
Thoughts on the State of the Union

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I watched the State of the Union speech last night.

Some thoughts:

Health Care:

The most reaction during the speech occurred when the President mentioned health care reform. Unfortunately, his introduction didn’t follow through with any effective solutions.

Rather than extend Medicare and Medicaid with a prescription drug plan, the President instead wants to give seniors who need help with prescription drugs the opportunities to go into HMOs. I would suggest you find a senior and you ask them why they would prefer not to go into an HMO.

HMOs operate at a profit. To make this profit, they control costs in many ways, including restricting access to physicians and rewarding physicians for keeping costs down. These plans discourage long-term treatments, and categorize many procedures as ‘experimental’ and therefore not covered. In addition, its more cost effective to treat as many patients as possible with nurse practitioners rather than with doctors directly. NPs aren’t paid as much.

This works contrary to the needs of the elderly, who prefer and need to go to their own physicians, rather than being seen by a nurse practitioner or a different doctor on every visit. In addition, the elderly can require long-term expensive care as well as medical procedures that may be fairly new, or still undergoing research. Alzheimer’s treatments come to mind when I say the latter. HMOs work best with younger, relatively healthy families who suffer from the usual bumps and bruises, flus, and maybe an occasional heart attack or broken bone. HMOs do not work well with the elderly.

(After the speech, NBC had an interview with the governor of Ohio, a Republican, who thought that the President was adding a drug package to medicare. He was quite happy about this. The governor is in for a nasty surprise when he finds out that the President has no intention of adding increased prescription coverage to Medicare.)

However, the increased business for the HMOs should help several of the larger corporations who are invested in this type of medical care.

The President’s other ‘improvement’ for the health care system was to suggest a reform of the medical litigation system. I agree that our current litigation system needs work. I think we’ve become a rather sue-happy country. But I also think we need to look at this issue from both sides.

Many of the lawsuits in this country have been against the HMOs, hospitals, drug companies, in addition to those against doctors. Many of the lawsuits have been brought about to try and force the HMOs to cover medical expenses these same companies have declined to cover as ‘experimental’. Much of the medical litigation in the last several years has been against drug companies for drugs that have caused incalculable harm because of side effects; the same side effects that should have been discovered by these same drug companies.

(It’s interesting because the homeland security bill also included a measure to limit liability against drug companies because of vaccines.)

Regardless, I fail to see how reforming medical litigation is going to help the 50+ million Americans, such as myself, who have no medical insurance and cannot get medical help when we need it.


The President’s Clear Sky initiative aims to cut emissions from power plants. Sounds good. Unfortunately, the President has also weakened the Clean Air act through legislation relaxing the enforcement of many industrial clean air rules — legislation that just passed January 23rd of this year.

The President also discusses his Healthy Forest Initiative. I talked about this previously. The plan is to allow local control over federal forests, which ultimately will allow more lumber company access to prime timber. In the interests of preventing fires, you see.

We’ve been over this and over this for years and years. A healthy forest is not a tame forest full of a few carefully nurtured trees. It’s wild, it’s brushy, it has lightening blasted tree stumps, and ground clutter and sick trees among the healthy. This is a ‘real’ forest. The ground clutter provides food and shelter for the creatures in the forest, and the dying trees provide nutrients for new growth such as wild mushrooms, which also act as a food source.

A part of the ecosystem necessary to sustain these forests is fire. Occasionally these forests get naturally occurring fires, which help to control the undergrowth, to eliminate some of the sicker trees, and to allow new growth to occur. Unfortunately, now, too many fires now are caused my humans rather than through natural causes. In addition, we’ve allowed building to erode into the forests and this plays absolute havoc with the fragile, balanced eco-system.

A true “Healthy Forest Initiative” is one in which we leave the forests alone, and let them grow as they have grown for centuries.

Another of the President’s environmental intiatives is increased energy production in this country. We know where this is heading — drilling for oil in the Alaska National Wilderness Refugee.

It’s interesting to read this online newsletter put together by people concerned about the oil company efforts already in the area. Didn’t the President mention something about corporate accountability? Doesn’t sound like it’s being applied with BP in Alaska.

