollywood tinsel taste in our mouths.

But next week the US election will be over and all things will be better once that’s past. Right?

Diversity Voting

Men and women should vote for the same reason

I don’t respond to most of the weblog postings that Halley Suitt writes about women in general. I do think she tends to promote stereotypes as often as not. However, I also think that sometimes she breaks stereotypes by presenting the concept that women can be many things and still be womanly or even girly if that’s what she wants.

But today, I have to write in strong disagreement with her 12 reasons women should vote for Kerry/Edwards. And indirectly, I also disagree with the USA Today story that inspired Halley (link to which will most likely disappear, since it’s to Yahoo News.)


The USA Today article writes:

Women have long tended to shift toward Republicans as they get married, have children, return to regular churchgoing and acquire wealth and mortgages. In 2000, 63% of single women voted for Gore, but only 48% of married women did. As the ranks of female business owners and homeowners grow, fewer may be inclined to lean to the political left.

However, the same can be said for men. Men, if they become business owners, tend to shift to Republican in their voting. That women do so also, just shows this is not a gender-based difference. Also, people of both sexes, as they get older and have kids, especially if they become regular church goers, tend to lean more Republican.

So why are we differentiating between men and women, as if somehow women aren’t of the same species? Why do we focus on the W vote, and totally neglect the M vote?

Instead of disagreeing with USA Today for this differentiation, Halley actually supports it, but thinks the article didn’t go far enough. In this, she was effective, and made good use of arguments and counter-arguments. But she still supports the dichotomy between men and women, as if how we think is so different that we might as well be from different cultures.

She writes:

No woman looking at the pictures of the prisoners of the Abu Ghraib prison can be anything but devastated by this ungodly treatment of humans under Bush’s watch. As a mom I find it disgusting that anyone ever let it happen and then, never took the blame. Those people — despite being our hated enemies — are the sons of some mother somewhere. No person should be treated that way. All mothers know that in their hearts. It makes me cry to imagine it and makes me ashamed to have been a part of it — which as an American I was forced to acknowledge — they did it in my name.

By implication,then, is Halley saying that men, Dads, could look at these photos and not be devestated? That somehow men are immune to feelings of disgust and sadness when seeing another person humiliated? That men can’t see the photos of these men and think of their own sons?

I know that Halley is refuting the Security Mom phenomena, whichs is nothing more than a cold, carefully crafted and fostered necon (yes, I have adopted this word now, I have seen the light) manipulation into making it seem that all women should vote for Bush because all our babies are going to be killed in their schools and in their beds if we don’t. I applaud Halley’s approach, even while I wince at it.

(BTW, yes, your babies are in danger now–if your babies are grown up in and soldiers in Iraq, or if you live in Iraq. Outside of this, your babies are more in danger of being sexually abused, hit by a car, killed by a serial killer, catching a fatal disease, or dying of a bee sting, than killed by terrorism in this country. Frankly the Security Mom agenda–with its images of the frail, semi-sexy, God fearin’ woman holding a German Luger–is a bit of joke.)

Still, returning back to Halley and the USA Today story — is the implication then that there are no Security Dads?

As for voting for Edwards because he’s a ‘babe’ who supports his plump wife — nothing like pointing out how heroic Edwards is because he didn’t dump his wife when she gained weight.

“By gol, that’s a darn brave boy that is. Look at his wife — takes courage, you know that?”

What I don’t understand is why Hilary didn’t dump Bill when he turned into a porker.

Bottom line, we’re more alike than not. If you cut us, do we not all bleed? In fact, can’t we even use each others blood and organs to survive? We are the same species, and though society does enforce subtle behavior differences, we still share the same culture and the same values.

Isn’t it time that we focus more on the candidates and what electing each of them can mean, then our sex, and what it means?


Good intentions do not compensate for bad organization

I had volunteered for TechWatch because Missouri is one of the states that had contested election results in 2000 and several of the counties are using the electronic voting system. I heard that they needed experienced tech people, especially people familiar with PHP and MySQL.


One of the emails I received was a call for someone who was an expert database person. I responded, and was sent an Excel sheet with all of Missouri’s counties and asked to find and call the registrar in each and get what voting machine they’re using. Since there is no 800 number that would mean spending about 3 days total in long distance calls on my dime. At the time, extra dollars were scarce.

I declined this ‘expert database’ assignment.

