Connecting Diversity Political

An actual conversation

Recovered from the Wayback Machine

from today, played back from memory

“So, who are you voting for? Kerry or Bush?”

“I’m going to write in McCain.”

“Why? That’s throwing your vote away.”

“I don’t really care for either Bush or Kerry.”

“But McCain’s not running, that will throw your vote away.”

“I like McCain. I don’t like Kerry or Bush.”

“What don’t you like?”

“Normally I vote Republican. But this war in Iraq, I don’t like this war in Iraq. We don’t belong there. It’s costing us money and we’re not helping the people. I think we were lied to.”

“Is that the only thing you don’t like about Bush?”

“He seems like all he cares about is his corporate friends. He’s not for us, he’s for his friends.”

“How about the environment.”

“Oh God, he’s awful there.”

“Then why don’t you vote for Kerry?”

“I thought about it. Especially when those people said all those nasty things about him just because he went to Vietnam and then came back and told everyone what it was like. I really wanted to vote for him then.”

“Then why don’t you?”

“I’m concerned about his morality.”

“What morality. What’s wrong with Kerry’s morality?”

“He supports gay marriage.”

“That’s it? You don’t want to vote for Kerry because you think he supports gay marriage?”

“Yes. I don’t agree with that.”

“Well, first of all, he doesn’t support gay marriage. He believes that the issue is best left up to the state, or to the Supreme Court. But regardless, what’s wrong with gay marriage?”

“Gays are an abomination according to the Bible.”

“They’re a what?!

“They’re an abomination. In the New Testament, gays are considered an abomination.”

“Where in the New Testament.”

“I don’t know where, but I know it’s there.”

“Where, I really want to know where in the New Testament it says gays are an abomination. “

“Well, I’ll look it up, and let you know.”

“Fine. But even if there were passages like you say in the Bible, isn’t this country founded on freedom of religion, and that it has no place in government? Don’t gays have full rights in this country, regardless of what some church people say? Don’t you believe in freedom of religion?”

“Yes I do, very much. I firmly believe that every person here has a right to worship God in whatever form they prefer.”

“But you’re basing this on your belief in a single God. What about religions that don’t believe in the Christian God? What about those who believe in a different God, or no God at all.”

“There is a God, and there is only one God, and he rules over all of us.”

“But what about the Jewish people, they don’t believe in Christ as the son of God. Atheists don’t believe in any God, and then there are Shinto and Buddhists, and dozens of other faiths that don’t believe in the Christian God. Don’t they have a right to freedom of religion?”


“Do you believe in freedom of religion?”

“I believe in God.”

“Do you believe in freedom of religion?”

“I don’t know.”



The earlier black & whites were from a roll of film that I found deep in my camera bag. They make a nice break from the color slides from the hot air balloon race.

This week has been a tough week, with the increased violence in Iraq, and the devestation that Hurricane Jeanne wrecked on Haiti. It looks like Florida will get hit. Again.

The political race is heating up, and today I filled out the rest of my profile as a volunteer to monitor the elections here in Missouri for TechWatch. Missouri was one of three states that had contested election results in the last election, and the race in this state grows closer with each passing day. Some pretty ugly campaigning here, too.

I am pleased from what I see of Kerry lately. There is a sureness to his speaking that’s hard to deny – a determination and a steadfast resolve to stay on the issues. We must not get sidetracked into defenses against outlandish claims; we must stick on issues, no matter how much this race gets focused into values .

There’s much at stake.


While you were cowering in fear: part 1

Warning: this political message contains no reference to Vietnam, lies, lies about lies, boats, planes, or typeface. It has not been screened by webloggers for accuracy, nor has it been endorsed by any political pundit currently appearing on the Technorati Top 100. View at your own risk.

Because agricultural inspection has been folded, along with most other domestic inspection services, into Homeland Security, there is now a shortage of inspectors, leading to the very real threat of the spread of disease that can destroy crops, contaminate livestock, and kill people:

The government has reduced the number of soldiers in the nation’s long-running battle against dangerous pests and food-borne diseases, as it focuses on stopping terrorists.

Recent discoveries demonstrate the unremitting threats: European cherries infested with insect eggs; fertilizer from Canada with ground-up cattle parts; grapevines hidden in a false-bottom suitcase; raw chicken parts arriving from a country inflicted with avian influenza; plants bagged with dirt containing unknown organisms; and even whole legs of cattle stuffed into a huge suitcase.

The problem in the Department of Homeland Security is both numbers and attitude, inspectors say. With fewer trained eyes, more pests and diseases are bound to enter via passengers and cargo.

