Just Shelley

Hire me!

I’ve been in the computer industry for several years, and have two degrees: a BS in Computer Science, and a BA in industrial psychology.

In the past, I’ve worked with some very well known companies, including Boeing, Sierra Geophysics, Stanford University, Harvard University, Standard Insurance Company, John Hancock, Intel, and Nike. I’ve even paid my geeky dues by being the senior software developer/technology architect for a startup that went bust when the tech bubble broke. The first tech bubble, that is.

In the last few years, I’ve focused primarily on writing technical books, with some contracting to various organizations. Though I used to develop for the Windows operating system, and worked extensively with Java in the past, my interest nowadays is with PHP, JavaScript (including Ajax), XHTML/HTML/CSS, and other web-based technologies.

Hire me to write

I love to write. I love to write about technology, but I’ll write on most topics, including history, politics, certain aspects of the law (cyberbullying and arbitration), travel, Missouri, movies, books and eBook technology, digital TV, photography, animals, and video over the internet. I’ve written for many publications, including NetscapeWorld, MSDN,, O’Reilly, and Web Developers Virtual Library (WDVL). I’ve authored or co-authored 16 books, most for the popular tech book company, O’Reilly. I don’t promise that my grammar is perfect, and my punctuation flawless, but I usually manage not to send my editors screaming from the room.

If you need an author for a writing, either large or small, or a tech reviewer/editor, or even a pinch-hitter for a couple of chapters in a book, contact me and we’ll see what we can work out.

Hire me to tweak

I love to tweak web sites almost as much as I love to write. I used to do large application development, but now prefer fixing and tweaking existing sites and applications. I’m not a graphical artist, but I am proficient in most of the modern graphical tools, in addition to XHTML/HTML and CSS. If I can’t make your web page dream come true, I’ll tell you ahead of time before you spend a dime.

Though I have experience with many different PHP-based applications, I prefer to focus on providing support for the two most popular PHP-based content management systems: WordPress and Drupal. This includes help with installation and upgrades, as well as template design and custom Drupal module and WordPress plugin development

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