Finally a week or so ago I got my assignment. I was to be the tech support for the EIRS system at a lawyers office in Kansas City. They had me assigned all day, but I informed that I need to vote first, so they put me on afternoon and evening. Okay.

So what is this system, where is the lawyer’s office, and when do I need to be there? Well, this information is forthcoming they say.

I get another email to turn into these phone conference training sessions. Hmmm. Well, okay.

I call into one this afternoon, and get connected to the conference room. I hear a woman trying to instruct people but she’s constantly interrupted with:

“Someone has entered the conference.”

(Person’s name)

“Someone has entered the conference.”

Eventually this was joined by:

“Someone has left the conference.”

(Person’s name)

In the meantime the instructor is having us pull up a Powerpoint slide presentation that is supposed to teach the people how to use the EIRS system. Not mockups of the EIRS system (which is web-based) — a PPT slideshow of it.

I think I said this once before, but this is wrong on so many levels.

I listened and the instructions were for how to take an incident report, nothing on technology. I asked if this was for the tech support people, and was told, no this was tonight.

I call the conference tonight.

“Someone has entered the conference.”


“Someone has entered the conference.”


One of the people connected was from Florida. Another woman cut across the conversation and said she and others were heading down to Florida to monitor these elections — was there a place for them to stay? She wanted to avoid a hotel room. The man paused, and then replied that they were replacing the floor of their home, which was lost during the hurricane, and couldn’t offer a place; but he’d recommend some good places to stay.

(Something all those with good intentions might think on — how much is all of this imposing on a state that’s been badly battered by storms not that long ago, and is now faced with a mass convergence from outsiders, in order to Monitor the Polls. Poor Floridians, yet another hurricane: Hurricane “Oh-hell-we’re-really-screwed-now.”)

Anyway, back to the conference. We were directed to another web page which has a bunch of links. I look for something about technology. There is, but this is for the Poll Monitor people — those monitoring the voting machines. I’m not doing this; my assignment is to provide tech support for the people in the lawyer’s office that are getting incident reports from the field.

And I really don’t want to hear the history of voting machines.

“Someone is leaving the conference.”

In a few days time I have to go somewhere in Kansas City, at sometime during the day, and do something that may or may not be related to technology for something that may or may not have to do with the election. And this is the organization that is monitoring the use of electronic voting machines–to make sure they work right, and that no irregularities occur.

This election is in deep, serious trouble.

Political Voting

Scared into voting

I recovered this from the Wayback Machine in 2023. Boy, I don’t agree with it now. After the loss of women’s rights, rights for members of the LGBTQ+ community, rights for people of color…people had better be scared into voting.

Michelle Malkin points out a flyer making the rounds here in Missouri that …includes a 1960s photograph of a firefighter hosing a black man that reads: “This is what they used to do to keep us from voting.”

I agree with Malkin that this not only is deliberately misleading and inflammatory, but it’s also going to backfire. As Malkin has unfortunately pointed out, most of the racist activity in the South was committed by the so-called Southern Democrats–before they jumped the party after Lyndon Johnson’s civil rights activities in the 1960’s.

According to the ACT spokesperson:

Sara Howard, ACT’s Missouri spokeswoman, on Sunday defended the handouts as part of a voter-education effort. She said Republican concerns may stem from reports of increased voter registration among minorities.

“The Republican Party knows that generally when African-Americans vote in large numbers, Republicans lose,” she said. “They will do everything in their power to try and prevent that from happening.”

I would say anyone with half a brain should be concerned with this type of tactic. Which I guess says a lot about the mental capacity of the ACT people.

However, I also disagree with a Malkin quote that says:

It’s worth noting that, by my count, all Missouri governors from 1945 to 1973 were Democrats. (Via The Political Graveyard: Segregation – and violent resistance to desegregation– was driven and perpetrated in large part by Southern Democrats.

As I just said, this was true – up until the 1960’s. Then most of the Southern Democrats jumped ship, and became the core of what is now known as the Republican Fundamentalists.

Blacks should vote for the same reason all races should vote – because voting is as much a responsibility as a right, and we all have a stake in the outcome. However, no one should be scared into voting, or voting a certain way: whether it’s stupid Democrats using old white/black fears to scare blacks into voting for Kerry; or stupid Republicans using new terrorist fears to scare all of us into voting for Bush.