
Essential Blogging book

Weblog postings about the Essential Blogging book I’ve been discovering.

Denise noted:

Help them make the book rock (it already does), and read Rael Dornfest’s open invitation to submit your stories and tips for possible inclusion in the”Blogging Voices” chapter, still in progress.

And Ed had some good points about comparative material, including:

where are the charts comparing advantages/disadvantages of each system? the first radio chapter attemtped to show pros/cons of having your site hosted by rcs or on your own…but only for that system! an entire chapter comparing the relative merits of each system against the others is almost a necessity, no?

I hope you all are passing these on in comments at the review site as Nat may not be aware of the postings in your weblogs, though I am trying to pass them on as I find them.

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