Just Shelley

Auction Excitement

Things are heating up at the auction now that it’s getting down to the last few hours. Of course, the reserved price still hasn’t been met but I’ve been getting some serious questions about the collection.

Now that it looks like it might sell, I’m kind of regretting having to let it go. There’s a story with every rock, which I did my best to record. That’s just it – there is a story with each, and I recorded my memories of these stories and those I’m not selling.

Speaking of which, I had a lovely compliment on the show, left in comments:

You have written a throughly charming and idiosyncratic book on your mineral collection. If I were an editor I would publish this in an instant. Thanks for giving me the pleasure of your collection.

Made my day.

Besides, if I keep the collection, I’ll just end up stroking the Pet Rock again and ruining it.

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