Social Media


Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

My first exposure to the concept of a ‘federated identity’, or a digital identity or ID if you will, was when I had to obtain one of the first Microsoft Passport identities in order to access the material I needed to finish my book, Developing ASP Components. I was pleased with the concept, then, because it would give me a way to sign into all the Microsoft sites I visited and only have to remember the one username and password.

I was quite fond of MS tech at the time, and focused almost exclusively on this vendor in my writing. However, if you had asked me, then, whether I would input credit card information and use Passport to sign on to eBay or Amazon, I would have looked at you, blankly, waiting for you to finish the joke.

You see when email was created, two days later the first email spam was sent. And when the web was created, two days after that, the first DoS (Denial of Service) happened. Well, two days in a relative sense — almost on the doorstep of any new technology, there will follow the legions of kiddies and cons, waiting to take advantage of any opening and vulnerability. Therefore, when you talk about gathering enormous amounts of extremely vulnerable data into one spot, I would have to assume you’ve just gotten off the boat from your naivete about how secure you can make anything that’s attached to the internet.

Of course, my information is vulnerable anyway, regardless of what I do. My bank provides access to both my social security and debit card information at it’s site, and my car company also provides access to the same. There’s little I can do about companies choosing to make my data vulnerable, other than to review security procedures they follow, and be ready to hold them accountable if something happens to my data. Oh, and check my credit report every couple of months to make sure nothing is there that shouldn’t be.

But to voluntarily group sensitive data about myself behind the thin shield of a digital identity? No, not on your life.

However, I also get a little peeved at times about having to sign up at all the various newspapers’ sites to get access to their articles. And I imagine if I did the social network thing, such as LinkedIn and Orkut, I would get vastly annoyed at having to re-input whatever information is appropriate to these venues, not to mention all of the many (three) assocations I have. I also wouldn’t mind being able to keep my address in synch at all the places I do business, such as Amazon and B & H Photo. I still wouldn’t allow a site to store my credit card if I can avoid it, but I don’t mind so much my address and other contact information — this is easily obtainable regardless.

Of the other data I’ve been asked: I don’t really want to share my birth date, why not just ask me if I’m under or over 18? You don’t really need to know what I do for a living and how much I make. I’ll give you my zip code, but why do you need the full address? And no, you can’t have family member names. As for my sexual preferences, buzz off you snoopy little creep.

And under no circumstances would I input a social security number unless it was required by law.

Based on this, the concept of a digital identity for something like ‘single sign-on’, which would allow me to have one identification and password, as well as be able to share information such as my address is an attractive proposition. Especially if I could severely limit how much information I input into these systems–because no matter what they tell me about security, there is no such thing as a secure system connected to the internet.

In addition to these constraints, whatever system I used would not be centralized. If you’ve read me for any length of time at all, you’ll know that I have a very real dislike of centralized systems. Centralized systems are dependent on entities that may not exist someday. Centralized systems provide too tempting a target for Bad People. Centralized systems maintain too much control over what I do, or do not do, on the internet — and this latter is the number one reason I don’t like centralized systems.

As for my experience and exposure to identity systems: as mentioned previously, I used to have a Passport account but this is long gone, and I’ve still managed to avoid having to get a TypeKey account. I once worked directly with Boeing’s data model efforts, so I recognize the impetus behind the Liberty Alliance, and, frankly, consider this effort to be a way of providing R & D perks for key personnel. I’ve worked with Oblix at one of the universities where I consulted, and find it usable in the limited context of its scope–which is identity management within a closed, controlled group. I think Ping Identity is bloated, but then I also think J2EE is bloated. I am fairly newly aware of Sxip, primarily because Marc Canter said that it works ‘just like DNS’. And I have to ask, who would pay $25.00 to register an ‘i-name’ at Identity Commons, without seeing the tech first?

All in all, the main problem I had with most of the systems and/or products and/or organizations is that all but a few seemed to be focused on some grand scheme or another, where the tools they provide would be used by people in Armani suits, on the their way to a power lunch with some mover or shaker or another. They represent Big Things by Big People.

They weren’t for for the likes of me, people who come in all muddy from a hike, and who sit down at their computer to read an article at the Washington Post, but don’t want to have to register for yet another online newspaper. Or wouldn’t mind not having to re-input their mailing address at another store, and would like to just push a button and have any associations recorded compared and matched with others who have joined YASN (Yet Another Social Network).

