
Breaky Parts

My roommate flies in tonight and I pick him and the friend that traveled with him up at the St. Louis airport. However, he called to say the flight from Portland to Chicago was going to be late, and I’ll need to use the online airline system to track the flight, see if he makes the connection to St. Louis. Unfortunately, just, after he hung up, the internet connection went dead.

I dig around and find a phone number for the airline and call the flight status line. Instead of a person, I get a recording, one of those that ask you to say your options.

“Please enter your flight number”


“That’s flight 893 on August 12th. Is this correct?”


“I’m sorry. Please speak your flight number again.”

“6 9 3″

“That’s flight 69C. Is this correct?”


“I’m sorry. Please speak your flight number again.”

“6 9 3!”

“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t understand you. Could you repeat the number please.”

“6 9 3!”

“That’s flight 893. Is this correct?”


“I’m sorry, but that’s not a valid flight number. Would you like to speak to a company representative?”

As I was waiting for a company representative, the Internet connection came back on and I could look up the flight. Due to flight congestion, the plane is late, and they’ve missed their connecting flight. Now I wait to hear when they’re coming in. I wonder if they’ll be in before or after my nightly fire alarm beep test?

All I’ll say, is never piss off the Little People.


New IsaViz version out

One of the tools/utilities I covered in the book was Emmanuel Pietriga’s IsaViz, a nifty graphical tool for working with RDF models.

Emmanuel just sent me an email to let me know that a whole new version is out. This new version supports the latest last call working drafts for the RDF specification and also uses GSS – an RDF-based style language for rendering RDF models. It would be interesting to see the possibilities of this vocabulary’s use in other products.

IsaViz installs easily and is very easy to use, with a nice interface


PIE/Echo/Atom-seeing the light?

Thanks to some tweaks suggested by Aaron Swartz, the Pie/Echo/Atom folks are exploring the possibility of formating the syndication format in RDF/XML.

As I’ve said in comments – this is a very good thing. It unifies RSS 1.0 and RSS 2.0 beautifully and justifies having yet another syndication effort. Discussion on this continues at the syndication feed email list.

Good job Aaron, Sam, others in the group.