
Unpatriotic to not support the President

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

The Republicans and the White House have called Democrats “unpatriotic” for speaking out against the upcoming battle with Iraq. Senator Kennedy asked the question that still waits answer: How much is this going to cost. Senator Daschle declares that Bush has failed diplomacy. Both are declared to be unpatriotic.

But then, I’m also unpatriotic, because I think Bush has an agenda that doesn’t serve this country. That’s speaking out, so therefore I’m unpatriotic. In fact, I’m a traitor, which is what one of the people called those of us who participated in the candlelight vigil on Sunday.

I have a poster I’d like to hang in my window. It shows a peace sign with a yellow ribbon, with the words “Bring them home now”. I like it because it shows that I support the military, but not the war. I won’t display it, though, because I have a cat; I’m concerned that if I put the poster up, someone will throw a brick through the window and my cat will get out, and get lost or killed – she has no commonsense at all.

After President Bush’s speech yesterday, from one moment to next, the stakes have changed for those of us who continue to protest the President’s actions, in Iraq and at home.


Light a candle for peace

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

It is better to light a candle
than to curse the darkness.

Mother Teresa


Over 300 people showed up to light a candle for peace. They lined both sides of the street and stretched a couple of blocks. For the most part, those in the cars who passed between raised their thumbs and honked in support; however, there were a few that were emphatically Bush supporters.

About half way through the hour long vigil, one lone dissenter showed up – a middle age man who stood across the street, holding up a Marine Corp flag. He nodded pleasantly at the people holding the candles; they waved back.

The people were smiling, but quiet, subdued. That moment of truth weighed heavy, as we stood shoulder to shoulder in an unbroken line of flickering light, sending a message of hope as ephemeral as the flame.



Moment of Truth

Reading a Sydney Morning Herald report from reporters in Baghdad. The author writes:

In 1991, the coded messages gave us 1 hours’ to 2 hours’ notice. But for now, the next best indication of imminent action will be the UN’s withdrawal of the weapons inspectors and the evacuation of the last remaining members of the diplomatic community.

In a story at ABC News

The United Nations flew most of its helicopters out of Iraq on Sunday, and Germany advised its citizens to leave the country immediately amid mounting fears of war with the United States.

Iraq is now on war footing, with Saddam Hussein vowing to take this war everywhere, and Bush issuing a global ultimatum:

Tomorrow is a moment of truth for the world.

Yes, but whose truth?

When we lived in Vermont, my cat once caught a tiny deer mouse. You know the kind of mouse I’m talking about – tiny little body and huge ears and eyes. Zoe played with it and batted it about and tortured that little thing until we forced it from her, and put it out of its misery.

If we’re going to have this war then let’s have it so that we can face the aftermath. Let’s stop with the pretenses, and the phony summits, and the press releases, and Powell saying one thing while Cheney says another. If we’re going to rain bombs on Baghdad, let’s do so and quickly, rather than leave the people of that city in terror. Let’s stop toying with Iraq and move in for the kill.

In two hours I’m going to join a couple of hundred people holding up candles against the warm spring breeze, murmuring words of peace. But inside there’s a part of me that wishes the war would just start, so it could be over.



Candlelight Vigil

I will be attending one of the candlelight vigils tonight. I was surprised, and heartened to see how many there are in St. Louis. There’s three in my immediate vicinity, alone.

I won’t be holding a candle though as I’ve volunteered to try and get some photos of the event. I say ‘try’ because I’ve not had the best of luck with my digital camera in low-level illumination. I have a flash, but I’m concerned it will be too bright, and will ruin the effects of the candles. Oh well, will do my best.

I think one thing we’ve learned since the last major global anti-war demonstration is that these demonstrations aren’t for everyone; neither is some or even all aspects of the anti-war movement. We must remember to respect each other’s beliefs and choices, if what we say in these demonstrations means anything at all.

We’re heading into tense, difficult times. Regardless of what each of us believes, we have to keep in mind our respect for each other. Our service people in the Middle East deserve our respect. So do the people of Iraq. It just breaks my heart to see two groups who deserve respect having to kill each other because a few men, deserving of no respect, have demanded it in their arrogance.

Sorry. Sorry. Candlelight vigils and hope. That’s the ticket. Hope.

Today will only be about hope.


End of the War +1

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Day 1 after the end of the war:

The residents of Baghdad are slowly entering the streets, picking their way past the rubble of bombed out buildings. Many are homeless, most are hungry and desperately thirsty because the water supply to the city was one of the first targets bombed.

The hospitals are overflowing with the injured and calls for medical supplies and personnel are being issued to all countries. Many organizations answer, but some hold back until the country is stabilized, not wanting to endanger their people. There’s also the lingering fear that Saddam Hussein may have used biological weapons against the people and the attackers, though no direct evidence has surfaced of its use.

The American military is everywhere, tired though alert, faces constantly scanning the rubble and the windowless buildings looking for more snipers. In the time that they’ve fought this war, they’ve learned not to trust anyone, even the children – small hands can hold a gun or a grenade as easily as bigger hands. It’s difficult, though. These young American soldiers aren’t used to looking death in the eye of a 10 year old.

There’s an acrid smell of smoke in the air from burning oil wells near the city. American oil fire fighting companies are already on their way, but it’s going to be years before all the fires are extinguished. Unfortunately, the smell of oil and smoke is one that will become all too familiar in the region. Those with asthma and weak hearts fight to draw in breath only to cough it out so hard that in some cases they spit up blood.

The sound of gunfire rings out too frequently as groups of Shiite Muslims attack remaining members of the Baath Party, those that aren’t hiding behind western protection. So far, the Shiite haven’t attacked the Americans, but the people of Baghdad know it’s only a matter of time before they do. The Shiites have never forgiven the Americans for being encouraged to rebel against Saddam Hussein, and then not getting any military support when Hussein slaughtered them by the thousands. The tens of thousands. Memories run long and deep in the desert.

The Turkish military have invaded into Northern Iraq, seeking to control the Kurds. The Iranians entered Iraq from the East before the war started, determined to to support their Shiite brothers. American and British soldiers find themselves squeezed between the two factions, working desperately to keep them apart. There isn’t enough soldiers. No matter how many arrive daily, there isn’t enough.

One of the former curators of the National Museum of Antiquities combs through the remains of the new National Museum of Iraq, too numb to feel, too dehydrated to cry.

Rumor circulates through Baghdad that Saddam Hussein has been captured; no, he’s been killed; no, he’s still on the loose, vowing vengeance. Though the American military is in control in the city, the war doesn’t feel finished. All the people want to do is drink water and sleep.

As the President goes on television to proclaim victory in Iraq, the people of that country begin the process of burying their dead, and military commanders work frantically to keep the country from being torn apart.

At the end of the day, the setting sun is blood red from the smoke.

For Army, Fears of Post-War Strife
U.S. Hotshots ready for Iraqi Blazes
Concerns about the Consequences of a war with Iraq are Growing
Saddam’s Plans for a Dirty War
Iraq’s History is our History, too
Iraq Looks to its Rich History
Bidding Under Way for Post-War Iraq


Sorry, this isn’t a ‘beautiful protest’ but I didn’t have a lot of beauty in me today. I promise that tomorrow’s forecast will be for a sunny disposition, and maybe a bud or two of Spring.