Diversity Political

Uncompromising Individualism

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

This essay is long, and includes terms that are racially offensive, but also representative of the time in which they were used.

Much of my earliest reading was through books I pilfered from my brother’s shelves when he was out playing with his friends. It was through my brother that I was introduced to comic characters such as Superman and Batman, that guy made out of stone, Spiderman, and so on. My first exposure to science fiction was E.E. “Doc” Smith, and my first classic novel was “Song of Hiawatha” by Longfellow.

It was also through my ‘borrowing’ that I was introduced at a very young age to Ayn Rand’s “Fountainhead”.

It’s no surprise that Ayn Rand was favored reading in our school. Her philosophy of Rational Egoism and Objectivism was perfect fodder for a people who were extreme Libertarians even before there were Libertarians. Each man takes care of himself and his family and those neighbors he knows, but the rest of the world “out there” is someone else’s problem. If God didn’t intend the strong to survive he wouldn’t have given us two hands and a gun to hold.

I didn’t particularly understand politics at the time. I knew that one close family friend had a bomb shelter in his backyard, and another buried jars of real metal coins along with food and weapons throughout his property, but I just thought this was the way people lived. “Get us out of UN now” posters don’t mean much when you don’t know what UN is, and the sign outside of Kettle “welcoming us to John Birch Country” was nothing more than a visual indicator that we were getting close to home – same as the funny pile of boulders along the left side of the road, and the drive in movie picture place.

The rest of the country may have had troubles with race but my people knew who the real enemy was: the Communists. And they knew for an actual fact, that someday the Reds would be in our town, knocking down our doors and forcing the Godless ways of Communism on us.

(All the while our parents worried about the communists, we kids bought black licorice nigger babies at the candy store, and picked past the nigger toes to get to the cashews in the all nut mix. And I never did understand why my two half Native American friends from across the street couldn’t join me when I went to the community swimming pool.)

In those days, unless the weather was foul, I’d climb out my bedroom window to read on the roof. We had a big two-story home taller than most around and I could look our far enough to see Main Street and even a little bit of the grass around the school. On the rooftop, I read the story about the architect who was uncompromisingly brilliant in his art, disdaining the acceptance and success more conventional designs would bring him. Ayn Rand would say of the book that it reflected “…individualism versus collectivism, not in politics, but in man’s soul.”

I was too young to understand about individualism or collectivism, but I did understand about an uncompromising dedication to one’s art or one’s belief, something I was to see in my own father, who I greatly admire. The book left in me a deeply ingrained dislike against conformity, even such conformity as is considered ‘necessary’ for the common good.

Not long after reading Fountainhead, we moved to Seattle. It was there, while I was a “Candy Striper” (a teenage volunteer) at a local hospital that I met a young black orderly who gently explained to me that ‘nigger’ wasn’t a polite term. This same young man also introduced me to the words of Martin Luther King, and I found myself lost in the power of “I have a Dream”, and the belief that we shall overcome. At the same time, Vietnam was becoming more of a nightmare and if I couldn’t see that man’s manifest destiny was filled by oppressing blacks, it certainly wasn’t being filled by killing and being killed by Vietnamese in a place we clearly didn’t belong. I embraced both the civil rights movement and the peace movement, and happily joined arms with my brothers and sisters of all colors to call for an end to war, and an end to oppression.

I saw no discrepancy between joining these movements and my continued belief in uncompromising individuality. I felt strongly that every person had a right to achieve their own success as an individual, and that a society that sought to oppress individuals because of color or nationality was wrong, and needed to be fixed. There is no hypocrisy in recognizing that a group may achieve what an individual cannot, but still believe in individualism.

Which leads me to today. To here. To now.

There has been discussion recently about community and individualism. In particular, Trevor Bechtel wrote the following:

Isn’t the cultural narrative of communites much more powerful than any personal self-knowledge I, or any individual, might posess. Surely I must assent to aspects of one or more communities representations of the world and this in turn shapes the community but the articulation is at the community level first and always most strongly. I may struggle mightily with a community, even one I feel deeply committed to, but it is only in understanding my life in the context of a communal narrative that I can understand life at all. Culture moves us forward not in an inevitable march of progress but simply because it forces us to stand on others shoulders. There is no scratch from which an individual could start an articulation of self-knowledge. And even if there was, who would want to?

