
Learning JavaScript on the streets

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I received my first author copy of Learning JavaScript this week and it’s now for sale at Amazon and elsewhere, though it may take a few days to reach full stock.

O’Reilly really moved on this book in order to get it into the store shelves before the Christmas rush. Just in time for all of your holiday gift shopping. Now I need to get the book support site up. Layout and tech is easy: design, now that’s hard.

If you happen to buy it, I hope you’ll feel moved to add comments out at Amazon and elsewhere.

I’ve also modified the organization and focus of the Adding Ajax book. There’s a great number of Ajax books on the street, so we really needed something that sets this apart. Luckily we have some time to slide with this book so that I could do a re-organization. I feel now that it’s a much better book.

Just Shelley

Too many domains

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I have a post at ScriptTeaser, or what is still ScriptTeaser, with links to older tech writings I’m recovering and throwing online.

It is an object lesson in the dangers of too many domains, as well as getting caught up in overly complex web site organizations, sub-domains, and so on.

Originally much of this was under, and I have no regrets letting that domain go: it was horribly contaminated by spammers and other nefarious folk. But I’ve had others and I’ve let them go, such as and and so on. If I had picked one domain, used plain old sub-directories, I would have established both history as well as context for all the material I’ve been putting online since 1995.

As it is now, I realized that I’ve fragmented my material behind salvaging and can only grab what I can, put each chunk in as subdirectory to, drop all my other domains (except for and, which I do want as a completely separate sites), and work to re-design, re-org, and so on.

(I’ll also keep, because that’s who I am: Shelley Powers, ghost in the machine.)

I’m probably responsible for 5% of the internet’s bad links and 404’s–not to mention those pages with all the links used by people to game Google. I guess I lived up to the name, “Burningbird”, because like the Phoenix, I was always in a constant state of re-birth.

Update All of this reminded me of one of the most helpful sites I’ve ever found, which is still in business and still extremely helpful: Here’s the site with my newest book: Learning JavaScript.

Update 2: I found several of the presentations I gave in 1999-2001, listed here. Among them:

Developing Applications with XUL is a presentation I gave at two XML DevCons. Note that this one won’t work with Firefox, which is the danger of putting your presentation into a format other than a powerpoint presentation. However, you can download the entire work, or try going through the pages starting with Page 1 and kind of extrapolate from there.

Internet World Winter 2000 and Spring 2001: Interactive Web pages…thanks to the W3C that still works! This one is actually still very timely, for a historical perspective at a minimum. You have to click on each header to expose additional info. Yes, I know: not very accessible.

Then there’s the powerpoint presentation titled Semantic Web and RDF I did for the SDForum SIG group in October, 2001.

I did NET: Your key to programming language independence for some group, I can’t remember now. It requires IE–sorry.

Finally, for the first O’Reilly ETech conference, when it was called P2P, A Distributed Configuration Tool for Distributed Systems by my former boss, Michael Hitz and myself. This has a flash show as well as powerpoint presentation, and actually does a take off of Groove. About the talk:

Managing power grids (such as Florida Light and Power’s) and mass transit systems (such as the new light rail system to the airport in Hong Kong) each require sophisticated control systems. The sale of these large scale complex systems often requires an international marketing and engineering effort that demands the input of many different people, many of whom live in different countries and speak different languages. Such a sales process is fraught with an engineering challenge of its own that demands accurate price estimates, bills of material, forecast manufacturing orders and communication across sales, engineering and manufacturing teams in multiple time-zones.

This talk focuses on a development effort currently underway to create an automated configuration tool for such systems; one which will allow a number of distributed participants to collaborate on the description of a complex system of distributed parts. Output are various stages of quotation, requests for approval, and an automatically generated bill of materials (BOM).

In order to facilitate the geographical separation of people using the tool, the creators will be using P2P technologies to locate and access distributed services based on the needs of both configuration and user, at each stage of the configuration cycle. Streaming data will be used to dynamically generate the user interface, based on work in progress by one or more active participants and each engineer’s locale.

Now, it was Michael’s idea to use the word fraught in this context. I would never use the word ‘fraught’ in front of hard core American geeks. But he was Australian.

Yes, this was a system we were contemplating developing, until Michael decided he’d had enough of the states and took off for home and relative obscurity. I compare this, though, with the Web 2.0 applications getting billions of dollars and can only shake my head.

Just Shelley

Not always good

Sometimes life is good, and sometimes it’s less so. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow understood this.

Into every life, a little bug must fall.

close up of dragonfly

Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sand of time;

Footprints, that perhaps another,
Sailing o’er life’s solenm main,
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Seeing, shall take heart again.

Let us then be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor and to wait.

Excerpt from The Psalm of Life

blue dragonfly


Comments to comments

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I don’t remember this being written about anywhere, and I don’t know how old the ability is, but you can now add comments to individual product reviews at Amazon.

As an author, what a wonderful way of responding to comments on one’s work. For others, what a great way to get more detail from the original commenter, or provide counter-point and/or appreciation.

Just Shelley

This door swings both ways

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Sometimes the iTunes store is spot on when it makes a recommendation, and that’s how I can to download Herman’s Hermits Retrospective–the group’s best songs, very nicely re-mastered.

I’ve enjoyed this CD immensely, with its reminders of hip-huggers, tight sweaters, and big bright posterboard flowers, shaggy hair, white lipstick, and color! Color was very big at that time. It’s odd but I’d never noticed before that among the flower-power pop-rock songs, the band had some rather non-trivial lyrics, such as The Door Swings Both Ways:


Everyones life is bittersweet
It’s a door that opens wide
And no man can call himself complete
Till he’s seen it from both sides

This door swings both ways
It’s marked ‘In’ and ‘Out’
Some days you’ll want to cry
And some days you will shout

This door swings both ways
It goes back and forth
In comes a southern breeze
Or a cold wind from the north

This door swings both ways
Lets in joy and pain
In comes the morning sun
And then the evening rain

This door swings both ways
Lets in dark and light
Every day you make the choice
To let in wrong or right

When shadows fall
You must prepare yourself for sunshine
For everything there is an end
And so my friend you must be brave

This door swings both ways
Which one will it be
Will we live in happiness
Or dwell in misery

This door swings both ways
Lets in earth and sky
Make the most of livin’
If you’re not prepared to die
Make the most of livin’
If you’re not prepared to die.

I agree with this reviewer, it’s some of the less well known songs that have better stood the test of time, including the lovely East-West, My Sentimental Friend, and Here Comes the Star. This was the last of this type of music, before pushed aside by the edgier, grittier music inspired by the increasing anti-Vietnam War sentiment and movement.

The time is ripe for a newly mastered collection of this lesser-known group. Looking at the popular Web 2.0 web sites, most would have felt at home back in the mid-60’s: big, curvy flowers, bright pastel colors, and plenty of bubbly optimism made more piquant by knowing that the hammer’s about to fall.