These people are the only type of people I can wrap my mind around when I think of ‘digital ID’. That’s why when the creator of LID (Light-weight Digital Identity), Johannes Ernst, sent me an email about it, I was intrigued, primarily because to all intents and purposes, this system of digital identity allows one to control one’s own data; to easily extend the system using fairly standard technologies of XML and XPath for queries; and it’s a very simple concept — few bells, small number of whistles.

Cool. But will it work, and how does it compare with other systems.


I installed and played around with LID at the URL I picked to identify myself with, Clicking the link will bring up the help page for the installation, which provides multiple tests you can try.

I installed a minimum VCARD and FOAF files, following the instructions. Running an XPath query on the FOAF name returns correct value, and I can add other XML vocabularies if I want to extend the installation. I also tried the single-signon against the LID site, and had no problems. Trying to install a single-signon site myself did result in some Apache errors, but I’ll keep tweaking.

The installation wasn’t too complicated. I have the Gnu Privacy Guard (gpg) application installed, and I also have a SSH account to be able to access my server from the command line, so I could generate the key, per instructions. I did have to ask Hosting Matters to install the perl module for XPath, as it wasn’t installed. Despite having to handle the aftermaths of two separate DDoS attacks, the company installed it within 30 minutes.

Still, not all hosts are as willing as HM to accomodate their clients in this way and this is a strike against the application — dependent on having gpg and being able to run it at the command line, on a module that’s not common in most installation, and using Perl, an language environment that’s not easy to extend. I can’t help thinking that PHP might be a better solution, as well as more comfortable for people to use.

The install procedure was as follows:

1. Create the sub-directory which will serve as your id location. In my case, This could be your weblog location, but if you’re running a PHP main page, this is not necessarily compatible with LID. I found that my main index.php page wasn’t successful. A better approach is to build something off your main domain directory.

2. Created the .htaccess file, which set the index page access order to index.cgi first, index.html second. I didn’t need to add the line to ensure the CGI file would be executable.

3. Tested the index.cgi file, and then sent email to HM to ask them to install

4. After XPath is installed, I next created the lid subdirectory, which has a lib.xml file for configuration. I copied the template from LID and modified.

5. I have a simple VCARD and FOAF XML files, and copied these as VCARD.xml and FOAF.xml, respectively, to a data subdirectory under the lib subdirectory. Now have the following subdirectories:


6. All done.

As you can see, aside from the XPath module, its about as easy as installing your own weblogging tool. But Perl always adds an extra challenge when adding new modules, as compared to PHP, which could simplify the use of this technology considerably. David Weinberger noted the complexity of the install, and asked Johannes Ernst about it in an email. According to the reply, the initial release is for technologies for exploration. I think a better approach would be to provide something usable by both techs and non-techs, because many of the people interested in digital IDs, such as David, aren’t techs. If they can’t play, they can’t write to promote the concept, and if they can’t write about the concept, it is going to get slower acceptance.

Still, the tech is flexible, all these issues could probably be easily addressed and we should be focusing on the concepts. This includes the use of a URL as digital ID, in addition to how a distributed system would work in comparison to a more centralized system such as Passport, and a closed distributed system like Sxip.


How does LID compare with other systems first requires you to pick which other systems. Following the LID’s creator own examples, I focused on Passport, Liberty Alliance, Sxip, and Identity Commons.

Passport is owned and operated by Microsoft, which also controls all the data that’s included within the system. If you’ve thought about leaving a comment at a MSN weblog, you would have been asked for your Passport identification. If you used eBay prior to December, 2004, you could also have used your Passport identification for sign-on. Now, though, because of security concernsmost uses of Passport are related to Microsoft content or Microsoft sites.

You don’t have to install Passport, but all data in the system remains in the centralized system, under control of Microsoft. LID, on the other hand, doesn’t store any data about you. In fact, it doesn’t even know you exist — there is no way of tracking a LID user from some root LID site.

External storage and control of our data is a concern that comes up with digital identities–who has access to the data, and what can they do with it. Frankly, in my opinion, though, this concern is overrated.

The primary interest in single sign-on systems for the user it to make it so they don’t have to remember their username and passwords from site to site. Additionally, the also don’t have to answer all the same obligatory questions at each site — address, phone numbers, and so on. Regardless, though, of whether you enter the data in one spot or many, once you make the decision to do business online, in whatever way, you have lost some control of the data…or at least some control of how the data is used.

We have dropped our names, phone numbers, email addresses, home addresses, birth date, and various other bits of publicly accessible data in more places than we can most likely remember. There is nothing to ‘control’ about this information — we voluntarily dropped the reigns of this data long ago.