An individual’s ideas are rarely that interesting. A communities ideas, even when they are wrong or limiting or confining often are.

Bechtel continues this theme in Happy Tutor’s comments:

I think many people find it necessary to be individuals and this probably isn’t all bad, but in the end it is the dynamics of there relationship to their community that shapes who they are.

As Happy Tutor rightfully has pointed out, I am nothing but a computer geek and not a learned PhD or academic, so I can’t depend on an academic argument to bolster my view. However, in spite of this, I do know when I read something that completely misses the strengths of individuality in the rush to extol the virtues of the communal good. He forgets the power of free will.

To make of each of us into nothing more than a puppet to the community’s whims and actions would still see me back in a small town in the middle of nowhere, married with a dozen children, racist, bigoted, and afraid of anything outside of that which is comfortably familiar. However, lest you think it was exposure to another community that changed me, think again. It was my own uncompromising individuality that started my discordant communion with my ‘community’.

In the fifth grade, before I moved to Seattle, we were given a topic to write about: “what the flag means to me”. Among all the stories of patriotism and love and belief in “God, Family, and Country” that the flag represented to my classmates, I wrote an essay that said, in effect, that the flag was basically a piece of cloth, it could have just as easily been orange, green, and purple as much as red, white, and blue, and it was basically nothing more than a symbol, which could have easily been replaced by some other symbol. I also said that I thought the Pledge of Allegience was so many emptry words, and saluting the flag was an empty gesture.

As you can imagine, this didn’t exactly make my fellow classmates happy. I do have a very vivid memory in my mind of my friends reactions that day in class. Very vivid.

No act of the community helped me arrive at my viewpoint. No one coached me in these words. This was me taking a close look at the community around me and seeing for myself the emptiness in so many of our gestures. It was my free will, my individuality, which gave me the ability to look at what the community offered and to choose to reject it.

Was I out to change minds? No, I was only answering the question truthfully for me. Did I change the community or enrich it? Not a chance. This act was the act of an individual operating, however momentarily, outside of the community. Did that make my act unimportant? No! For me, it was probably one of my most defining acts of my life, one that I continue to this day with all my ‘contrary’ writings.

Now, your reaction might be to say, then, that I lack individuality because I deliberately choose a contrary viewpoint. Of course, this becomes somewhat tantamount to the old question of “When did you stop beating your wife”.

I don’t deliberately choose a contrary viewpoint. There are hundreds of events that occur daily that I don’t write about, either yay or nay; and hundreds that I write in support. But there are few things more irritating to me then to see herd like behavior in pursuit of the “good of the commons”, particularly when any behavior outside of the ‘herd’ is considered ‘bad form’. Or unpatriotic.

There are also few things I dislike more than acts, covert as well as overt, attempting to silence those who do not agree. Something I’m seeing with disquieting regularity within this form of communication we call ‘weblogging’.

When I see these things, these group behaviors, I am moved to act. If these actions are the act of a mindless automaton as part of reaction to ‘community’ so be it. Beep, friggen, beep.

Am I denying that we’re part of communities? Can an individual be part of a community? Of course. As John Donne wrote:

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.

We are on a small world, existing on finite resources. Our actions can and do have repercussions on others. To deny that is to deny our responsibility to the greater community that is Earth. But accepting our responsibility as citizens of this world does not preclude the existence of the individual, or the importance of individualism. We belong to as many communities as communities have people, and with each, we choose what to receive from, or to give back to, the community. We choose. We choose.

To say that we are hapless participants within a community, unimportant of and by ourselves is to deny all that is great in us – is to deny our individuality. Our uniqueness. The wonder of Me in each of us.

Photography Places Political

Beautiful protest: Bridges of bricks

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

I have a passion for architecture, a passion very well satisfied by St. Louis, with its distinctive neighborhoods, and unique mix of styles. Against the backdrop of the futurist, sleek Arch is the whimsy of the Victorian walking parks such as Tower Grove. The sweeping, lush gardens of the South back up to the durability and practicality of baked brick, a distinctively northern touch, reflecting the brick industry in Dogtown.

