
Will not be speaking at NextWare

Well, I’ve pulled out of presenting at the NextWare conference in Baltimore in May. The Penton folks were just terrific and left the door open for me to speak at the Fall conference instead. I need to focus on getting the two books for O’Reilly finished AND finding a job. Definitely finding a job.

Speaking of which, there’s an “About BB” link to the right there, with a nice downloadable copy of my resume in Word format. Please feel free to grab a copy and distribute to the HR person of your choice. There’s an autographed copy of one of my books in it for you 😉

Once the books are done, I want to turn to other things, try other things out. Woman does not live by technology alone.

Woman also doesn’t live by weblogging alone, either.

There’s a Playwright Cafe here in San Francisco that I want to join. They meet every month to talk craft and discuss scenes, chat, hear from professional playwrights, and generally have a lot of fun.

I want to write a play. You’ll all be my stars. Stick with me, I’ll make you famous.