Social Media

Pod people invade Missouri

All you podcast people, and podcast loving people, and cute, white iPod holders should think about having your next blog-pod-ercon here in Missouri. The St, Louis Post-Dispatch did an article on podcasting, and quotes a professor of media studies at the University of Missouri:

While still somewhat novel, podcasts, like Weblogs, portend the future of public and private communications, said Tom McPhail, media analyst and professor of media studies at the University of Missouri at St. Louis. He said both forums ride the leading edge of a wave that will sweep away mainstream media and remake how all of us communicate.

Moves such as those by Infinity and Sirius will be repeated more frequently throughout mainstream media as it struggles to remain relevant, McPhail predicted.

Podcasts “are a real difference for so many people who no longer attend to traditional media,” he said. “A teenager will never sit down to write a letter or carry a transistor radio; that’s foreign to him. But he will write an e-mail, and he will carry an iPod.”

Like I said before, it’s the iron here in Missouri; it attracts the faithful from all over.