Just Shelley

Race for the Cure

An estimated 39,800 women will die from breast cancer in the United States in 2003. It is second only to lung cancer as a cause of cancer death among all women, and is the leading cause of cancer death in women ages 40-59, which so happens to be my age group.

In pink rose I wrote about an organization that provides free breast exams and mammograms, as part of an effort to reach out to women who don’t have medical insurance. This effort is funded, in part, by the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Not only does this organization give all women a fighting chance against breast cancer, it does so with dignity — something that HMOs could learn from.

Today I signed up for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation’s Race for the Cure in June. Pink’s not normally my color, but I’ll make an exception for a good cause.