
Cattlemen, all in a dither

The Missouri Cattlemen got together, and worked themselves up into a froth of anxiety about HSUS.

You know that HSUS has to be doing something right when a meeting of cattlemen talks more about HSUS than cattle.

Michael Parson was doing his usual: using his elected position to bully non-profits because he doesn’t agree with them.

Anyway, as I wrote in a comment to the post:

I find it disturbing that an elected official, Michael Parson, would advocate government investigation of a non-profit, solely because he disagrees with the non-profit.

Point of fact, I find such attitude to be chilling, in its disregard of the fundamental freedoms on which this country was based.

How far will this man go to protect large agribusiness in this state?

As for the comment about HSUS and grassroots, I remind the people at this event that the people of this state voted for Proposition B. It was legislators who overrode the will of the people, in order to further corporate agribusiness agenda.

You can pretend to be on the side of the people–but the facts speak otherwise.

The agribusiness folks are frenzied because of the Your Vote Counts campaign. After all: can’t have us uppity people in the urban areas having a say in how this state is run. And how dare we voters in Missouri actually disagree with the legislators?

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