Web Writing

Books at Amazon

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Dynamic HTML Power Guide authored by Shelley Powers, published in January, 1998. 1/19/98 – Finally, at long last, this book is in the bookstores!“Dynamic HTML” book provides over 100 examples covering both Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and Netscape Navigator 4.0 Dynamic HTML. This includes an explanation and demonstration of the style specification standard CSS1, and provides an overview of both VBScript and JavaScript 1.2, to assist in understanding examples written with both scripting languages. The book also has separate sections providing comprehensive coverage and demonstrations of the IE 4.0 and Navigator 4.0 scripting object models.

The end of the book features a section containing complex cross-browser examples such as an online presentation, magazine, game, and catalog page.

What cross-browser techniques will you learn? How to layer content, use layers and DIV blocks together, hide and show content, two different techniques for drag and drop, event capturing, clipping, element movement, and yes, even how to replace content in a page AFTER the page has been loaded. This is in addition to how to maintain DHTML “state”, and how to create cross-browser scripting objects that take care of browser differences.

The book also has fun with each individual browser. Using forms and layers together. Hiding and showing form “hints”. Learn how to emulate the IE shadow and alpha visual filters in Navigator. Play with drag and drop art. Have some fun with Microsoft’s visual and transition filters. Hide and show content, or change the style attribute for content.

The book has been tested against the delivered IE 4.0 product, and Navigator 4.4, on Windows95 and NT.

Book is for an intermediate/advanced audience.

Dynamic Web Publishing Unleashed co-authored by Shelley Powers, published in December, 1997 by SAMS.Book is an overview of Web-based technologies including HTML 4.0, DHTML, CSS1, Scripting, Java 1.1, Channels, server-side techniques and more. If you are new to Web, or have only worked with one or two Web technologies this book can help you “catch up” with the seemingly endless components of Web development. The book follows more of a reference format, meaning that each section can be read in any order. The book also follows the philosophy of “less talk, more code”.

The Channels and VRML chapters, and my commentary chapter on the future of the Web technologies, are online at SAMS at

Note that there is some confusion at various online bookstores about the size of the book. It is a little over 800 pages in length, not including the online chapters. Also note that this book is not by the same author as Web Publishing Unleashed, follows a different format, and contains new content.

Perl from the Ground Up, by Osborne McGraw-Hill, due to be published in 1997.I wrote the chapters on Object-Oriented Perl, and Perl and the Internet-based libraries. The book promises to be a good overall discussion of Perl that does not require any previous Perl experience.
Java Unleashed 1.1 – published by SAMS, 1997.I wrote the chapters on the SQL classes, and Java Databases. This book provides a good, overall, coverage of the JDK 1.1, including coverage of RMI, JDBC, threads, JAR, networking, sockets, applets, and much more.
Maximum Java 1.1 – published by SAMS, 1997.I wrote the chapters on Managing Media, Finding and Using Resources, and the Java Commerce API. This is a book that covers advanced Java topics such as the Java and VRML 2.0, Reflection and Introspection, factory objects, serialization and persistence and other. This book takes off from where others end.
PowerBuilder 5 How To, co-authored by Shelley Powers, published in 1996 by Waite Group Press.Book is fairly large and answers some of the most common PB 5.0 questions, using the Waite Group Press “Question and Answer” format popular with the “How To” series. In addition, this was the first book on the shelves that provided examples for using the DataWindow plug-ins.

I am particularly proud of the section I wrote on creating the different types of applications, demonstrating that PB applications do not need to be MDI (multiple document interface) apps, only.

Using Perl 5 for Web Programming, co-authored by Shelley Powers, published by Que, 1996.This is an Amazon Bookstore bestseller. I particularly like the company newsletter example I created for this book.
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