Friday, I explored another unique neighborhood, the area surrounding Francis park in St. Louis; a place known for the art deco touches in the brick homes. Against the multi-colored and patterned brick and native stone are black wrought iron gates and doors, and many of the windows contain stained glass art work, much of it over 100 years old. Turrets and towers, copper gutters, antique weather vanes, and multi-colored tile roofs combine to create a colorful neighborhood.


I love the use of brick in a building. I love the sense of permanence brick implies. as well as the shared history. Religions may differ and borders drawn and language change, but brick remains brick. It’s through our earlier ancestors use of brick or stone that we’re able to recover so much of our earlier history, from the stones of the pyramids in Egypt, to the use of baked and sun-dried brick in areas such as Samara in Iraq.

Artifact evidence show the use of brick in the area known as Mesopotamia approximately 8000 years ago, several thousand years before the birth of modern religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The Ziggerat of Ur that I talked about earlier was constructed with sun-baked bricks in the interior and baked bricks forming the exterior. The process used to bake the bricks then is still used to create bricks today: clay is pressed in molds, stacked with gaps between, covered in mud with twigs pressed through and allowed to burn.


The Tower of Babylon was said to have been made of bricks, and it’s design of spiraling layers growing progressively smaller forms the inspiration for one of the most beautiful buildings ever constructed: the Spiral Minaret of Samara (Al Malwiyya). The Spiral Minaret is one of the largest mosques in the world, and was constructed in 850 AD. It’s built of baked bricks around supporting marble posts, and reflects the interest in ’sacred’ buildings endemic to that era in both the East and the West – a spiritual concept shared by all beliefs of the religions born in Mesopotamia. God and brick have marched shoulder to shoulder through all modern history.

photo from

There is so much beauty and variety in brick. We in the west tend to think of the pinkish-red brick when we think ‘brick’ but bricks reflect the material used in their making and can range from a sandstone color to deep reds, and variations in-between.

Brick is valued for more than its beauty; it can withstand much, including storms, fire, and the degradations of time. However, it can’t withstand the acts of modern man. For instance, in order to increase its self-sufficiency due to UN embargos, Iraq is building a series of dams to provide water for farms. One such project is scheduled for completion in 2007, and will flood the ruins of Assur, the capital of the Assyrian empire.

(As a sidenote, many of the more portable artifacts of ancient Mesopotamia were destroyed during the earlier bombing of Iraq when they bank they were stored in for safety was bombed; others were looted and sold to antiquities collectors in the West. Many of these have actually been auctioned on the web, including eBay.)

Returning the discussion to my walk on Friday, another interesting highlight of the area I walked through was the pink sidewalks fronting all the brick homes. Ostensibly pink was used because it provided a softer background for the green of the lawns and the red-rust of the bricks of the homes. However, general consensus is that pink was used as a mark of affluence – pink cement wasn’t in large demand and whatever wasn’t used for a particular walk had to be thrown out because it couldn’t be used elsewhere.

However, there’s pink and then there’s pink. As the photo below demonstrates so well, interpretation of ‘pink’ is as individual as the homeowners themselves.



Beautiful Protest

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

One only has to look around at the news to see why we all seem so quiet. It’s difficult to chat about this and that when we’re surrounded by talk of war.

Coinciding with the President’s speech last night about the ‘imminent’ threat from Saddam Hussein, we’re faced this morning with the news of a a rise in the unemployment rate. This following the continuing drop in the stock market.

This week a man was arrested for wearing a T-Shirt saying “Give Peace a Chance”. He was arrested because he wouldn’t take it off, or leave the Mall where he was having dinner. Someone somewhere thought “Give Peace a Chance” was a dangerous term, and they were right – very dangerous, but not necessarily to the people of this country.

President Bush talks about “disarmament” one week, but “regime change” the next. His goal remains but the focus waivers about like a skidding phonograph needle during an earthquake. Yesterday’s talk was on Hussein’s ‘direct’ threat to the United States. No, it was about removing Hussein to help the people of Iraq. No, it was on regime change. No it was on the UN resolution for disarmament.

If the interest in removing Saddam Hussein had been focused entirely on his barbaric treatment of his people, his destruction of his own land, I may have actually supported our actions at some point. But this is a different war then one that will be fought solely to disarm Iraq, or put someone of our own choosing in command. A different war than one to support our own interests.