It’s when we expose very sensitive data that we should concerned about the control of the data, and this primarily because of security. For instance, if we store our credit cards with our digital identities, we then want to make sure that the data is very secure and safe from hacking. This is where a centralized system can be most vulnerable, as it stores many, many such important bits of data and therefore becomes a particularly tasty target for hackers.

However, regardless of the system, there’s a way around this and that is not to store your credit card information online. All sites, unless they’re particularly primitive and ill designed, give you an option not to store your credit card information. Those that don’t, don’t deserve your business.

(And no site should ask for your social security number, unless required by law to report income. Even job search companies should not ask for this information — it’s up to an employer to obtain your SSN information after you’re hired or contracted for a position, not before. )

Consumers, spurred on by security reports scaled back in their initial trust of online systems, and the concept of ‘federated’ identities in an ecommerce setting has consequently lost interest among many consumers (and companies).

For all that Microsoft made Passport easy to use, and therefore could be considered for the blue-jeaned muddy hiker, it also has not the best reputation when it comes to security. So it fails for the blue-jeaned muddy hiker who is paranoid. This lack of trust did impact on Passport, whether the company will admit this or not. Microsoft dropped its credit card option from Passport in 2003. In fact, Passport is no longer a viable entity in the global digital identity game, primarily focusing its use on its own sites, and those of some partner sites.

If Passport is basically a non-player now, then what about Liberty Alliance? Well, frankly, Liberty Alliance isn’t for the likes of you and me, regardless of all its talk about federated identities, and discussions about the Liberty ID-FF — the specification behind the Alliance’s identity scheme. Case in point, from the specification there is a possible user scenario, with Joe Self logging on to an airline, who is part of a circle of trust. Once authenticated, in the scenario, Joe is then asked:


Note: You may federate your Airlines, Inc. identity with any other identities you may have with members of our affinity group.

Do you consent to such introductions?

Laughable. I chortled until tears ran down my face. It then continued on from there, with Joe Self being asked to ‘federate his identity’ at various sites within the ‘afinity group’ as he progressed along, just trying to reserve an airline ticket and rent a car — something that can be done in one move, with one click of the button in today’s travel systems.

Returning to LID, though, I find I can’t compare the two implementations, because it would like trying to compare an Oraclized PeopleSoft with WordPress. More, where LID represents a service to the user, Liberty Alliance represents a service to Alliance members — no more, no less. In other words, the two implementations are so far apart on the scale, that the scale becomes meaningless. Frankly, this is all to LID’s favor, too.

However, both Passport and Liberty Alliance represent large corporations trying to manage every aspect of one’s digital identity. What about smaller efforts, such as Identity Commons?

It would be great to compare LID against Identity Commons if there was anything to compare. What amazes me is from I can find about this entity/effort is that you can now register your ‘i-name’, using a URN (Uniform Resource Name), and this will be good for 50 years. All for 25.00. However, if you perchance want to check out the tech first, no such luck because though I searched high and low, I couldn’t find anything.

Regardless, the approach seems to be that you register for your own personal identification through a broker, where one assumes you’ll store all the important bits about you that forms your online self. Your data is distributed, but still managed by another entity. However, your uniqueness in the system is guaranteed by the fact that there is one overall centralized authority that manages the distribution of the actual identities.

Still, there’s nothing to see, feel, and tweak. In other words, there’s a lot of good words, and promises, but for all intents and purposes, it’s a pipe dream until it releases something tangible, though it does look like it might be releasing something today, unless this page has been up for months.

Sxip, on the other hand, does have technology you can see, feel, and tweak. In fact of all the alternatives examined, it seems to be the closest to matching what I would look for in a digital ID. Almost.

Sxip and SXIP

There is Sxip, the company, and SXIP the protocol. The latter stands for Simple eXtensible Identity Protocol. The company is managed by Dick Hardt, who I know through through my efforts to include ActiveState in that same aforementioned Developing ASP Components book. Since I was rather fond of ActiveState, I was somewhat predisposed to be positive about the Sxip efforts. This effect was only positively impacted when I was able to download what the company calls a “Membersite Developer Kit” to play around with some of the concepts, myself.

(In care you’re curious, I downloaded the PHP version.)