The most we would get from ANWR in oil is about 6 months supply. Enough to make a goodly profit for an oil company, but not enough to solve a long-term problem. And this leads to the President’s last initiative, which is funding for hydrogen powered cars. This was an ear opener for me, until I spent a bit of time chewing on the statement.

Regardless of the war in Iraq and drilling in ANWR, we’re running out of oil. Years ago I remember a teacher discussing the fact, fact mind you, that scientists estimate we’ll run out of petroleum reserves in about the year 2025 — give or take a few years. This isn’t political, this is the fact of life of a world that is too efficient in its consumption of natural resources.

The automakers in this country have long been aware of this, but hesitant to spend money on research for alternatives. After all, research as well as plant re-tooling cuts into profits. Now here comes the President giving the automakers the funding to do this research, without touching their existing profits.

Don’t get me wrong, this research is needed. But I don’t necessarily trust that the impetus for this act is based on altruism.

Taxes and Economic Stimulus:

The President proposes pushing up the implementation of the income tax breaks as well as new income tax cuts. With these, he thinks the economy will improve because we’ll all spend more money and this will encourage growth.

Of course, one must have a job to benefit from these tax cuts.

The economy is stagnating because this country doesn’t know if we’ll be going to war or not. Contrary to the myth that war is good for an economy, it isn’t. Due to modern advances in production, only a handful of companies and industries will benefit from any ‘war’. This isn’t the 40’s anymore, and we’re not talking about fighting Hitler. War is not good for an economy.

In uncertain times people do not spend. Regardless of the few dollars they’ll receive from these tax breaks, the American public is deeply worried now, and when we’re worried, we stash our money, we don’t spend it. The most the tax breaks will do is help the wealthy get wealthier, and add to a growing deficit that will only increase, dramatically, when we start paying for this war against Iraq.

For the individual breaks themselves, I suggest you read what Loren wrote about the dividend tax cut and the inheritance tax cut. As for the elimination of the marriage penalty and the tax breaks for children, this fits nicely into President Bush’s social programs.

Social programs:

In some ways, I found the President’s social programs to be the most disturbing part of his speech, and the one that I’m sure will receive the least press. When the President mentions a mentor program for the children of those in prison, and drug rehab programs, he’s talking about ones based on faith. And this is the most dangerous problem facing our country now because it demonstrates a growing erosion of the freedoms we say we hold dear. The dividing line between church and state has never been more periously thin then it is right now.

We only have to look at the Magdalene Launderies to see how well religious ‘compassion’ mixes with social reform. As Joni Mitchell sang:


These bloodless brides of Jesus
If they had just once glimpsed their groom
Then they’d know and they’d drop the stones
Concealed behind their rosaries
They wilt the grass they walk upon
They leech the light out of a room
They’d like to drive us down the drain
At the Magdalene laundries


We only have to look at our own country to see the abuse of freedom when religion seeks to ‘reform’. The Boy Scouts organization and its continue bigotry against gays, the ripping of indian children from their families at the turn of the century (to overcome their heathen ways), the never-ending sex scandals associated with the Catholic church, the death of many due to ‘faith’ healings, the continue lack of effective sex education in our schools, the bombings of abortion clinics, and so on — the mix of religion and power in this country has never been successful.

Religion works in this country when the only power given to the religious is the power to practice their own faith.

Foreign Policy

I appreciate the monies for Aids assistance in Africa. I only hope that the money goes to help the people, without attaching any moral strings. I only hope it reaches the people rather than enriches the infrastructure in this country on the way. And I only hope that the reason we’re helping the Africans is because we feel it is the right thing to do, not because the majority of Africans are black, and the Republicans are in deep trouble with the black community at this time.

As for Iraq: We’re going to war in Iraq and nothing I or you can say will prevent this. We have no rights, nor any say, in this issue. Not until two years from now when we can vote again, and then it will be too late.

We allowed our fear because of the Twin Towers to lead to this. We are responsible. We may blame the President, but we are responsible. Whatever blood is shed, it is on our hands.