Bush answered the following when asked how his …faith was guiding you:

My faith sustains me, because I pray daily. I pray for guidance and wisdom and strength.

If we were to commit our troops – if we were to commit our troops I would pray for their safety, and I would pray for the safety of innocent Iraqi lives as well.

One thing that’s really great about our country is that there are thousands of people who pray for me who I’ll never see and be able to thank. But it’s a humbling experience to think that people I will never have met have lifted me and my family up in prayer. And for that I’m grateful. It’s been a comforting feeling to know that is true.

I pray for peace

I pray for peace, from the man who talks of nothing but war.

I said before that I don’t believe oil is the main reason Bush is pushing this invasion, and I stand by this statement. I believe that oil and power are on Cheney’s agenda, but not Bush. No, I’ve long felt that Bush’s agenda was more frightening: he is a man of meager talents and intelligence who became elected because of a lie, an error, and a name but who is desperate to prove himself great. And if you read the the history of Saddam Hussein, you’ll see that he’s exactly the same type of man.

We lost the ability to control President Bush with the last election, and we’ll get no such chance again until elections in two years. We are no different than the Iraqi people: we are powerless to control our leader.

But I am not entirely powerless. No matter how pushed down we are by a leadership that works to keep us in fear and in the dark, I am not powerless. For every act of darkness, there is light and for every act of fear, there is hope. For every act of war, there are equal acts of beauty and peace. Rather than a protest based on anger and hatred and fear, I would rather my protest be based on beauty.

To begin:


The Ziggerat of Ur. Based at Uruk, the site of the first known city. The birthplace of Abraham. The city of Gilgamesh:

The gods shook like beaten dogs, hiding in the far corners of heaven,
Ishtar screamed and wailed:
“The days of old have turned to stone:
We have decided evil things in our Assembly!
Why did we decide those evil things in our Assembly?
Why did we decide to destroy our people?
We have only just now created our beloved humans;
We now destroy them in the sea!”
All the gods wept and wailed along with her,
All the gods sat trembling, and wept.

From the tablet containing the Poem of Gilgamesh


Laumeier Project by Jackie Ferrara for Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, MO. Rather than representing a Mayan temple, as some believe, the artist states that this sculpture represents her interest in games, and puzzles.


Please invade this city

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

The President focused his weekly radio address on Iraq and the need to remove Saddam Hussein. He also issued promises to the Iraqi people that he will not leave them to suffer from this war:

Rebuilding Iraq will require a sustained commitment from many nations, including our own. We will remain in Iraq as long as necessary, and not a day more.

He equates the situation in Iraq to that of Japan and Germany following World War II. All that’s needed is for us to enter Iraq, with or without the UN, and this country, too, will soon be on its way to prosperity and peace:

America has made and kept this kind of commitment before – in the peace that followed World War II. After defeating enemies, we did not leave behind occupying armies; we left constitutions and parliaments. We did not leave behind permanent foes; we found new friends and allies.

As part of the requirements for a modern history class I took in college, the professor gave us an assignment to interview two people from the period of time we were most interested in. My focus in that class was on World War II and I interviewed my father, who had been part of the 82nd Airborne. I also interviewed Frank Turner, my sociology teacher who had lied about his age and fought during the end of the war, serving as part of the occupational forces.

During the interview, Frank told me about one event in particular. He was riding on a train that also contained food and canned milk destined for occupation forces and their families. At a stop along the way there was a large crowd of people from the surrounding communities, all hungry, all seeking help from the occupation forces. The crowd begged the soldiers for food or milk for their children, and pressed in against the train. In the panic, the soldiers fired, both into the air and into the crowd.

Frank told me that he didn’t see anyone killed. He didn’t believe anyone was killed.

There are so many differences between the situation in Germany and Japan at the end of World War II, and an invasion of Iraq today, that to compare the two situations is ludicrous. Both Germany and Japan had been aggressors in a war that involved the world. The US involvement in the occupation of both Germany and Japan not only had the support of all the allies and other countries, but most of the people in these countries, too.

