
Amazon VOD on Roku, Boxee out

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Roku has announced today that the Amazon Video On Demand software update will be rolling out over the next five days. With this update, people can now access their Amazon VOD videos directly on the Roku box.

I haven’t seen the update on either of my two Roku boxes, but I’m not a favorite of the Roku folks, and don’t expect to be one of the first to get updated. When I do have access, I’ll write up a review.

I had planned on writing a review of Boxee on my AppleTV, but have removed it after the recent AppleTV upgrade. Once Boxee lost access to Hulu, it lost most of its key content, and the value it adds as compared to the hassles of having to install, and maintain, it on the AppleTV, just isn’t that high. Too bad, too, as it’s a nice service. I imagine it was too much competition for the paid content on AppleTV.

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