
Drupal to WordPress…and Donald Trump

I’m migrating this site from Drupal to WordPress. WordPress makes more sense for my needs. And it’s not as complicated to make a static archive of a Drupal site as it used to be.

There, I said it. I’m moving from Drupal to WordPress. It used to be when we made these pronouncements in the past, there’d be great debate about the political implications of choosing one CMS over another. Now, saying we’re moving from one CMS to another is right up there with, “I’m switching from mint flavored toothpaste to bubblegum.”

Drupal fans won’t be offended, and WordPress folk won’t rejoice. It just is. A bit of tedious work, most likely some broken links no one will notice, and what is is, and continues, because we find stories now via Twitter, Facebook, and the like. Or Google, and Google doesn’t care as long as you’re using HTML5 and proper mobile technologies so it doesn’t drop you from search engine results. (“Please, Mr. Google. Please don’t drop me from mobile search results!”)

I’m moving from Drupal to WordPress. No excitement. Well, not unless I mention “Donald Trump”.

Maybe that’s the key.

I’m moving my site from Donald Trump to Bernie Sanders.

Now, I’ve done it. I just offended the Drupal people.

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