Government Medicare Money

Georgia Social Security offices on DOGE chopping list

Recent updates to the ‘savings’ page now list Social Security Administration (SSA) office closures in the following Georgia cities:

  • Columbus
  • Gainesville
  • Vidalia
  • Brunswick
  • Thomasville

There is no rhyme or reason for these closures, other than it’s a simple checkbox on a computer screen and a complete lack of concern about the consequences.

SSA offices provide opportunities for people to get help about Social Security, disability, survivor benefits, Supplemental Security Income, and Medicare. Not everyone has a computer or the skills to do everything online. In particular, if you’re a victim of identity theft, it’s likely you’ll have to visit your nearest SSA office at some point.

Most offices have so many customers, SSA initiated a pilot program for advance reservations in Florida and Georgia. Closing down this many offices is going to have a significant impact on Georgia residents. If the office closures are paired with a 50% reduction in SSA workers, the agency will not be able to meet the needs of our nation’s most vulnerable people.

And the savings? When you’re talking about 4 trillion in tax cuts, primarily for corporations and the wealthy that Trump and the Republicans want to pass, the office closure savings don’t even rate a blip on the same chart.

  • Columbus – $51,023
  • Gainesville – $506,527
  • Vidalia – $228,757
  • Brunswick – $215,383
  • Thomasville – $289,139

Today, Speaker Mike Johnson went on Meet the Press and stated that he and Musk don’t want to cut Social Security and Medicare, but want to eliminate “waste, fraud, and abuse.” Yet SSA’s Inspector General found that only about 1% of Social Security payments were improper. And even then, SSA was able to recover 60% of that amount.

Also today, Elon Musk on Jeff Rogan’s podcast claimed that Social Security is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme, and the real problem is not enough babies and we’re just living too long. What wasn’t said was an acknowledgement of the positive contributions immigrants make to Social Security.

So for there’s no indication that Savannah’s Social Security office is among those to be marked for closure. Yet. I will keep checking for DOGE cuts impacting on the Savannah area.

Government Political

Georgia Republican attack on trans kids

Now that Georgia Republicans no longer have abortion as their ‘moral cause’ they’re attacking trans people. The same people who they’ve ignored for decades but—all of a sudden!—have become the seeming greatest need and threat to Georgians!

Not the price of eggs any more, is it?

According to the Georgia Recorder, the GOP-controlled Senate just passed a bill banning trans girls and women from playing in any women’s sporting team. But more than that, they’re going after trans kids healthcare:

Savannah Republican Sen. Ben Watson has filed a bill that would ban the use of puberty blockers or hormone therapy on minors.

So, something that Republicans didn’t care about for decades now is an immediate problem, so much so that they insert themselves not only between patients and doctors but between parents of the kids and the doctors…solely to have some ‘moral cause’.

Without that ‘moral cause’, they don’t have something to drive hysteria—some made-up threat to distract and to deflect from the very real harms being inflicted on you by the state, by Congressional Republicans, and by Trump and Musk.

Georgia GOP-controlled Senate passes ban on trans girls from school sports teams


Media Political

Georgia media: this is no time for neutrality

In the last week, the LA Times and the Washington Post—both owned by billionaires with no newspaper experience—gave notice they wouldn’t publish an editorial endorsing a presidential candidate.

Both publications had endorsements ready to go. Both endorsed Kamala Harris. But in each case, the rich guy owning the paper defaulted to his personal financial interests rather than uphold editorial independence and integrity. And both have suffered losses, as employees have quit and subscribers have cancelled. More importantly, the have lost credibility.

The excuse given is some form of ‘neutrality’, which comes across as disingenuous, at best. There is no neutrality in this election. We have two candidates whose vision for this country differs so drastically, one can’t help wonder if we’ve crossed into another dimension of space and time when comparing the two.

Kamala Harris is for a country to remain strong into the future, while Trump has built his campaign on lies, more lies, and an ugly view of the country and its people that should sicken any decent human being.

When you have all but a few of the nation’s economists coming out in favor of the Democratic candidate, you know the Republican contender is bad. Really bad. His economic proposals based on deporting millions of migrant workers and setting massive tariffs on all goods coming into the country will send us beyond a recession directly into a depression.

(Not to mention setting the Social Security fund clock back several years, so that we face a crisis in funding in a scant six years from now.)

Morally, Trump is corrupt. He’s a malignant narcissist. And he’s consistently demonstrated how dangerously incapable he is of leading our country.

He literally cares for no one but himself, and has surrounded himself with self-serving toadies such as Elon Musk and RFK Jr, both whom can’t wait to destroy our country’s foundations. As for his co-partner in crime, JD. Vance, this man isn’t even liked by his own party—a vapid, gormless chimera basically considered the also-ran of the Trump ticket.

And potentially the next President if Trump decides to serve out his term doddering around his golf courses.

Our precious civil rights have suffered unbelievable damage solely because of the judges Trump has appointed to courts. The only thing that has held back this slide into the dark ages has been President Biden and his administration, as well as Democratically-elected state leaders and nonprofit organizations. And a few good judges, even Republican-appointed ones, who remembered they’re actually here to serve the law, not their own ideological fantasies.

With a Trump Presidency, the destruction of  our country will be complete. He will continue to remove rights for women, for the LGBTQ+ community, for people of color, and even for people of religions other than the dominant evangelical religion. He will continue to appoint the worst judges, who will gleefully pull down Madam Justice and kick her into the dirt.

He will destroy what is now a booming economy, and he will sledgehammer our civil rights.

If he wins, white racist bigots will celebrate in the streets, while the rest of us desperately search for safe havens. And he will pursue us in these safe havens in his quest for revenge…promising to use both the DOJ and the military against us.

This is no time for faux ‘neutrality’. This is a time for all good and decent people to realize that we are at a decisive moment: one choice leads to hope and a determined effort to stitch together the torn fabric of our society; the other choice leads to a darkness I can’t even comprehend.

The LA Times and the Washington Post have failed in their duty to their readers. I hope that the Georgia media does not follow their lead.

Places Political

On my way to writing there was a pandemic. And we moved to Georgia. And Trump.

I had such good intentions at the start of the year. I was going to lose weight, get in shape, and most of all, return to writing on a regular basis. And then the rest of 2020 hit.

It started with COVID and it ends with COVID and a parade of masks and hand washes and furtive outdoor trips. We made it worse on ourselves by deciding come hell, high water, or pandemic, we were still going to follow through on our decision to sell our home in Missouri and move to Savannah. And we did make the thousand mile move, though it’s not something I would recommend to anyone else during a pandemic.


Moving truck about to leave Missouri