How the Sxip system works is that users can sign up for an account at a Homesite, and then use this identity at any other number of Membersites. They can create multiple personas and associate different pieces of data with the persona. Then, when the log into, or “sxip into” a Membersite, for the first time, they’re given an option as to what persona to use with that site. I tried it out with the demonstation materials provided by Sxip, and found it to be a very simple process.

Now, how Membersites and Homesites know about each other and can exchange information is through the use of a Rootsite, which basically manages the unique identities, without access to any of the other user data. This is similar to i-broker in Identity Commons, I believe. Where it might differ is that if one has the development expertise, one could develop one’s own Homesite for just their own personal use.

It is this latter capability that matches closest to LIDs own user controlled data technique, though maintaining a personal Homesite looks as if it could be outside of the capability for a non-developer. (Still, it wouldn’t be out of the boundary of the tool to create a plug-and-play Homesite. Would this work contrary to the overall system expectations? It would come at the same cost as a digital certificate, according to the documents at Sxip.)

Still, there are major differences between the LID approach and the SXIP approach. For instance, with LID, the effort would be completely distributed, with no central authority controlling the issuance of identities. This can work this way because its based on each person being identified by a URL, and is implemented within the existing domain system as managed by ICANN: within the DNS framework, there can be no two identities alike because there are not two domains alike.

Marc Canter and Sxip both say that SXIP works like the DNS, but it doesn’t really, other than there being one central authority preventing duplication of names, as well as a resolution of where the data associated with these names resides.

For instance, in DNS, when a person accesses a domain, and their ISP’s nameserver does not recognize it, the ISP checks with higher level root nameserver to find out where the location o the domain’s nameserver. It is this that provides the unique name-IP address mapping. The ISP’s own nameserver then gets the IP address and stores it and the domain within its own cache of data before responding to the request. The next time another person who uses the same ISP accesses the domain, the ISP already has the information.

This caching serves a couple of purposes within the DNS. For one, it makes new requests of a domain that much quicker. For another, it helps to disperse the information about the domain across many different nameservers, so that if there is something wrong with one, the system can usually route around the damage and finds the IP-domain name mapping in another.

There isn’t anything like this in SXIP. What it does, instead, is store a cookie with information about the user’s Homesite in the computer being used; or provides a place to fill this information in if the cookie is gone, or the person is using a shared machine. This can work rather well, and about the only dependency that exists now is authenticating the uniqueness of the identity at the Rootsite, when a new user, or Membersite, or Homesite is created except…

Except for the Homesite going down, or if it no longer exists.

The real strength of the DNS system is that information about a domain is cached all throughout the system, and the only time a problem will occur is if something has happened to the person’s own nameserver, but even then, they have a backup. If you’ve ever registered a site, then you know about providing two different nameservers, and that these are usually at two different locations. The whole concept is based on redundancy.

There is no redundancy in SXIP. I looked, because I thought I had read that you can store your information at more than one Homesite, but from the developer documentation, it would seem there is an assumption that there is one, and only one, Homesite. If true, then if your Homesite is down, you can’t log into a new Membersite, though you should be able to still access previously visited Membersites. And if your Homesite is blown away, then you’ll have to start over again with a new one.

LID doesn’t have this problem because you control the data. It’s true, if your site is down, you can’t be authenticated, but at least you know that it won’t go away without your compliance. That’s the advantage of basing the system managed directly the user, based on DNS, rather than an external party based on DNS-like properties.

However, using a URL, as David Weinberger had pointed out, has its disadvantages. A few years back if you had asked me what URL I would use, I would have used something related to a long time domain, However, this was before this domain was so overrun with email spam that it was no longer of any use. Now my test identifier is based on Who knows what it will be in three years?

A better approach might be to use something such as, which can provide permanent URIs that are then redirected to a specific domain, but which themselves never change. However, this still puts some dependency on an external organization, and I hesitate to do this more than absolutely necessary. And frankly, I’m not sure this would work within the LID system.

Another approach could be a broadcast method, whereby every time you log in with your particular identity at a specific site, the local system maintains a link to the site. Then if you ever move to a different URL, you formally document the move within the system, which then visits each site where you’ve been and issues a request–a verified request–that each modifies its data to reflect the new ‘you’. I wonder if this might be the technique that Ernst discussed with David about how to handle this as a problem. Hard to say, second hand info.

And so…

LID provides a great deal of functionality in a tiny little package. It supports pseudonyms (personas), secure authentication, single sign-on, and data exchange, all using standard, accessible technologies. More, it’s not dependent on any single centralized authority, other than the DNS itself. But then, we’re all rather dependent on this. As for how well LID works with Kim Cameron’s Laws of Digital Identity, I never touch “Laws” as defined by person or persons with vested interest, regardless of how good they sound; so Johannes Ernst’s writing will have to stand in answer to this.

