Photography Places

A day at the park

I decided to hold off on Ozark trips until next week when the weather will hopefully be a little clearer. I also wasn’t up for a 4+ car ride, having done too many of these lately. Instead, yesterday I spent time at the Sculpture Park, playing around with my new camera.

I feel remarkably free with the D70, and had a great deal of enjoyment ‘experimenting’ with different angles and lighting and color and views. The fall colors still aren’t very advanced in St. Louis, but I managed to pick up some. And a few self-portraits, as well as other odds and ends.

“Portrait of Author I”

“Now these are big balls”


“Golden Leaves”

I particularly liked this one, and I don’t know why. I think it was the shallow clear water reflecting the sky and trees above the creek, and forming an overlay among the rocks. And if you look close, I swear there are little people’s faces reflected in the rocks.

Did I happen to mention that I have long legs?

“Portrait of Author II”

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