
SxSW Panel 2

I can’t go into details yet, but there might be changes on the SxSW panel. I’m still waiting to hear from some of the players, and when I do, I’ll post something online.

Not that I think anyone is going to SxSW just because of this panel, or even because I was going to be there.


Kathy Sierra won’t be participating on the panel, and I haven’t heard if we hope to bring someone else in, go with the folks we have, or cancel.


Neutrogena wouldn’t do that

One of the most wickedly ironic moments this week was reading in Robert Scoble’s weblog about how he and Shel Israel–two men–gave a talk about weblogging to PR and marketing folks at L’Oreal: a company whose clientele is almost exclusively women.

Turns out that L’Oreal, the world’s largest cosmetics maker, is one of Microsoft’s best customers. But we were there to talk about corporate blogging. We talked about how to use Technorati/Feedster/Pubsub/IceRocket to watch what anyone in the world says about L’Oreal’s products.

Here you go L’Oreal, pick this up in Technorati–when you get off the clueless train that is.


Girly girls and auto shops

I received a coupon special from a neighborhood auto shop that’s just joined a national car care organization. As part of the special, the shop would do a complete car preventative maintenance check. I called and asked if performing an analysis of a Check Engine Light would be part of this effort, and they said “Sure!” This is in contrast to my previous auto care shop, who wanted to charge me $90.00.

Last Friday I took the car in and they had it all day long–checking all of the fluids for level and state; the transmission, the brakes, the exhaust, the tires, the drive axles, the signals, the hoses, and so on. They also changed the oil, oil filter, and libricated the chassis where needed. When I picked up the car, they found that the brakes are in amazingly good shape, my two tires are shot (knew that), the other two are evidencing uneven wear, and my brake fluid and power steering fluid were both extremely dirty and needed to be ‘flushed’.

They also diagnosed the Check Engine Light as a failure in the DPFE (Delta Pressure Feedback of EGR) sensor in the EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) system. I knew immediately what they were talking about because before I took my car in, I researched causes of Check Engine Light failure on Ford Focus and found that it could be because of failure in two sensors: the O2 and the DPFE (or EGR sensor). I also researched how the exhaust system works, and even found a site that has an excellent article on the DPFE sensor, how it helps determine if enough exhaust is being recirculated back into the engine in order to help control emissions.

In fact, I found out that many Ford Focus owners have disabled the DPFE sensors because of known issues with the sensor in this model of car, and had easy to follow instructions if I wanted to do such myself. However, a quick check and I found out that doing so in Missouri is illegal. Not only that, but driving with a Check Engine Light on in Missouri (as well as many states) is illegal. At a minimum, you won’t be able to renew your car license, and the reason why is most Check Engine Light failures occur in the exhaust system and signal that your car is most likely polluting more than it should.

During the check, my local auto shop found out there is a special extended warranty on DPFE sensors for Ford Focus, just because of problems encountered. I logged into the computer at home and found that the extended warranty lasts until 60,000 miles and I have 58, 900 miles on my car. Today I took it into Ford and they verified my mechanics diagnosis and replaced it free of charge.

(If I wanted to, I could have bought my own diagnostic tool and found out myself what the problem was. These are easily used, and with help at the MyFordFocus forum, fairly easy to deciper. However, since I got this service for free at the auto shop, I’ll hold on a purchase for now.)

Even if it wasn’t under warranty, I could actually replace this myself — it’s not inaccessible, and it’s more a matter of unbolting it and putting in a new one and making sure the connections are right. But now it’s replaced and the Check Engine Light is off, and it didn’t cost me a penny.

As for the flushing the brake fluid and the power steering fluid, I checked again on the internet and found that the brake fluid should be checked when brakes are checked, but many auto shops don’t do so, primarily because many mechanics aren’t aware they should do so. From the state of my brake fluid (which I saw in a comparison with ‘good’ fluid color), mine should have been flushed a long time ago.

As for the power steering, it’s not unusual for it to get dirty but whether you flush it or not somewhat depends on how long you’ve had the car. For instance, I found that if the car has reached 60,000 miles, then the recommendation tends to be to flush the system; others recommend flushing the system if it’s dirty, period. Since my car is reaching the 60,000 mark and the fluid was very dirty, this is a good procedure.

The auto shop also told me that my “Air Intake & Induction System” was ‘dirty’ and needed to be replaced. Hmm, that was a new one on me. When I got home, a little checking led me to discover how the air instake system works, what would be replaced (a filter) and that if I want to race my Focus, I can replace the air instake system with a racing intake system or a Cold Air Intake (CAI) system, which could boost performance and milage. So, I may hold on replacing the filter and look at actually replacing the system.

(Heck, maybe someday I’ll replace the body with a new Focus racing body, with lightning streaks on the side. Vro-o-om, vro-o-o-m. I found a site that gives complete, step by step instructions on how to do this.)

But before I take the car in, I’ll call around and get price checks to see how much other shops are charging. If there’s a discrepancy in prices, I’ll then decide if my confidence in my mechanic is high enough to let the difference slide, or negotiate a price change at the shop, or take it to another shop. Right now, my confidence in this shop is high, so unless the price difference is significant, paying more is acceptable.

So now when I take my car in to get the rest of the maintenance completed, I’ll have had a complete systems check, Check Engine Light diagnosed, sensor replaced, fluids flushed, and other than replacing the two tires (and research is pointing me to Bridgestone high-performance all-weather tires), my car will be in optimum condition — and I’ll have a high degree of confidence that I got the repairs I needed, the maintenance I needed, and just what was needed and at a good cost (or none, for warranty repair). More importantly, I’ll have established at the auto shop that I do my homework, and am capable of discussing problems from a basis of understanding, not ignorance.

