HTML5 Specs

HTML5: Canvas must go

Latest in my HTML5, A Story in Progress: Separating Canvas out of HTML 5.

Recent discussions about Canvas and accessibility should highlight the importance of pulling the Canvas object API from the HTML 5 specification. The HTML WG went outside its charter to incorporate the Canvas API into the HTML 5 specification. Keeping it in is not good for the HTML 5 spec, nor is it good for the Canvas element.

It wasn’t up to the HTML WG to insist that the Canvas element either be included in the HTML 5 specification or some other formal working group. The group can’t just grab things in, willy nilly, like crows grab a piece of tinsel because it sparkles in the sun. Oh! Me want! Me want!

HTML5 SVG Technology

Separating Canvas out of HTML5

The HTML 5 specification is too large, that’s a given. Too large, and too diverse. With the merge of the DOM into the specification, as well as an attempt to cover two different serializations, not to mention the microdata section, it’s difficult to describe the HTML 5 spec as an “improvement on HTML 4”, which is what the HTML WG’s charter specifies. Kitchen sink comes to mind, and kitchen sinks don’t make good specifications.

One simplification of HTML 5 I would make is to remove the Canvas section from the specification. Instead, I would reduce the Canvas section down to coverage of the syntax for the Canvas element, similar to what’s happening with MathML and SVG, but remove the guts of the object to a separation specification. Or don’t move the Canvas object to a separate specification, but don’t leave the object in HTML 5.

I read through results of the three votes associated with Canvas, or should I say, “immediate mode graphics API”. Two of the votes had to do with the WG charter and creating a tutorial about the Canvas element, and one was specifically about splitting the Canvas element out.

The vote was overwhelmingly against splitting the element out, but also against not updating the charter to reflect the fact that including the Canvas element is outside of the group’s current charter. Frankly, this was undisciplined, and at that point in time, the W3C Director should have stepped in to remind the group about what the charter is, and the importance of adhering to it.

Looking again at the vote about not splitting the Canvas object into a separate specification, you can see immediately that few people are really enthusiastic about keeping the Canvas element in the HTML 5 specification. However, they were even less enthusiastic about doing the work necessary to split the Canvas element into a new specification, and developing a group to support the new spec. Being disinterested in starting a new working group does not make for a compelling argument for keeping Canvas in HTML 5.

Now we’re seeing problems arise by that bad decision. There have been numerous recent discussions about Canvas and accessibility, and it isn’t difficult to see that work on Canvas accessibility needs to continue, probably for a significant period of time; possibly long enough to impact on the timeline for the Last Call for HTML 5.

In addition, there is a very real concern that the same governments that mandate against JavaScript because of accessibility will also mandate against Canvas for the same reason, because Canvas is dependent on JavaScript. Yet the Canvas element is integrated into the HTML 5 specification. The end result could be a slower roll out of HTML 5, perhaps even a reluctance to adopt HTML 5. I hesitate to say there may be a ban against HTML 5, but there is that possibility, too, slight as the risk is.

Most importantly for the folks who like the Canvas object, it’s now tied to the same schedule of the HTML 5 specification. This means that if we want to expand the Canvas object at same later point, we have to do so in conjunction with a new version of HTML. This tie-in makes absolutely no sense. When you consider the increasing capabilities being built into Flash and Silverlight, Canvas also needs room to grow. Now, the HTML WG has effectively boxed it in, limited its future expansion, and probably helping to hasten its future obsolescence. Of course we still have SVG, which is not integrated tightly into the HTML 5 specification, and can continue to grow and expand. Good for SVG. However, I happen to believe that it’s healthy to have both graphics capabilities—but only if both have room to grow.

It wasn’t up to the HTML WG to insist that the Canvas element either be included in the HTML 5 specification or some other formal working group. The group can’t just grab things in, willy nilly, like crows grab a piece of tinsel because it sparkles in the sun. Oh! Me want! Me want! If people are interested in the object, they’ll work to help standardize its use. If they aren’t, then it will continue as it has in the past, based on informal agreement among four of the top five browser developers. At least then it won’t get stuck being permanently embedded in an HTML specification.