Customs and immigration officers taking up the slack in screening are law enforcement officers, not biologists. They’re trained to intercept suspicious people and drugs, not suspicious bugs, and many of them view the agriculture specialists and their mission with disdain.

The number of people killed by terrorists annually is estimated to be about 600 people. The World Health Organization states that two million children die because of food and water contamination yearly. It also states that one out of three people suffer some form of foodborne disease annually.

Recently, uninspected seeds were released into the United States that could have contained disease that may have wiped out our corn crops. We lucked out and the recovered seed has not been so contaminated.

However, one container of the seed was never inspected.

Well, I feel safer thanks to the Department of Homeland Security. Don’t you?

Healthcare Political


Another thing that Bush talked about yesterday was how it was ‘junk lawsuits’ that are driving the cost of medical care up so high that health insurance costs have grown beyond what the average person can afford. If it weren’t for the fact that people sued doctors and hospitals, why everyone would have access to health care now.

That’s good to know. My Dad fell yesterday and broke his hip and has to have it operated on today, not something that’s lightly done when you’re 93 almost 94 years old. Luckily he has medical insurance to cover most of the costs of this, because his assisted living expenses are eating up his savings. Not to mention all the drugs the doctors keep giving him, though most don’t do a bit of good.

But I want to assure President Bush that if Dad dies during treatment, we won’t hold the hospital responsible and sue them. In turn, will he then get the health insurance premiums lowered in this state so that I can afford to get coverage? It would be nice not to be worried about getting sick. And if I am sick, it would be nice to know I could go into the doctor without being financially ruined by the trip.

But I’m a little lost on the mapping between limiting malpractice suits and available, affordable health care for all. Could he spend a little more time on that one?

Watching Bush yesterday, among that crowd of just plain folk, I thought that he came off rather charming. Likeable even. You know, I don’t think President Bush is evil. I think he grew up in an environment where people are supposed to take care of themselves and their friends and family, not have the government do it. I think he was taught that when people have a run of bad luck, it’s up to them to make the best of whatever situation they’re in. He grew up believing that every little boy or girl, well, maybe just every little boy, could be president someday. After all, just look at him? His Daddy was President, and now he’s president. Things work out, his brother will be president in four years. That’s the way these things work.

I think growing up he looked out on his father’s horse ranch and he saw wide open skies and plenty of green, so he didn’t understand why people talk about Texas being one of the worst polluted states in the country. He listened to his Daddy’s friends as they talked about how this country is rich with oil and Nature, she’s a tough old broad and isn’t going to be hurt by a little drilling.

He was raised in Texas where you just don’t step on another’s man’s shoes, boy, unless you’re willing to pay the consequences. Al-Queda stepped on our shoes, but Saddam was going to, he just knew this – why can’t most of us make this connection? And now that we’ve found out that Saddam really wasn’t much of a threat to us, well, the President said recently that sometimes people make mistakes. The Democrats chortled over that one.

His approval ratings shot up three points after that quiet bit of reflection. To the people here abouts, it takes a real man to admit he can make a mistake.

My own Dad didn’t grow up in a rich family, but he was brought up to believe that family takes care of family, and people don’t ask for help if they find themselves down on their luck. They make their own luck. Of course, it’s a lot tougher when your family isn’t rich, but that just makes the victory that much sweeter.

Dad also thinks that anyone that goes to live in a tree to protect it from being cut down is a nut, and those women who bare their pink bras to protest the war are silly, and pretentious. As for Iraq, well, he thinks it’s the Iraqi’s problem that they can’t see what a great opportunity they now have, and continue to fight among themselves. After all, government can’t do everything for them, either. Shame about our boys, though. And those nice foreign workers. The terrorists, they kill because they like to kill. They enjoy killing, and nothing we do will change this.

As for the cost, well everyone knows war is good for the economy. Look what WWII did for us?

If my Dad survives to November, which is iffy right now, and is capable of making cognitive decisions at the time, he’ll vote for Bush. I think that the President will appreciate that.



President Bush was in Missouri yesterday, in Sedalia. That’s a friendly part of this state to Bush – solidly red.

He looked good during his talk, dressed in one of those cotton work shirts he tends to favor. Looked just like the people he was talking to. He said that in the next four years he plans on reforming the tax filing process, to make it simpler. Yeah, that’s something that we’re all worried about now – our taxes being too complicated.

He also focused a lot on the economy, and how tax cuts have helped and how people are doing better now than they were a few years back. I guess it was too bad, then, that Ford picked this day to announce it was laying off upwards of 800 employees at one its plants in the St. Louis area–another layoff in a series of layoffs that have hit this state since 2002.

But that President, he sure looks good in a cotton work shirt. Looks just like one of us.