I was able to do all of this because I decided long ago that unless you’re using your penis as a dipstick replacement to check oil levels, you don’t need one when it comes to understanding how your car works.


Beauty is only geek deep

Misbehaving pointed to a new Geek Calendar featuring 12 young, attractive female tech workers in typical calendar poses.

According to the “About the Producer” page (the producer being one of the models):

Lilac Mohr, who herself is a Senior Java Developer, is the producer of the Geek Gorgeous Calendar. Sick of hearing complaints from male co-workers about the lack of attractive women in the computer industry, Lilac set out to show the world that there are plenty of beautiful, intelligent, and interesting women in the fields of computers and engineering.

Gina at Misbehaving writes:

This seems like a good idea, but it’s too bad the photos are so cheesy and tasteless (in my opinion). I don’t know about you, but I don’t use pink ethernet cable as a bikini top. In addition to the photo, each month includes a summary of each model’s technical skills and quotes on working in the male-dominated tech industry.

I would have much rather seen classy, artsy photos of people looking both beautiful and geeky.

Personally, I would rather have seen a small, stylish photo of each woman, and then fill the page with code or other results of their work. To me that would be both geeky and beautiful. But then, according to the creative tech writer, I’m not the target audience:

My version would probably be a study of “What Not to Wear” befores and afters — in my experience, it’s a rare geek who can pull off the prOn pout with studied disheveledness with any style. Give me the slightly overweight and overworked senior network engineer who wears too-tight yoga pants, oversized sweaters, and ponytails. Or the newly-back-from-maternity-leave security manager who’s gotten no sleep in 12 weeks and still has to manage the outcomes of 3 crises her first week back. Talk about people in need of some cheesecake overhauling. And after they’ve been pampered and styled for the camera, what do you think their eyes would say as you stared at their calendar pic? I don’t think it would be anything like what the girls are saying. Sure, they’d look as good, but they’d be telling a whole other story.

I’m sure that were I to interview at any number of companies, and I walked in looking like who I am — an almost 51 year old woman who would really prefer not to pose in Victoria Secret underwear in public, thank you–there would be no disappointment among the young males who I’m most likely to be interviewing with. I believe in challenging stereotypes, but I agree with I Speak of Dreams: There are better approaches.

Maybe my reluctance about the calendar is that I don’t know any of the women. I wonder how Joi Ito would look as a Victoria Secret Angel?



Being woke from a half sleep, I read the following over at Dave Rogers, about his finding out that a neighbor of his had died:

So here’s this guy, 35 or thereabouts, who’s going through some tough times, and he’s pretty well off financially, I guess […] He lived probably 50 feet from where I’m typing these words. And not only did I not know him, or know of his problems, I didn’t even know he died until my daughter told me.

But here I am. I know all about Doc Searls’ sore back from getting ready to move into yet another house (What’s up with that?), I know about Dave Weinberger’s Office files being unavailable or something, I know that Halley Suitt seems to want to know how other people manage. (Halley, apparently some don’t.) I know a lot of shit about people I’ll never meet, and I don’t know a damn thing about this guy who died all alone less than 50 feet from where I sit; and was dead for four days before anyone cared enough to get off their ass and knock on his door to see if he was all right.

I don’t really know what that says about me. Nothing good, I’m afraid. I don’t know what it says about my community that none of my neighbors mentioned it to me. I don’t know what it says about our society that a guy can die and we can efficiently collect the body quickly enough that most people won’t even notice. Of course, I’m absolutely certain at least a few people will deign to opine that if the guy had only maintained a weblog, he’d probably be alive right now. The guy must not have gotten the memo or something. Must have missed the ClueTrain™, I guess.

Anyway, just another reality-based data point for those of you who like to wax rhapsodic about certain consensual delusions regarding this being an “intimate planet.” Chances are there’s someone within a stone’s throw of where you sit who could use a little intimacy of some kind right about now, and you don’t know it. Worse, you never will.

(ed: Sorry, long quote. So sue me.)

In the town where I grew up, one boy I knew died when his car was hit by a truck, and another died when a rock slide hit his car; another drowned, and a fourth died of cancer. I would wrestle with one, and exchanged kisses with another, and wished I had with a third, and only knew the fourth because everyone knew everyone in the town but I think we crashed into each other during Red Rover, once.

The manager of our apartment complex died in a car accident last year; the husband of one of my roommate’s co-workers died of a heart attack a month ago. Unfortunately, a few dozens of people died in Iraq today because of a horrible mistake.

I didn’t shed a tear when I heard of any of their deaths because I only have the capacity to connect intimately with a few. Oh, I can sympathize and tsk tsk and shake my head at how young some of them were when they died, and even get angry at the waste; but I don’t feel their deaths intimately. Frankly, I’m glad I don’t, because we only have the capacity to care so much. We can either choose to care for many, thinly; or a few, deeply.

Intimate. The definition for intimate is:


1. Marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity.
2. Relating to or indicative of one’s deepest nature: intimate prayers.
3. Essential; innermost: the intimate structure of matter.
4. Marked by informality and privacy: an intimate nightclub.
5. Very personal; private: an intimate letter.
6. Of or involved in a sexual relationship.


A close friend or confidant.

A close friend or confidant. How close? Ten feet? A hundred? 265 days?

Funny, aside from the sexual relationship, there’s nothing in this to denote there must be a certain number of feet–or a certain number of minutes–between the object one is intimate with and ourselves. And if one is creative, it doesn’t have to matter with the sexual relationship, either.

I disagree with you, Dave: this is a very intimate planet. But intimacy has a price. More importantly, its one price for all: no long distance charges apply.

Now, I’m going back to bed before I blather irritably some more.