John Dower, who wrote the book, “Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II”, has denied any similarity between Japan post World War II and the Iraq of today. In an opinion he wrote for the New York Time in October last year, Dower said:

Contrary to what self-anointed “realists” seem to be suggesting today, however, most of the factors that contributed to the success of nation-building in occupied Japan would be absent in an Iraq militarily defeated by the United States.

When war ended in 1945, the United States-dominated occupation of Japan had enormous moral as well as legal legitimacy in the eyes of the rest of the world. This was certainly true throughout Asia, so recently savaged by the Japanese war machine. It was true among America’s European allies as well. There was a level of unequivocal regional and global support that a projected United States war against Saddam Hussein does not enjoy.

The occupation also had legitimacy in the eyes of almost all Japanese. The Japanese government formally accepted this when it surrendered. Emperor Hirohito, great weather-vane that he was, gave his significant personal endorsement to the conquerors. And Japanese at all levels of society quickly blamed their own militaristic leaders for having initiated a miserable, unwinnable war. Saddam Hussein will never morph into a Hirohito figure, and a pre-emptive war will surely alienate great numbers of Iraqis, even many who might otherwise welcome Mr. Hussein’s removal.

We are different from the America of long ago. Back then we were a country fresh from victory in a difficult war. We could afford to be compassionate because we had seen for ourselves the terrible price the Japanese paid for their invasion of Pearl Harbor, and the Germans paid for their aggression. We, who did not suffer the damages of most of the our allies, urged reform and pushed to bring about self-rule. As Dower wrote:

The great legal and institutional reforms that continue to define Japanese democracy today reflected liberal New Deal policies that now seem testimony to a bygone age: land reform that eliminated widespread rural tenancy at a stroke; serious encouragement of organized labor; the drafting of a new constitution that not only outlawed belligerence by the state, but also guaranteed an extremely progressive range of civil rights to all citizens; restructuring of schools and rewriting of textbooks; revision of both the civil and penal codes, and so on. It is hard to imagine today’s “realists” making this sort of lasting, progressive agenda their primary concern.

Japan has been strongly supportive of the US in its plans for an invasion of Iraq, and even sees itself being part of the postwar forces, a bit of irony if there is one. However, when one considers that one of the countries most vehemently against a US-based invasion of Iraq is Germany, the other ‘poster child’ of American occupational benevolence, one has to wonder exactly who the President is trying to convince with this eleventh hour urgency to help the Iraqi people?

However, if its true that the President will provide help to the people of a region after an invasion than I have a request for Mr. Bush: invade us.

California just updated its unemployment rates to find out that the earlier estimates of the unemployed were off by as much as 150%. This only adds to the general fear about jobs in this country. Petroleum prices are rising, and more and more people can’t afford to buy the medicine they need. To bad some of the money going for unwanted smallpox vaccinations couldn’t be used to help the people who are dying now.

Even Armani is feeling the pinch as fashion sales decline due to a the continuing discussion of war. Today’s new pink is definitely not orange.

If the only way that we the people of this country can get the attention of our president is to be invaded then so be it. Mr. President, please invade St. Louis. We need your help.


Can’t sleep might as well write

I gave up trying to sleep and since I was in a writing mood I thought I would put my sleeplessness to good effect. Besides, I forgot to mention that I was interviewed by Newsweek yesterday for a story on weblogging.

(Of course the interview was for a story on weblogging. Did you think that Newsweek would be interviewing me for my views on the President? The Iraqi war? The current domestic situation in the country?)

The reporter was writing a story for an international edition of Newsweek, European I believe, about weblogging and how to start a weblog. He found me through the Essential Blogging book and when he asked about ‘blogging etiquette’ I knew I wasn’t the only weblogger interviewed. The term ‘etiquette’ was a dead giveaway.

I laughed when he asked that question, which probably lessened my chances of appearing in the interview. (I’ve been interviewed for major publications before, and have had my sound bites left lying on the cutting room floor.) Still, etiquette.

I told him that the reason we’re weblogging is because we want to be able to publish online without having to follow any rules. To be independent. Free thinkers and writers — as long as we write in reverse chronological order, provide perma-links, link to interesting stories or other weblogs, comment on same, attribute other sources, never delete postings, maintain archives, write only the truth, have a blogroll, and never write about cats or what we had for lunch, we can weblog anyway we want.