Web Writing


My “Parable of the Languages” has just been slashdotted. “Mean Dean” from Heal Your Church Web Site weblog was kind enough to submit me, and the floods just started.

I’m taking odds when my server goes down…

Update: The folks at Interland are keeping an eye on the server — luckily they know Slashdot. I am getting massively hammered, though.

A little side note about Parable:

If it weren’t for my friend, Jonathon’s encouragement and support about the direction I’ve been taking with my writing lately, I wouldn’t have written this little story — and more to follow. You meet the best class of people in weblogging. You really do.

(Damn! Did that sound like an acceptance speech to you? It did to me. Am I going to be reduced to “You like me! You really like me!” next?)





RDF Writing

Open review of “Practical RDF”

I chatted with my Practical RDF editor, Simon St. Laurent, and we decided to open up the technical book review to my weblog readers as well as the RDF Interest Group and the RSS Developers group.

I created a new weblog to support this effort, Practical RDF — a book, and have posted the current Table of Contents in HTML format.

Monday evening I’ll be posting the first half of the chapters for review, and the remaining chapters will be posted the following week. Chapters will be posted in Microsoft Word and HTML formats.

Practical RDF is for anyone who’s interested in learning more about RDF: what it is, how to work with it, who is using it now, and how. Because of this, I’m hoping to get reviewers who are interested in RDF but aren’t necessarily programmers, XML experts, or RDF experts. Of course, I hope to get the experts, too.

Gone are the days when a book was hidden until all of the blemishes had been removed, the mistakes erased, and reviews made by a few select reviewers. Today, drafts are exposed, warts and all, in the belief that we — the reviewers, the readers, and the authors and editors — will all benefit from the openness.

So, give a fellow weblogger a hand and help me write a terrific book.

Now, back to working on the book.