As I said earlier, though, LID needs work. Rather than manually edit the lid.xml file, I would recommend that a user interface create the file entries, and then encrypt the important and sensitive bits. I also think it needs to be plug and play for non-techs, as well as an efficient, and secure, way to change one’s ‘identity’ (URL). A more formal API would only help, as would more extensive documentation. It needs to be extended to other languages, not just Perl.

I also would like to see source and concepts as open source, preferably within the BSD or GPL license, and wouldn’t mind hearing more about the business model. And of course, testing. I’d like to see lots and lots of testing.

Still, the root concepts of LID are good. I think that building a unique identification system on one already in place is a good one; and for those people who don’t have domains, a trust broker could provide one for a small fee–as long as there is a way to export the LID information in a format so that the person could backup their account after a change, and move their account to another broker.

I also like the extensibility of the system, and have already tried out various tiny bits of other XML documents I have. As for the use in social networks, LID already provides integration with FOAF, probably the most open of all the ‘who knows who’ specifications.

I like Sxip, and if it weren’t for all the centralized pieces, I would like it even more. It’s definitely not an Armani suit type of system, but I still see the vague shadows of a briefcase in its architecture. I think LID is the type of digital identity system I can wrap around the type of person I am, rather than the power luncher discussed earlier. Ensuring the open source nature of the concept and the code, expand both code and documentation, test, test, test, and I’d like it enough to even use it.

(If you’re interested in digital IDs and want to try this functionality and can’t install it locally, holler and I’ll create you a temporary digital ID in my sandbox in which you can try this out. If you have a VCARD.xml or FOAF.xml file, send those along with your request.)

Social Media

Distributed digital IDs

Like others interested in digital IDs, I’ve been looking at LID and hope to install it this weekend, maybe tonight. I’m interested in any system that’s decentralized, as LID appears to be. However, I want to take a closer look before I make any assumptions of the mechanics of the approach.

More later, after I have a chance to play around with my flood photos.

Just Shelley Social Media Writing

Weblogging is for winners

Page archived, with comments, at Wayback Machine

Marc Canter called me a couple of months ago about a new concept he was working that would help webloggers make money. The concept became reality today, as several people started making 800.00US a month to promote a new CMS called Marqui.

When Marc and I talked, I was ambivalent about the idea and whether it would work. Ben Hammersley has been a sponsored site for some time, but it worked with Ben because he could be enthusiastic about the products of the company that was paying him bucks. Ben likes cigars, and the ambiance associated with cigar smoking, so being sponsored by a cigar company suited his site. I remember reading one of his cigar reviews and being surprised at how much I enjoyed it, precisely because he does feel enthusiastic about cigars.

But I don’t know of many people excited about Content Management Systems, or CMS. I’ve used too many commercial variations of these product to have anything even remotely resembling enthusiasm for them, myself. And if you couldn’t be enthusiastic about the product, wouldn’t the sponsorship come off like the old Geritol television show sponsorships of the past? You know the kind, where the host would stop whatever he or she was doing, plant a fake, bright smile on their face and extol the virtues of a product that would re-build tired blood?

Still, there is a great deal of discussion about the ‘purity’ of this environment and compromising the faith with our readers and that sort of thing, all of which gives me a rash. It’s as if weblogging is for winners only — people who are supremely successful and need no other help; or independently wealthy, and couldn’t use a few extra bucks. Let me tell you something: only the rich can be Saints, and the rich weren’t Saints to become that way.

Or as Alan, Head Lemur, wrote:

This is going to facilitate a dialog, between the company, me and most importantly you. They are paying us for this. They are paying me to tell them and everyone else who reads me what I think. It may not be what they want to hear. This is a risk they are taking.

I do not need the money, I have a day job.
Can I use the money? You bet!

Here are my risks.

Will I be regarded as a whore for taking money?
I already have. And if I am successful I will become a call girl.

Isn’t that ‘call boy’, Alan?

Can I use the money? Damn straight. I had a hard time making enough money to keep this site going, without having to pass the hat not once, but twice in the last few years. So which is better, and more dignified? The hooker on the corner, or the beggar across the street from her?

Still, I write tips and techniques and help folks and I like to think that when the people have contributed to keep the site going, it’s because I’ve provided something that’s been helpful a time or two. But it would be nice to be able to do this _without_ having to pass the hat.


