Government Legal, Laws, and Regs The Democratic Difference

It is none of our damn business

My Dad, who was a Republican, would have liked Tim Walz. He would have liked Walz’s plain speaking. He would have admired his bluntness, especially when Walz says that a woman’s right to choose is none of our damn business. He would have liked it because that’s exactly what my Dad used to say.

When Dad and I talked about things like abortion, his philosophy was, “It’s none of my business what happens between a woman and a doctor. This is no one’s business but the woman and her doctor.”

He felt the same thing about same-sex marriage: it was none of his business. I know he would feel the same thing about trans treatment: it was none of his business.

He took that same belief to what he expected from his elected representatives: interfering in a woman’s right to healthcare isn’t the government’s business. Whether a woman has an abortion or not isn’t the business of the state legislature. Or Congress. They have work to do that is their business, and abortion, same-sex marriage,  pronoun use, trans healthcare, what books people read … none of these are their damn business.

My Dad was born in 1910. He didn’t always understand why a woman would want an abortion, but her having one, was none of his business. He didn’t fully understand the LGBTQ+ community, but he never expressed disapproval of any member of the community because it wasn’t his business to approve or disapprove. He felt he didn’t have the right to make judgements on how other people lived as long as how they lived didn’t hurt anyone else.

It was none of his damn business. And he fought in World War II as part of the 82nd Airborne to ensure that others didn’t interfere where they had no right to be.

Now, please take some time to watch Lawrence O’Donnell rip apart today’s media in one of his most eloquent and important video appearances, ever. Because he’s telling the media what is their business, and that they are failing.

PS I’ll tell you something else about my Dad: he never would have voted for Donald Trump.


Just Shelley The Democratic Difference Weather

Debby didn’t do Savannah

Well, we lucked out. Debby was slow moving, which wasn’t good. But it degraded over land. Better yet, it grabbed and incorporated a dry air mass that kept most of the heavier overnight rain away.

We lost power, so I don’t have an accurate rain measurement from my system. However, according to the University of Georgia weather station across the street from me, we had a total of 8.01 inches in less than 24 hours.

Now, we’ll get about an inch of rain today, maybe an inch tomorrow, and it will be done.

So far the only damage is to our roof dryer vent, which seems to be weeping some water internally and sneaking out through a join. Not a big problem. And the power outage didn’t last long enough to spoil food in the fridge or freezer.

Other sections of the city weren’t as lucky, as there was quite a bit of flash flooding. Chatham county and Savannah really need to think about better storm water management, and how much unrestricted development they’re both allowing.

Anyway, last TS post for this storm.  Debby just said “Hey!” and is passing on through—its eye is directly overhead as I write this.

And Kamala Harris picked Tim Walz for VP! Let the politics begin!

People Political The Democratic Difference

Goodbye Joe, Hello Kamala

A whole lot changed since my last defense of President Biden. Last week he decided to step down from his re-election attempt and put all his support behind his VP, Kamala Harris.

Democrats came together behind Kamala Harris in enthusiastic numbers I haven’t seen in a long, long time. Within two days, she had enough delegation support to win the Democratic primary. I suspect by the time the convention rolls around, she’ll have everyone’s support.

I am sad that President Biden had to end his campaign, but ultimately, he sacrificed his ambitions for the country, and he did the right thing: he gave us a candidate we can ALL embrace.

And I want to go down on record as saying I want to be adopted by the Harris/Emhoff family.

The Democratic Difference

We Kick Out Trump and Greitens. Then What?

The St. Louis PD headline reads Missouri Republicans debate whether Greitens should stay or go. The debate is centered around revelations of the Greitens’ affair, and especially whether he photographed a bound, blindfolded woman and threatened blackmail.

Of course, discussions about kicking out a Republican in charge are not new this year. They happen all the time with President Trump. People breathlessly wait for the culmination of Mueller’s Russian investigation, hoping for a criminal indictment and impeachment.

Just stop for a moment, though, and think about what would happen if Greitens was forced to resign, and Trump kicked out of office?

In Missouri, the Lt. Governor would take over. This is Mike Parson. Many of us know Mike Parson from his effort to destroy Proposition B, the anti-puppy mill bill. He did so at the behest of Forrest Lucas, a wealthy Indiana oil man. Forrest Lucas is also the man behind Protect the Harvest, a frothing-at-the-mouth anti-animal welfare, anti-environmental effort. Lucas owns Mike Parson.

Not only would Parsons continue the destructive efforts begun by Greitens in the state, he’d likely increase such efforts because, unlike Greitens, Parson knows how to get along with the Republicans in the legislature. Right now, it is these same Republicans who have stymied some of Greitens more egregious actions.

Interestingly enough, the same circumstances hold true for Trump and the Vice-President, Mike Pence.

Mike Pence would support most of the cabinet members Trump has appointed. Heck, he probably recommended most of them. Pence would also continue undermining our civil rights, our environment, and our attempts at economic equality. But, unlike Trump, he’s seemingly level-headed, not overtly narcissistic, knows how to hide the bodies, and is a former Congressman. He’d get along with the Republicans in Congress—to the point where the GOP would stage such a slash-and-burn on the government and this country that it could be decades before we’d recover.

Most importantly, both Trump and Greitens are tarnishing the Republican brand. They are millstones tied around the neck of every Republican running for office.

So, giving up Eric Greitens for Mike Parson, and giving up Donald Trump for Mike Pence. Is this really what we want? Is it worth the momentary satisfaction of kicking a hated person out of office, only for them to be replaced by an even more destructive, harmful person?

Or is a better use of our time focused on preventing as much damage as we can, locally and at the national level, while we replace all of these jokers during elections in 2018 and 2020?

The Democratic Difference

The Republicans are going after Clinton again and Other Judicial Abuses


To add to the judicial abuse, Congressional Republicans want the FBI to investigate Christopher Steele for the Russian “dossier”.

A veteran prosecutor, Peter Zeidenberg, said he had never heard of anything like the Grassley-Graham complaint and labeled it “nonsense” designed to detract from ongoing inquiries in to Russian interference in the 2016 election.

“The FBI doesn’t need any prompting from politicians to prosecute people who have lied to them,” said Zeidenberg, a federal prosecutor for 17 years. While members of Congress make criminal referrals from time to time, they are usually related to independent congressional investigations, not to material already known to the FBI. “They should stay in their lane,” Zeidenberg said of the Grassley-Graham effort.


I was astonished to see Clinton Foundation trending on Twitter. Even more so to read that yet more investigations have been opened into the Clinton Foundation and Clinton’s emails. This, following the DOJ’s and FBI’s capitulation to Paul Ryan and Devin Nunes, related to Russian investigative documents.