
If Proposition B is overturned


SB 113 is listed as first read in the House, and will most likely be pursued in the House rather than HB 131. That’s so the move to override the voters of Missouri can happen that much more quickly.

After all–can’t take a chance that dogs in large scale commercial breeding operations in this state might actually have a good life. They might get uppity. Just like the workers in Missouri getting paid a decent wage—we might get uppity, too.

The next battle for the dogs, and our votes, is the debate over HB 131 in the House. I hope there might actually be more than one or two people actually standing up for the voters of this state in that debate. I would like to think that the Missouri legislature will rise above its slavish devotion to big business just once, and actually vote to support the people. Just once, in all of the votes against the people that have occurred this shameful session.

Then there’s the governor’s veto, but no idea what he’ll do. No idea at all.

I’m thinking about what I’ll do if Proposition B is repealed—and it is a repeal, don’t allow yourself to be fooled into thinking this is some form of “fix”.

One thing I plan on doing is the day after the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act would have gone into law, I’ll start to feature commercial LICENSED breeders who would have been shut down under Proposition B, but are allowed to continue. And with each story I publish on one of these breeders, I plan on listing the names of every Senator and House Representative who voted to gut Proposition B. And Governor Nixon if he does not veto any bill that overrides Proposition B.

I’m not going to allow the actions of our leadership be forgotten. I said the reps who go against the will of the people will “own” every bad breeder from this time forward, and I meant it. I will also find, and document, every bad breeder that’s allowed to operate under the weak, ineffectual laws just blessed by Mike Parson et al. No more dirty little secrets, no more hiding in shadows.

I’ll start right now, by listing Senators Rupp, Schaaf, Dixon, and Callahan, who betrayed the people of their districts and voted to gut Proposition B.

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