(Of course, what I really need to do is finish my own weblogging tool, Wordform, and then I will automatically become both wealthy and hugely popular.)

So what’s stopping me from tugging at Marc’s shirt and saying, “Hey buddy of mine, can I get back into this deal?” It’s that old Geritol thing, I can’t get it out of my mind.

Stowe Boyd covered some of this in a writing about the Marqui Effect, saying:

Note: I am not a purist who turns away from ads. On the contrary. But I think there needs to be a clear separation from content and commerce. I don’t say good things about Silkroad just because they are sponsoring my blog and the True Voice seminar series. Their ad occupies the upper right rectangle on the blog, and by all means, click through sometime and see what they have to offer. And if they don’t get enough traffic, I am sure that they will put their ad dollars elsewhere. But I am not being paid to write about Silkblogs once per week. And that distinction, although nuanced, is important.

Mitch Ratcliff responded to Boyd’s assertion, writing:

Of course Corante has incentives to increase click throughs, because most ad programs are priced based on click performance. Sorry, but the condescension here is just annoying, since the substance of the Marqui agreement seems to be identical to the ads placed on Stowe’s site, from the simple click through on the SilkRoad ad to the “free” seminar offer (Corante presumably gets some kind of compensation for promoting the conference, even if it is sponsorship placement at the event) that are clearly compensated placements or else they would not be on the page. I’ve been a publisher and editor and trade show producer, so let’s step back from the ledge (or “Get Real,” as Stowe’s blog is called) right here and now: Admit that publishers, especially early-stage publishing companies, exist on in-kind trades. If these are not “not evil,” how are they qualitatively different than what I am doing in relation to Marqui? I put a sponsorship graphic on my site and say thanks once a week, creating a kind of periodicity in the appearance of the company’s name in the blog, just as Corante creates a special section sponsored by Zero Degrees that features fresh links.

Ratcliff’s point is good, as is his earlier notes in the post about how at one time he used to make a lot more money for his writing. Hey, if a few bucks can help Ratcliff and others continue writing, where’s the bad?

Boundaries. I’m hearing people say, “boundaries”. As if Technorati and Google aren’t already placing boundaries in this game.

From the Wikipedia article on the history of commercial television:

In the earliest days of television, it was often difficult to perceive the boundary between the actual television programs and the commercials. Many of the earliest television shows were sponsored by single companies, who inserted their names and products into the shows as much as possible. One of the most famous examples of early television broadcasting was Texaco Star Theater, the variety show that made Milton Berle a household name. Texaco not only included its own brand name as part of the show, it also made certain that Texaco employees were prominently featured during the course of the show, often appearing as smiling “guardian angels” who performed good deeds in one way or another, while the Texaco musical logo would play in the background.

I know Alan, aka Head Lemur, and I have no doubts that he wouldn’t be corrupted for a mere 800.00 a month. A couple of grand now…

Seriously, unlike the television shows of yore, the amount of money at stake, and the number of people involved is going to limit how much the Marqui Effect will impact on the weblogging environment. As for me, personally, at a minimum it doesn’t impact on how much I trust the webloggers involved. If I trusted the weblogger before, I still do now. If I didn’t know the weblogger before now, I don’t have an increased sense of trust because they’re, like wow, sponsored.

In comments to this post at the Kitchen, I wrote:

I have known some people in weblogging for years. I trust them and their judgment. If they were to tell me that a product is great, I would trust what they said. Even if I found out later they’re being sponsored by the company who sold the product, I would still trust what they said. I would be surprised, but my trust would still be in place.

But, and here’s the kicker, the people who I trust and who I’ve known for years would not, I feel, do such a thing. They would either tell me they’re being sponsored or make note of this in their recommendation. So in a way, my trust is based on their past behavior, which would preclude the need for the trust anyway, because their behavior is such that they would issue a disclaimer.

After some thought, though, I realized that even if I trusted another weblogger, and there are some I have known for years now, and do trust implicitly, I would still not likely act on just that trust, alone.

If it comes to buying a product, especially something fairly expensive, I research reviews at publications and read opinions in forums and scrutinize the specs in addition to listening to those I know from weblogging. I would value the other weblogger’s opinion, highly in fact; but would also understand that they bring into their discussion all sorts of assumptions about what is a ‘good’ product that may not agree with mine. A case in point is my recent purchase of a photo printer — I had advice from several people I know and trust, but ultimately made my decision based on which printer fit my needs the best.

