
Welcome back, Cobber

A long time friend from weblogging, Allan Moult, has restarted his weblog. Welcome back, Allan, you’ve been missed. I look forward to many of your photographs with that digital camera you have and that I covet so strongly.

A catalyst for Allan’s return is effort he’s involved in with regards to Tasmania’s environmental treasures, specifically the Styx Valley. As part of this effort, there’s a campaign afoot to build an enclosure within the forest, completely made out of red knitted panels. The hope is to use this effort to demonstrate international support for the local group’s efforts to protect trees that are the largest in the world – second only to California’s Redwood forests. What are these grand old trees used for?

Wood chips. For Japan. For processing.

The town I grew up in, Kettle Falls, originally was an old timber town. I remember the wood mill just outside of town, and looking at it’s rusty brown slanted walls, and watching the fire and the smoke and the sparks come out of the top as the by-product of the timber refinement was burnt off. I also remember summer days when the wind was just right, trying to ride a bike or play ball when the smoke was so thick, you could barely see and it made your eyes water. And the smell. All the time, the smell.

In later years, when I started hiking I would travel to the mountains of the Northwest and I remember driving long highways with trees thick as night along side of the road. However, if you once pulled off on old timber trucking roads, you would find clear cut as far as the eye can see, hidden behind the trees so that the timber companies and the government could hide exactly how much public land was being cut down to stumps and weeds.

I remember my grandfather talking about the timber industry. He was a farmer but had to supplement his income with a job in the local timber mill, as most folks did in that area. Thanks to progress, and machines that enable one person to do the job of 100, the number of jobs the timber industry generates is pitiful; to continue to use this as a reason for timbering what should be publicly held lands, held for future generations, is a sham. My grandfather once said that the timber industry was …a crime against the people and against the land….

I’ve also looked, with approval, at efforts in Washington and elsewhere to create tree farms using trees that make the most use of a little bit of land and that are perfect for wood pulp and wood chips and other products we need. Row after row of tightly packed trees in a couple of acres meant several hundred acres of natural forest would be left untouched. There are alternatives, but they’re not as profitable.

There’s no need for old growth forest to be touched, other than a robber baron mentality that says grab while the grabbing’s good. And while the public is watching their televisions at night, their sitcoms and their unbiased news, their reality shows and their public programs and their sports and movies, rape their heritage and fade away in the night, pockets full of dimes.

There is no trade deficit, no employment program, and no tax-base that is overly influenced by timber to the point that giving up our remaining tiny spots of old growth forests is a fair trade.

I don’t knit and my only attempt was a purple and gold scarf for my brother that ended all curly and so tight you could use it for a pot holder. You would wrap it around your neck only if you were interested in dermabrasion therapy. But I can write, so I write in support of Allan’s efforts and encourage those of you that do knit, to think about buying a bit of red yarn and helping our friends down under preserve a tiny bit of their legacy.

And welcome back again, Allan. Give ‘em hell, have an amber for me – and post some pics, will you?

RDF Writing

Even chickens can learn RDF

In a clever play on my For Poets weblogs, specifically my Semantic Web for Poets – a warped menage a duo of technology and art with images of rusting robots and silent metallic forests with moblogged fallen trees – Danny Ayers has created variations on the theme, all based on my RDF book.


RDF for Woodcarvers
RDF for BellRingers
RDF for Chickens
RDF for Painters

…and others, all with their associated photographs.

And they say technical people are smart but not artistes. Ha! They say, let them say!



Jena Week

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

At the time I wrote Practical RDF, the folks at HP’s Semantic Web Research Lab were in the process of creating the second major release of Jena, the popular and extremely comprehensive Java RDF API. However, at the time, the release was in pre-alpha state and wasn’t stable enough for inclusion in the book. With the release of the first formal beta of Jena2, the product is now ready for prime time discussion.

In the next week, I’m going to explore differences in the Java classes by porting the book examples over to Jena2. In addition, I’m going to take a look at some of the new features, including that new ontology API that supports OWL. I’ll also run all of my existing RDF/XML documents through the Jena2 parser, ARP2, to see how they fair with the updated parser. Are they still valid with recent RDF specification updates from the Last Call effort? Should be, they validate with the RDF Validator and it’s built on Jena.

I am tempted with this release to install Tomcat on the Wayward Weblogger co-op, so I can use Jena2 with some of my RDF applications. I hestitate, though, because Tomcat can be a drag on resources.


Jena Week

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

At the time I wrote Practical RDF, the folks at HP’s Semantic Web Research Lab were in the process of creating the second major release of Jena, the popular and extremely comprehensive Java RDF API. However, at the time, the release was in pre-alpha state and wasn’t stable enough for inclusion in the book. With the release of the first formal beta of Jena2, the product is now ready for prime time discussion.

In the next week, I’m going to explore differences in the Java classes by porting the book examples over to Jena2. In addition, I’m going to take a look at some of the new features, including that new ontology API that supports OWL. I’ll also run all of my existing RDF/XML documents through the Jena2 parser, ARP2, to see how they fair with the updated parser. Are they still valid with recent RDF specification updates from the Last Call effort? Should be, they validate with the RDF Validator and it’s built on Jena.

I am tempted with this release to install Tomcat on the Wayward Weblogger co-op, so I can use Jena2 with some of my RDF applications. I hestitate, though, because Tomcat can be a drag on resources.


FOAF page and specification update

Dan Brickley and Libby Miller have updated the FOAF Specification Page, and have done a very nice job of it, too. This becomes a good schema page/documentation page model for others to use with their RDF vocabularies. This also reminds me that I need to focus both on PostCon, and its associated vocabulary, and the RDF Poetry Finder and its vocabulary and get these finished. Lately I’ve been too distracted with other things.

Speaking of RDF vocabularies, I was reminded this week – and not sure where I read this – that there really are no ‘vocabularies’ in RDF/XML, just sub-graphs and that’s why namespacing and ’smushing/smooshing’ of data from different schemas is so effortless in RDF/XML. Good point. But I still think of them as ‘vocabularies’. I guess a rose by any other name and all that.

(Thanks to Danny for heads up on FOAF.)