
More feed changes

Thanks to Laura and Michelle in comments, I’ve downloaded and installed the Durpal comments RSS module. I don’t have header links yet, but you can access the comments feed at I also created a global comments syndication feed. I really prefer Atom, but there is no Atom comments feed for Drupal. In addition, the existing Atom feed needs tweaking, so I figured I’d take a crack at both when I finish Learning JavaScript 2.

A point was made in the comments to my last post about what did the post have to do with Drupal, and why was it on Planet Drupal. I thought the timing on the comment was good, because it helped me decide to get rid of the Planet Drupal feed, as well as the Planet RDF feed.

I decided not to actively send material to these two planets because I don’t typically write on a single topic with my posts. I might cover Drupal comments in a writing, but I might also include a reference to fireflies, or my favorite frozen fruit bar. I’ll mention RDF, but I’ll also throw in some stuff on content management systems. My writings don’t easily fit within the rigorous categories Planet Drupal and Planet RDF require. I’ll miss the people I’ve met through these two planets, but hopefully they’ll be by directly.

Another change—oh, stop groaning, it’s not that bad—is that Just Shelley will not be part of my global feed. If you’re interested in my writings at that site, you’ll have to subscribe to that feed directly. My main feed is included in some public aggregators, primarily because of my tech writing, and I just wasn’t comfortable having the writings at Just Shelley smooshed in with a rant about Adobe 9, and the latest news about Google. I don’t want anyone feeling burdened about having to go through my writing, when they were expecting to read the latest on Firefox or Steve Jobs.

Hopefully this weekend I’ll have my first post at Secret of Signals. SoS is focused on my interest in online video, video hardware, electronics, gadgets, and even an occasional movie or TV show review.

I was explaining to my Mom about the upcoming change from analog to digital signal, when I realized that what I was telling her could make a good book, or at least a fun web site. Who knows, maybe I’ll turn the site’s entries into a Kindle book, make enough to buy more frozen fruit bars.

The SoS feed is automatically a part of both the global feed and the tech feed, so you don’t have to lose your frash to get the entries.

That’s it, site is organized, pages branded, feeds corralled, and the ornery varmint that has been sniffing around now has a butt full of buckshot.

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