
If you’re not with us…

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Mike Sanders says And the equivocation and silence of the non war bloggers is deafening.

Not only condemned for what we say, we are now condemned by what we don’t say. Weblogging now has a new owner and that owner is the war bloggers and those who believe that if we don’t write for them, we write against them.

Doc points to Death does not Justify Death, an excellent essay. However, Doc — you’ve now placed yourself in the camp of the Unbelievers. You’re going straight to hell, dragged there by the triple-headed hound of hypocrisy, vengeance, and bigotry. You spoke out, but you didn’t say the right words. You spoke out but you didn’t follow the script.

Doc, you also mention the National Post article about the UN document that supposedly condones violence as a way to achieve Palestinian statehood. So did several other people including Glenn ReynoldsMeryl, and Little Green Footballs.

Thanks to who carefully placed actual links to the documents into a comment at Little Green Football, we can read the offensive material for ourselves.

First of all, read the UN Council’s news release about the resolution — pay particular attention to the statements associated with the votes on this measure, as well as the wording of the vote itself and what the document is condeming. A draft of the document can be seen here. According to comments attached to the Little Green Football posting, this is the actual document that was passed, and the document numbers do seem to match.

I am assuming that the clause that generated comments such as “The United States should withdraw from the United Nations and evict these terror-supporting toads from Manhattan” is:

1. Affirms the legitimate right of the Palestinian people to resist the Israeli occupation by all available means in order to free its land and be able to exercise its right of self-determination and that, by so doing, the Palestinian people is fulfilling its mission, one of the goals and purposes of the United Nations;

Yes — I would say that this paragraph condones the Palestinian fight to support their homeland. Does it condone terrorism? Not unless you disregard every other document that rejects terrorism and that comes out of the UN. The UN — as a body — does not and will not endorse terrorism. This is implicit in every one of the UN documents. This is reaffirmed again and again.

However, the warbloggers will take the phrase “…by all available means…” to mean “terrorism”, and by this term I mean bombs against civilian targets. And many of the Palestinians will also, I’m sure. And the Palestinians will continue shooting at and bombing Israeli soldiers in the West Bank. And they will most likely continue suicide and other bombings within Israel itself. And not because of this document. Most of them will never even know about documents such as this.

Do I support these bombings? Of course not. The Israelis do have a right to go about their daily lives without fear of being blown up. But, as Mike himself has said, it is more complicated than that, isn’t it?

I have a question for all the pro-Israel fanatics out there. We support Israel as it does what? I mean what is the ultimate goal here? Do you all seriously consider that the efforts in the West Bank will stop the suicide bombings? Seriously? And if Sharon follows through on his statement that he won’t stop until the suicide boming threat is ended, where will it end? When every Palestinian is dead in the West Bank? When every Arab is dead in the Middle East? When every Muslim is dead in the world? Because the more that Sharon hammers with his fist of hatred, the more terrorists he creates.

Here’s your equivocation: Israel has military but no terrorists and Palestinians have terrorists but no military. I don’t call this equivocation — I call this hypocrisy.

If Sharon acts without hinderance, there will be no West Bank, there will be a violent Middle Eastern war that will eventually become a war fought throughout the world. I have no doubts about it, we’re already seeing the seeds.

I have said and I mean it, I would fight and die if I must before I allow the destruction of the Jewish people, and this includes the Jewish people within Israel. But I will not stand by Israel in its pogrom against the Palestinians.

Israel doesn’t deliberately target civilians right? No, it just sends in tanks to plow homes over that have civilians in them. It shoots gentle people on their way to ring bells.

People can you not see the hypocrisy in this? Are you so blind with self-righteousness that you don’t recognize the fact that more Palestinian civilians have been killed in the fighting in the last two years than Israeli?

I’ll be blunt — I bet the Palestinian people would prefer that the Israeli’s strap a bomb to themselves and go into specific restaurants and stores and on buses. This might be preferable to having entire streets bulldozed and not being able to leave their homes to buy food at all.

This fighting will never end — never end — until both sides realize their own crimes against humanity! Both sides!

The only way that peace will occur will be UN intervention. I have no doubt of this now, the hatred of both sides for each other is too strong. And UN intervention will not be without cost — to all of us. But we have to stop this fighting.

Doc also says “But we could use some peace bloggers. Other than Hanan Cohen, I don’t know any; and I don’t have the urge to become one, because I’d quickly become nothing else.”

Doc, what do you want? People have been speaking out for peace — they just aren’t in your sphere. You just haven’t been paying attention.

I had an email from Dean Landsman about whether he should post an email he had sent out. I won’t repeat Dean’s information — it’s up to him to post his own info — but I will post my response to his question about whether I had been harassed because of the views I have posted online about the Middle East:

You have to ask yourself what you want to accomplish with your weblog. Once you’ve entered the realm of the heavily emotional Middle East discussion, you will find it very difficult to back out and continue on with other topics.


So much of weblogging now is being taken over by the warbloggers. I think this is why blogspot is failing numerous times during the day (i.e. look where instapundit is hosted). And I think the issue has disrupted my “weblogging circle” and others.


Are these issues important? Yes. Should we all talk freely? Yes. But once you go this route, it’s difficult to indulge in light hearted camaraderie. At least, this is failing with me.


Personally, I think the fact that I brought this up is going to ultimately be responsible for me taking my weblog down. Not because I get nasty emails — these are from strangers, who cares? And no threats or anything like that — there enough people to hate, the nuts aren’t looking for new ones.


