
Threadneedle test RDF

I’ve posted examples of the RDF used for ThreadNeedle to the ThreadNeedle Discussion Group. One file represents the type of RDF embedded within a posting for a threading disucssion start, one file represents the type of RDF embedded for a reply.

I’ve also registered the domain, and will move my work there as soon as the DNS change propagates through the system.

I won’t be moving ThreadNeedle source code to Source Forge until I have minimum functionality – Source Forge projects proceed more effectively if given a code base. Regardless, the Source Forge project will point back to ThreadNeedle as home base.

Still working through whether to implement the first draft of the tool in Perl or Java. Most likely I’ll implement both to start (and possibly Python – hmmm). And the data store will be MySQL.

Legal, Laws, and Regs

More on the Pledge

Dan Lyke pointed out that Illiad of User Friendly fame has weighed in on the Pledge of Allegiance ruling. I laughed until I shuddered and cried.

The Pledge legal decision and the User Friendly cartoon touched on two critical issues facing the US – our hypocrisy in regards to religion (mixing of religion and state in Saudi Arabia is evil, but it’s okay in the US), and our increasing willingness to sell our freedom for spurious safety.

On the issue of separation of church and state – if we demand that others drop their unique religious practices and conform to the greater good of all humanity, then we must ask the same of ourselves. As for the issue of trading security for safety – we’re willing to die for our country, but not for the freedoms on which the country is based. If this is true, then what good is the country?

I may seem as if I’m mixing the message – separation of church and state and giving up freedoms for security – but as Illiad has noted so well using his own style, it’s all about freedom. It’s all about freedom.

I was also caught by one of the discussion threads associated with the cartoon. In it, Geek Princess stated:

And as we continue down the slippery slope of moral decay, I’m wondering when the attacks on morality will stop? Will we have to become totally lawless and amoral before they will stop? How much filth and destruction do they need? 🙁 It just figures that such a ruling would come from judges who live in “The Sodom of America”. What are they thinking we will gain by further separating ourselves? We will either stand/work together, under one power, or our nation will crumble. I have to wonder whose side those judges are on?

Whoa, boys and girls – last time I looked, freedom of religion meant that all people are equal regardless of their religious beliefs. Assuming that the “godless” are amoral and lawless is, well, childish, simplistic, and scary as hell. And, Babes, I just moved from The Sodom of America. There weren’t no orgies in the street. If there was, no one told me where to go and when.

On a related note: once I finish with ThreadNeedle, I’m going to spend time coding a new application – a web bot that goes out to weblogs looking for two phrases “slippery slope” and “moral equivalency”. And every time the bot finds one, a warning email will be sent to the offending weblogger:

Note: You have used one of the following badly overused cliches:


Slippery Slope
Moral Equivalency


Continued use of cliches such as these has been shown to be detrimental to your mental health and growth. In addition, increased exposure over time leads to frothing at the mouth, a fixed stare, and a tendency to only wear red, white, and blue.


We suggest, for your own good, that you consider restricting your use of said terms in favor of something new and fresh. A thesaurus will be provided on request.


Thank you


Creative Under-Construction

There is no one more capable of providing an entertaining “this site is under construction/this site is having problems” then Fishrush. This is the person who should be designing the front end to ThreadNeedle.

However, Fishy One, must get you off of Tripod. Would you like a nice, temporary, instead? No popup ads.

(Or would close proximity to the Bird that Burns poach Fishy?)

Just Shelley

Movin’ stuff

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Feeling MUCH better today after massive amounts of sleep time yesterday. I can’t remember the last time I felt so tired.

Today is a day of changing addresses at various creditors, as well as getting new cell phone number. Hopefully I’ll also get DSL working (I would not have gone with Earthlink for broadband access but didn’t have a lot of options in the area).

I joined the St. Louis Bloggers site that Ben maintains – a very nice site. However, I stated that I live in St. Louis directly when I believe I may live in Jefferson county.

Missouri really is a beautiful, green, lush state. I want to begin my acquaintance with my new home by exploring the cave systems in the state, at least until the heat and humidity drop a bit so that I can begin exploring the many, many paths and trails. Hopefully, I can also look into kayaking the rivers.

I don’t feel at home in a new place until I’ve explored it a bit, walked it’s soil, tread it’s waters, breathed its air.

Diversity Legal, Laws, and Regs

The Pledge

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I was extremely pleased and surprised to hear that an appellate court has ruled that reciting the Oath of Allegiance is unconstitutional because of the phrase “…under God”.

Not everyone believes in a God, nor do all religions support the concept of taking an oath. In both cases, the daily oath makes kids who don’t participate feel like outsiders, especially in today’s frenzied patriotic environment.

The Oath of Allegiance and coating our cars, homes, and bodies with variations of red, white, and blue are cheap and easy ways to show our patriotism. Much simpler to say an Oath than to carefully pursue details of bills pending in Congress, or to vote based on individual merit rather than party affiliation.

Not all webloggers are so pleased as I. Amidst a tangled web considers this a giant step back, saying As a big fan of God, I hope he gets to stay in the USA. At

It’s gotten to the point where society is evicting any piece of religion from anything political. The problem exists that, in evicting religion from our society and becoming completely secularized, those who have exized religion have not been able to replace its moral teachings.

Our society was based on a secular government, a nation whereby church and state are separated. This does not preclude the practice of religion, but does put religious practice where it belongs: celebrated by individuals in their own space, their own time, protected by law.

As for the “moral teachings” of religion, there is no religion – none – that doesn’t have incidents in its past that the modern practitioners of same would just as soon forget. And there have been few wars fought that didn’t have a kernel of religion at their core – including the current conflicts in the Middle East. In actuality, morality, or lack thereof, is a matter of individual responsibility rather than religious affiliation.

Perhaps we should create a new Oath – one with a bit broader base:

I give my promise
to all of humanity
to support freedom in all its forms.


And to the world
in which we live
one world, indivisible
I support liberty and justice for all

I can live with this.