Burningbird Just Shelley

Tweaks and Flakes

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

If you only read the weblog in your reader, you’re missing out on the newest tweaks. A little more color, a few more excuses to use SVG. I love that SVG. SVG and ImageMagick…um…um…good. SVG, ImageMagick, and RDF–there has to be something in there waiting to be discovered.

If you decide to check out the tweaks, make sure to refresh the page a couple of times.

We received 8 inches of snow yesterday. St. Louis is not a ‘snow’ city, so you can imagine that it’s slowed us all down. I went down to unbury my car, when I noticed a young man helping an older couple across the way. I grabbed my broom–I don’t have a shovel–and went to help.

Heartbreaking. The older man’s Lexus had slid down and hit rear fender with his wife’s relatively new Toyota. No matter what we could do, we’d only make it worse and he finally went in a called the tow truck to separate the two cars. Hopefully the damage will only need a little painting.

I don’t park on the hills, I’ve been dinged before by doing that. I parallel park on the flats, but of course, the snow plow has been through and what was 8 inches is now a wall about a foot and a half around the car. With just the broom I still managed to break down a path to the road, and hopefully tomorrow I can get to the Gardens to get some nice snow pictures.

I must confess that I love shoveling snow. I love wiping snow off the cars, and shoveling a path, and tromping through snow a foot deep. I always have. I don’t like ice, but I love the thick, white stuff that packs down nice.