
Creative genius with data

Jeff Jarvis writes today about looking for technologists for a new start up:

As you may know, I’m working on a still-stealth start-up for news and we’re looking for talent, starting with a top-notch engineer who’s both an algorithms/analytics expert and a creative genius when it comes to playing with data. Of course, we’re always on the lookout for all-star, world-class developers of any flavor. If you’re game, e-mail with something about yourself.

This type of job suits me quite nicely, and is inline with both my experience and interest. I’ve worked for 20 years in technology, most of it with data being the lead information repository manager for Boeing Commercial at one time, an Oracle DBA for other companies, as well as working with data integration between disparate tools for even more. This isn’t to mention my experience with XML and RDF, in addition to microformats.

And I’m sure the fact that I’ve had a weblog for years would only appeal to Jeff and the others involved with the start up. I feel I am a strong fit for this position and sent along my resumé. However, it couldn’t hurt to have others put in a good word for me. Hint. Hint.

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