
We the monkeys

Recovered from the Wayback Machine. Such a long time since I’ve written about technology. Feels odd – like wearing clothes from the 80’s that still fit, but you’re not sure about leaving the house with them on. Today I hope to finish the last of the final edits for the Practical RDF book, which means […]

RDF Writing

Mardi Gras Blues

I had hoped to attend the Captain Morgan Mardi Gras parade, but this flu seems to be quite partial to my body, and has decided to take an extended vacation among my various crevices. Right now, I believe it’s paying a protracted visit to my lungs and throat. However, I have high hopes of making […]


Sometimes you feel like RDF, sometimes you don’t

Semaview came out with this illustrated RDF vs XML graphic showing the ‘differences’ between RDF and XML. At least one assumes this is the purpose of a graph so titled. This might be confusing for some people that assume RDF is XML, which isn’t entirely true: RDF is a model, RDF/XML is one serialization of that model. (Still, when […]


Grand idea #102

Thanks to Sean McGrath I found out about this discussion thread over at the Tag Soup discussion forum. It starts off with Tim Berners-Lee basically asserting that a URI represents a web page, or at least a physical resource: We know. Your “resource” is a vague thing which can be a robot or a web page. That vagueness makes […]



Recovered from the Wayback Machine. Mark Pilgrim is a bit testy about the removal of certain elements within the XHTML 2.0 spec — specifically the *cite element. I checked around the forums associated with the XHTML working group’s effort. From what I can see, looks like the removal of cite may have been an accident. Still, even if the […]