
Different Viewpoints

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I read with respect Sargeant Stryker’s eloquent and extremely well thought out discussion about Doc Searl’s comment killing does not justify killing (a misrepresentation of Hanan Cohen’s Death does not justify death).

I may not agree with Stryker’s analysis and interpretation, but I can respect the effort and the interest as well as the careful consideration he gave.


Tim Tams

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I received a package with several different varieties of Tim Tams on Friday. I tried the praline ones and they are quite good, and very unique — I’ve not had anything like them here in the states. The chocolate coating is sweeter than most chocolate coatings used in this country, and the cookie had an unusual taste, almost as if it was made with a form of barley sugar. Crisp, too.

I’m glad I finally had a chance to try these. Thanks to the Australian delegation for sending me this gift.