However, what was important to me with the weblog — the comaraderie with the other weblogs in the circle, the closeness — that’s all gone now. And at a time when I need it because of personal issues in my life.


Dean, I think you can open up an intellectual discussion on this and you’ll be loved by Mike Sanders (I know that one) and others, and you’ll get some negative feedback — this happens anytime you talk about difficult issues. For instance, I don’t agree with your letter and could possibly respond with my own weblog. And if you saw disagreement as “personal” (remember you are stating strong opinions) than you might want to hold on posting. However, if you wouldn’t take it personally (even if people call you Nasty Things), go for it.


Best wishes and here’s hoping you have better luck with this topic than I did

Mike, I haven’t been silent. And Doc, there have been weblogs who have paid a price and spoken out for peace, such as mine.

It’s just that neither of you wanted to hear what I had to say. So fuck you both.

Just Shelley

Small Things

Today the clouds rolled in and it started raining. I spent the afternoon listening to excellent music, sipping hot cider, and emailing old friends I haven’t talked with in a long time, including “bossman”, my ex-boss from dot-com days who now lives in Australia.

Among the music I listened to is McCartney’s new double CD set, Wingspan (History and Hits), combining old and new music. It suited the day. So did Alanis Morrisette’s newest CD, her best release by far. I’m thinking of listening to Sting’s Desert Rose next, dedicated to a certain Brit I know, who just loves Sting. Or maybe I’ll listen to a little Phil Collins.

For dinner, I’m having a meat pie, an idea I got from Allan, except my pie will be homemade, with a delicate crust, very light on the meat, not too rich a sauce, and with vegies cut small — easy food for a tummy that isn’t feeling too good. I’ll eat it sitting in my favorite chair, comfy under a cozy blanket, listening to more music and watching the mist obscure the big ships in the bay as the gray of the day turns into the darker gray of the night.

To complete the picture, I’ll pretend my Mom made the pie. And tucked me into my blanket.

Small things.


Shattered Webs

Shattered Webs

Points meet and swirl in an eddy of communication and reach, growing into a circle so large that light must surely shine from its depths…

…until the darkness of the surround intrudes and the circle spins more slowly

…and falters

…and breaks

Splintering into bits and pieces of shattered web, gossamer fine, edges dulled by wit

And Mike writes:

“On 8 April, the Israeli army allowed a single ambulance access to the camp for the first time in 10 days. However, as the ambulance evacuated three badly injured people from inside the camp, Israeli troops held up the ambulance and violently snatched two of the injured, claiming they were terrorists and were under arrest.”

And AKMA writes:

“No one should be subject to the fear of sudden violent death; no one should be subject to the fear that tanks will flatten his or her home. And so far as I can tell, no one advances the cause of peace by killing more people. Killing more people advances the causes of hatred (suppressed or overt) and vengeance, and killing more people will only cost a steadily increasing number of lives.”

And Elaine writes:

“Killing innocent people is wrong. It’s wrong for the Palestinians and it’s wrong for the Israelis. But if neither side doesn’t want to deal with the consequences of warring on their neighbors, then they should simply stop making war and resolve to negotiate.”

And Meryl writes as she and Mike Sanders join in March:

“We want peace, too. But not at the cost of the State of Israel, or by more loss of Jewish lives.”

And Jonathon writes:

“All around Beckett senseless arrests and killings were commonplace. Even more devastating was the knowledge that numerous friends were either colloborating openly with the Germans or indirectly toadying to them. He found himself unable to remain neutral any longer. Now that the war touched his friends, it was no longer a philosophical exercise — it had become grimly personal.”

And Chris Writes:

“Bathe in the blood of your enemies, before they have a chance to caper like children in arterial gouts of yours. Cleanse the world of your hated foes, yes, that’s it, ethnically cleanse.”

Splintering into bits and pieces of shattered web, gossamer fine, edges dulled by wit


Hijacked domain

You may or may not have heard about the hijacking of the domain from Leslie Harpold. If you haven’t, you can read more on the story at TextismTime is TightMetaFilter, and diveintomark.

What’s funny is that I received an email last week “warning” me that and other variations of “” were being scooped up and that I was at risk of losing my online identity. Considering that another company had before I ever signed up for, and that searching on Google for “burningbird” always returns my web sites (yes, Google is very good for this type of search), I’m not worried over much about it. Besides, I’ll always have “yasd” and “shelley powers”, as well as me when I look in the mirror, thank you very much.

Take more than a domain name theft to steal me.

And for those who are looking for traces of Leslie Harpold, or a souvenir as Mark would put it, don’t forget the Wayback Machine is an invaluable resource for finding “lost” web material.


My weblog has fallen down and it can’t get up!

A weblogger’s nightmare:

I am looking at a weblog page with a Google box to the right and a NY Times box to the left and several buttons with coffee mugs all over them that generate OPML, RSS, and various other assorted and sundry XML flavors. Within the page there is this outline with links and plus signs and you click on the plus signs and the content is expanded to show even more outlines, which can expand to even more outlines, and on and on and on.

And I see myself hunting desperately through the page knowing if I look hard enough, deep enough, I will find the truth. I will find what the weblogger has to say.

Finally, after I click enough of the little plus signs, and get rid of all these boxes that keep opening up and tell Google to shut the fuck up for just one second, I find it.

Hear the words of The Weblogger:

You are The Doc Searls Weblog!

You are located at

You are rather jolly. You write a lot of geeky stuff. You are so fond of penguins that you edit a journal about them.

At which point my head implodes from one mind bomb too many, and the weblog falls over and the Internet gets sucked up into this huge black hole and the universe as we know it ceases to exist.