
Change, change

I’ve finished moving the rest of the webloggers off the old site to the new. It will be a tough time for a day or two until the DNS change propages for Loren, Michael, and Malcolm. I’m still waiting to hear from Frank when he’s ready to convert from Radio to Movable Type and join up – and I bet he got a real impetus to do that today – but that’s a new account, not a move.

I still have to get my own sites finished. The work is tedious, and I’d rather redesign the front end or something fun of that nature, but it has to get done. One change I decided to make is to drop the Practical RDF weblog and use the Semantic Web for Poets site for any RDF related material. I want to keep book-related material in one spot, at the official book site, rather than scattered between the two places. I am finding that this is becoming confusing to the readers – they don’t know where to go for updates, or that there are updates to the material or samples.

To abruptly change the subject of this post, and change my earlier desire to stay home and read, I do want to take another road trip, sooner rather than later. If all goes well, I’ll be on the road a week from today, and you’ll never guess where I’m going. Well, to be brutally honest, you most likely don’t care, but even if you did, I wouldn’t tell. Neener.

In the meantime, today is 70F and sunny, the snows are coming in on Sunday, and I’m going to find a place to hike that isn’t under water.