
Grace in winning

Now, this is what I hoped to see when the Acid3 test was first announced. Not the macho posturing I saw yesterday.

The WebKit folks published a writing at the Surfin’ Safari site that details the challenges met by Cameron McCormack associated with the last test. To me, the story is a fascinating look into browser development. I hope we can see something similar from Opera about that organization’s own effort.

I particularly like, and want to highlight, the writing at the end of the post:

Web standards can often seem boring compared to super fast performace, whizzy new features, and even the basic Web compatibility work of making sites work properly. Interoperability is critical to the Web as an open platform, but it can be difficult to explain to regular users why it’s so important. The Acid tests make web standards fun, for browser developers, for Web designers, and for regular users. Whatever the intrinsic value of the tests may be, I think we should all thank Ian Hickson and all the test contributors.

I’d also like to thank Opera for giving us some serious competition and making this a real horse race. We have huge respect for their developers and all the work they do on Web standards.

As for Firefox 3 not “passing” the Acid3 test, I’d rather hear Firefox explain its future development goals such as when it plans on incorporating SVG animation and text-shadow and the like, than having to worry about the test. The test brought about awareness. We’re aware. Now, let’s move on.

It’s with relief that I can now say congratulations sans any reservations to WebKit/Safari and Opera. Below is my first 100/100 snapshot, using the WebKit nightly on my PC.


And Opera’s result, using the special Windows build:

(via Anne, who hasn’t quite decided to move on from yesterday’s querulousness, albeit defense of a friend is noble.)