I am not a political analyst, nor am I an economic, foreign policy, or environmental expert. I’m not going to make any pretense of being any of these — something that happens all to often in weblogs. I am a citizen of the country giving my views and opinions of what I heard, based on what I know.

I am beyond anger and frustration. I am even beyond being discouraged because I know that the die is cast for the next two years. The most I can do is help contain the effects as much as possible, and I must work very hard from this point on to even achieve that.


Burningbird’s State of the Union address

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Make Jobs Not War

Thank you.


Too many syllables

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I don’t understand it, I really don’t. I watched the news last night as Rumsfield said that this country has a right to defend itself and the world regardless of the UN or any UN resolution. Or law for that matter.

Loren writes:


With few signs that the economy is going to rebound in the near future, it increasingly looks like the Bush administration is gambling that a victory in Iraq will lead to their re-election. They appear desperate to start our war with Iraq as soon as possible, whether or not UN inspectors can find evidence to support our claims that Iraq is readying weapons of mass destruction.

What Loren says makes sense. So I don’t understand it, I really don’t.

Jonathon writes about Australia mobilizing 350 soldiers for a war in Iraq when only …6% of Australians support sending troops to join an invasion of Iraq without United Nations approval….

These precentages join with the percentages in this country and in other countries such as Britain, German, Russia, China, France who are basically saying that no country should go to war with Iraq without UN authorization.

That means us. U.S. Us.

So, I don’t understand it, I really don’t. Bush, Blair, Howard, these are all elected officials, right? These people are all accountable to the people they represent, right? Yet these leaders, and a few others, all want to stop the inspections now, and go to war now when we all know…


…people will die.

…….probably a lot of people will die.

…………and the war will cost a lot of money.

………………and disrupt a lot of soldiers lives.

…………………..and all of the countries who want to go to war have some real problems right now that are far more dangerous to the welfare of the citizens then Irag; problems including no jobs, no money, no food, rampant disease, and no health care.

But these world leaders, leaders mind you, will go anyway.

No matter what we say, they’ll go.

No matter what we say, they’ll go!

I don’t understand, I really don’t. But then, after thinking about it, I figured out what the problem is: we’re using words with too many syllables. We’re trying to provide intelligent arguments against the US and a few allies going to war with Iraq without UN support, and we’re relying on too many big words. Words such as: petroleum, accountability, unprovoked aggression, mass destruction, globalization, international law, responsibility, and morality. The leaders just don’t understand what we’re saying. That’s it — what we have here (to borrow a phrase from the movies) is a failure to communicate. What we need is an alternative communication style.

We need to use simpler words. So from this day on, let’s use the following:


War bad

Go to war, lose job

No go war

Political Weblogging


Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Dave is collecting links to a growing story about Blogger weblogs being blocked in mainland China. Eatonweb portal has a list of Chinese bloggers many of whom use Blogger.

From this list, the About China blogger, leylop, writes:


Wow, I’m really excited ! Finally, I’m able to access by own blog and any other banned sites in China because of proxy service . I’ve been trying to get one for quite a whlie, but none of them worked. Now I know it’s all my fault, there’s wrong during the setting. Glad that everything is OK now 🙂


The use of proxies is a known workaround for censorship. I found this page on the use of proxies. Hopefully others will point out additional proxy workaround techniques and addresses so that we can pass these along to our Chinese compatriots.


More on Chinese censorship and workarounds at P2PNet, Can China’s Net Censorship be beaten? (thanks to Openflows).


North Korea from south of the border

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I do not understand why we continue to focus on Iraq, whom I think we all know, deep in our hearts and minds not to be a threat, when we’re faced with situation far more chilling: North Korea’s withdrawal from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.

I watched the Berlin wall come down and thought to myself at the time that I would no longer need fear the specter of nuclear war. That was such a bright and shiny, albeit naive, moment.

Chris from Emptybottle, who lives and teaches in South Korea, has written about the situation, providing a viewpoint I think is important for us to understand before we follow ‘axis of evil’ tangents