
Mixed up world

Don’t you just love the days when I post like I do today? Lots of posts, first technology than politics than tech than politics? What I need is something gentle and reflective, to sweeten what is a relatively bold and saucy collection of writings.

I haven’t been out this week on walks or taking photographs, but did get some film back from the lab with previous trips to the Botanical Gardens. Though I know you’re all deadly tired of reflective pools and such, there are a couple of images from the group that provide a different viewpoint than previous submissions.

I’m also thinking of following Molly’s example with my own Request for Marriage Proposal (RFMP). But I want somebody rich. And old. Who will help me keep Burningbird going in the manner to which we’ve become accustomed.

What say you lonely older guys? Grow ever older with me…the best is yet to be. I may not be young and nubile, but at least I don’t wear rhinestones. I won’t make you clean your feet when we come in from a walk, but you’re on your own when it comes to cleaning the footprints. And I’ll never say to you, “Why don’t you…”

“One must never enter into the relation of marriage. Husband and wife promise to love one another for eternity. This is all fine, but it does not mean very much. . . . Such being the case with marriage, it is not surprising that the attempt should be made in so many ways to bolster it up with moral supports. . . . When two beings fall in love with one another and begin to suspect that they were made for each other, it is time to have the courage to break it off; for by going on they have everything to lose and nothing to gain.”


… I believe a kiss comes nearer the idea when a man kisses a girl than when a girl kisses a man. When in the course of years there has come about an indifference in this relation, then the kiss has lost its significance. This is true about the domestic kiss of marriage with which married people, apparently in lieu of a napkin, dab each other’s lips as the man mutters the ceremonial thanks, “That was swell, Mother.”


“If it is ridiculous to kiss an ugly girl, it also is ridiculous to kiss a pretty one, and the notion that doing a thing one way is any justification for laughing at a person who does it another way is nothing more than superciliousness and a complot, which does not, however, avail to set such a snob outside the category of the ridiculous, which is determined by the consideration that nobody can say what it means to kiss, although it is assumed to mean that the lovers desire to belong to one another for all eternity, yea, what is still more amusing, it is supposed to give them assurance of this.”


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