And if others are more easily influenced? Well, I guess they’ll have to find room for their boxed CMS software — perhaps next to the Chia pet, or up against the Ginzoo knives.

Sponsorship isn’t the Titanic event of weblogging; our ‘purity’ is not compromised because some people are selling some space and words in their weblogs. Still, those webloggers who protest that being sponsored in this way will have no effect on them whatsoever are being idealistic and even a little naive.

Becoming sponsored does impact on you. You will be made aware of it each week as you write your little thank-you note to Marqui. You will see it every time you access your site and the first thing you see is the largish “Sponsored by Marqui” graphic. Your readers will be aware of it, and it will, even subtly, alter their perceptions of you and your writing. This may not be bad — in fact, you may get increased respect for swinging such a good deal. But your relationship with your readers will be different.

Eventually, the Marqui Effect could impact how you perceive your own space. Being hired to write an article for O’Reilly or weblog posts at a Marqui weblog, still leaves you your space to do whatever you want in it: to write obscene material, and be hateful all you want; or write your most intimate thoughts, which could eventually be equated one in the same. You may find yourself hesitating, even a moment, before you put down those words.

Or maybe you’ll continue just as you are, sane or not. Who knows? Me? I’m still working through that “weblogging is for winners” thing–but I think he or she who has the cutest kitten picture, or the most lovely poem, or is the most amazingly well read and erudite, or can bake a mean loaf of bread, be the best friend, or is the biggest pain the butt (that’s the rest of you), is a winner in my book. But then, I’m a begger on the corner, so what do I know?

I guess only time will tell what impact the Marqui Effect has. Stay tuned, and we’ll return after a word from our sponsor…


Marc was kind enough to extend the offer to me once more, and I was tempted. And it was tough to decline, but decline I must. I didn’t know that Marqui used to be Maestro, and Maestro is an ASP (Application Service Provider) — a service that you subscribe to, to manage your content; not a product you install and own.

It’s comparable to using Blogger or TypePad to manage your weblogs, rather than WordPress or Movable Type. This isn’t bad, but it does make you dependent on the service, and that’s something I’ve been rather vocally against for some time. However, I also know service-based products can be faster and easier to use for non-techs.

Personally though, regardless of subscription service or installed product. I think most CMS (and that’s Content Management System, no matter what word games are played) are bloated, over-priced, and over-engineered. They’re the primary reason why I now only work with lightweight, modular, open, PHP-based or comparable technologies. They’re why I’ve rejected ‘frameworks’ or anything of that kind — because the clients of the software more often than not buy into systems more complicated than they need, too costly to maintain, and usually dead-ended proprietary to boot. And I helped by supporting these products.

It would be tough for me to endorse a CMS, but to endorse a centralized one? No, just cannot do it. And endorsement of the product is what this is about. Reading the contract that the webloggers have to sign with Marqui, the following spells out a direct endorsement of the product:

It is our desire that acceptance of this agreement reflects your basic confidence in the product and that it serves as an endorsement on your part of the Marqui product.

I can’t help thinking it would send confusing signals to spend three months being negative about a product that supposedly you endorse.

However, just because I am burned out on CMS and large-scale, complex, proprietary, centralized applications doesn’t mean others should be. Each of us has unique interests and challenges, and one woman’s corrosive drain cleaner is another woman’s fragrant tea.

In other words, lots of really smart and intelligent people like CMS, and have excellent reasons to do so. This, then, could be a very good deal for them, and for those of you who have gotten the golden goose for the next three months, I am glad for you.

And if I were to beg on the corner for alms to support this site again–which I don’t plan on doing but lord knows I change my mind more than my underwear– but if I were, then you’re more than entitled to a ‘neener neener’ all the way to the bank.

But since I’m not being paid, consider this my last word on Marqui.

Social Media

Choosing to be a comment spammer victim

Liz Lawley was recently the recipient of a comment spamming google bombing attack. What happened is that someone placed comments in several weblogs, signed “Whiny Communist Bitch” and then included a link to Liz’s site.

There are two reasons for this: first, to associate those words with Liz’s site, hence the Google bombing; secondly, as people moved to clear up these comments, they automatically added her domain to their blacklists without checking first to see if it was a legitimate site. Hence, Liz’s domain would be blacklisted if she left comments in other sites.

Unfortunately, this type of attack is extremely easy to perpetuate and we’ve seen them before and will be seeing more of them in the future. I wasn’t surprised by the attack, especially since Liz does teach computer technology (nothing worse than a young, disgruntled and semi-adept student). But I was surprised at some of the responses Liz received in her comments.

Too many people had banned the IP addresses of the person who placed the comment, and then sent the IP address to Liz. This following so many weblog postings about the use of open proxies in order to hide the actual IP address of the postee. Secondly, too many people had moved to ban Liz’s domain without first making even an attempt to verify whether it was a legitimate domain. This following so many weblog postings about the dangers of blacklists, and the need to review all URLs included in comment spam.

Now, it’s true that there might be people in the list who hadn’t read these posts, but I find it more likely that these same people have been exposed to postings of this nature, but they would either skip what they would see to be a ‘technical’ post, because they aren’t technicians; or would only skim it, without bothering to take the time to understand how it relates to them.

I’ve long seen a trend among the non-tech webloggers to either blame the techs for not getting all this right; or to depend on the techs to help them when things stop working. Even when we write post after post about what they people can do to help protect themselves, they resist; the reasons for doing so are less that the technical material is over their head, as they don’t want to waste their time on technical stuff. Yet, isn’t it a greater waste of their time being the victim?

Of course, some of the material we write about is very complicated, and I have no blame for any non-tech who doesn’t want to touch code or the innards of MySQL, or needs help with installations or things that break. But understanding the concept of open proxies doesn’t require a technical background; nor does understanding the concepts behind ill-managed blacklists.

If we who write on these issues aren’t clear enough, we welcome questions and requests for clarifications. But this still implies that the non-techs take the time to read the material–to choose not to be a passive recipient of the whims of malicious people.

There are options such as using hosted technology or turning off comments, and hiring people to help manage your site. These are valid choices and more power to the person who makes them. But for the rest, if you don’t want to continue being a victim, you also have some responsibility to understand both your tool and this environment.

To this end, I’m in the process of re-publishing to the IT Kitchen, several of my writings where I’ve attempted to explain to non-techs how this environment works. Hopefully if the writings aren’t clear, I’ll get asked for clarifications. Or will I get silence as the non-techs skip over something that smacks of the faintly technical, in favor of another lambast at Bush, or cute cat quiz? I guess we’ll see in the next round of comment spam attacks.

I and the other techs will continue to work the issues of comment spam and it’s like, trying to find solutions that make it easier for the end-users. I’ve spent time this week on several different approaches in Wordform, to see if I can prevent automated comment spam posting, which is the most destructive and time consuming type. I am less worried about the individual comment spammer.

In the end, though, I have a feeling all the solutions are going to require equal participation from all, non-techs and techs alike. Personally, I think that Liz’s solution is the one that is most effective: maintaining a sense of both humor and perspective about the whole thing.

I wrote in the missive to Dana Blankenhorn, as detailed in the last post, that when a user is faced with ads in their syndication feed, rather than blame open source and the RSS 2.0 specification, they can exercise their freedom and unsubscribe from the feed. I said that this was the user’s responsibility in the open source equation.

Understanding this environment could also be considered an end-users responsibility, unless they want to give up all technical independence. Or continue to be a victim.

Social Media Weblogging

Technorati, Technorati, wherefore art thou Technorati

I remember once being critical of TypeKey because (as I said at the time) centralized services don’t scale. Those who didn’t agree pointed out the excellence of both Google and Technorati to demonstrate how well centralization works.

This week, as I noticed comment spam in a TypeKey controlled blog, I thought back on that argument and still believe that centralization doesn’t scale. True, Google seems to be the exception, as it takes a licking but keeps on ticking (though it has faltered a time or two in the recent past, and lately it seems as if you have to wade through sellers trying to get to useful information). As for Technorati, though–I can’t be the only one who wonders if this service will ever be able to re-capture it’s former glory, as days go by searching on both keyword and URL, only to get less than useful results.

I feel like I’m kicking baby squirrels again being critical of Technorati — I like Dave, and think he’s providing a very useful product (which, I should add, is not costing me penny). I’m glad he got VC funding, and a great gig at CNN. And I like the fact that Dave never gives excuses when things go wrong.

But today was the first day in six that I got anything back for my weblog and this afternoon the results will most likely differ wildly from what it was this morning. This is seriously cutting into my ego surfing, forcing me to take drastic measures.

I’m warning you Dave — if you don’t get Technorati fixed soon, the squirrels get it.

Cute squirrels begging Dave for help, saying they're road kill without it.