
Linux for poets

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

The support staff at Rack Force was kind enough to install Webmin (an open source system management tool) for me since I couldn’t use Plesk. It’s not as commercial or smooth as Plesk, or CPanel, or Ensim, but it provides all the services I could possibly want – and more. What’s even better is there’s a companion tool I just installed called Usermin that will allow the co-op members to manage their own information, such as passwords, files, etc.

Speaking of the co-op, I have a question: If I call the co-op the Burningbird Network Co-op, does this imply ownership? Or should we call it something else? Does being affiliated with the Burningbird Network imply both an association and a state of mind on the members? For instance, does it say that all members share my liberal political view, or that only RDF/RSS is supported?

(Heh Heh Heh – only supporting RDF/RSS. Boy that has wicked appeal to me. )

Name and RSS support considerations aside, back to the co-op server and the To Do Task List:

Rack Force installed and configured Apache, xinetd, BIND, SSH2, and MySQL 3.23, and I’ve installed and configured the FTP server (ProFTPD), and upgraded to MySQL 4.0. Now I’m about to download and install PHP support, and compile PHP in as a module with Apache. I need to disable root login, for security, and after that to look at the nameserver configuration and make a decision whether to use the box as a nameserver, or to use a well known free nameserver such as The Public DNS Service, and to disable BIND on the machine.

And as I write all of this, I can see several of my readers nodding my head going, “Yup”; but I can also see several other readers scratching their heads, going “What?” One thing about the one-button publishing enabled by weblogging software is that none of it requires that you know anything about the processes that support your pages – how they work or even what they are.

Personally, I think this is a mistake. I think that not having at least a basic background and understanding allows some hosting companies (not all) to hide system problems behind esoteric terms. For instance, you can’t see your pages and ask why, and the ISP comes back with a detailed discussion of routers and network switches, but the real problem is the ISP sucks.

Then there’s the issues of webloggers being told that they must do this, or that, in order to do the ‘right’ thing. Supporting comments comes to mind as part of this issue. So does RSS. Rodent Regatta asked the following about the recent controversy of funky RSS (see Sam Ruby’s entry on same):

Take if from one who knows; inexperienced (non-coding) users don’t know that their RSS feed is funky. After reading all the comments, those same folks have no clue what to do about their RSS feeds, if anything.

Will somebody kindly step through the fog and say, “if you want your RSS feed to be right, and not funky, go do these steps…?”

The more I think about it, the less I understand why I have a little icon in my sidebar for XML and another for RDF. I probably should be able to pick one or the other, do away with the icon and simply the link to “syndicate this site.”


Excellent, excellent point – time to cut through the bull for the “inexperienced (non-coding) users”. Question for my non-tech readers: Don’t you get tired of techies telling you what you have to do to have a ‘compliant’ weblog?

I also think that not having a basic background leaves the webloggers confused as to what they need to do to move from one ISP to another, or from one weblogging software to another, and so they tend to stay with one ISP even though they get lousy service. In fact, I’ve seen this happen too frequently lately, which is one reason why I wanted to start the co-op: to give webloggers a third option between a free but burdened service such as blogspot, and a commercial service.

The Burningbird Network Co-op (for want of a better name for now) is more than just a space to plant your weblog – it’s also a way for webloggers to learn more about the medium in which they find themselves, enough to be able to control what happens to their pages and their web sites. I’ve never been one to support the concept of the ‘passive user’, and I’m not about to start now with the Co-op.

I’m not talking about people becoming network or Linux gurus – there’s a difference between knowing how to set up a Linux web server from scratch, and knowing how nameservers and DNS works, so that you know what to do to change your domain from one ISP to another. The only problem is, most writing, online and off, about many of the concepts assumes that one’s interest is the former rather than the latter.

The view seems to be that either one wants to become a guru or one wants to be kept totally isolated from any of the mechanics. I look at many of the webloggers I read, the non-Unix guru ones that is, and I don’t buy the belief that they would rather be kept in complete ignorance of the processes that controls your access to their pages, photos, and sound files. I think that many of them would rather know something about this environment, at least enough to know how it impacts on them.

For most, understanding of basic concepts is enough. This includes basic understanding of FTP, the weblogging software, how to manage their own account, and DNS issues that surround their domains. Fair enough. Others, though, might like to go a bit further. On the Co-op box, we’ll have room to run different types of software such as a wiki, or group weblogging software such as Kuroshin’s Scoop.

Once the co-op is up and running one of the first things I’m publishing on the new site is a series of writings, including applications, under the title of “RDF for Poets”. I liked the concept of writing about technology from a perspective of ‘…for poets’, not because it’s specifically geared to poets or the poetically inclined; but because the writing is geared to the intelligent non-techie.

What a unique challenge – to write about technology for the non-tech, but in such a manner as to engage their interest. You must not only write clearly and make no assumptions, but I would think that your writing would also have to have some element of wit, and panache. After all, poets are dicriminating readers – if they wanted to spend their afternoon reading a bland, dry how-to they could dig up their TV VCR manual.

I thought that something like a Linux for Poets would also be a fun challenge to write. An attempt to answer the question, “Can one write about Linux is such a way that the writing is entertaining as well as informational?” In most of my previous technology writing, there is an assumption that the person reading it is a technologist – I’ve never tried to write about technology, seriously, for the non-technologist. Especially the type of non-technologist who lives in my neighborhood, who happens to be intelligent, artistic, well informed, curious, have limited time, and who doesn’t suffer pedantic nonsense quietly.


As I work through the co-op server technology issues, I’ll try and write about them under the premise of “Linux for Poets”, and we’ll see how I do. We could have fun. Or not. However, at least it’s something different from yet another round of “Why we weblog”.

Events of note

Race over

Returned home from the Race for the Cure walk this morning. As predicted, the weather was very hot and very humid, but there was a cool breeze at times – made it bearable.

I didn’t want to drag my camera around with me this morning, so no photos. I imagine there will be some online eventually. Just imagine a whole lot of people stretching out as far as you can see.

Breast cancer survivors had special pink t-shirts and I was surprised at how many there were in the crowd. And most people had pink banners attached to their backs with the name of some loved one who had died. Too many of these, too.

I passed one fairly somber group that all had photos of a younger, pretty woman attached to their walk numbers. An older woman was pushing a baby carriage and her pink page said in memory of her daughter; the baby carriage had another pink page, in honor of the baby’s mother.

Still, the mood was upbeat and positive, and the survivors all received beautiful pink roses at the end of the walk, which I thought was a nice gesture. Bands played all along the way, and the local Harley Davidson club provided security and moral support, cheering the walkers on.

Walks of this nature are more than a way to raise money, though the money from these walks is used to fun most of the free breast cancer clinics, as well as much of the research in breast cancer; walks like this make you aware of how much of an impact breast cancer has.



A last note on the comment controversy of last week: another problem with the weblog owner annotating what they consider the ‘flame’ portion of a comment is that their interpretation of what is a flame may differ from others.

When it looks like the application of annotation edits is inconsistent, when the owner doesn’t annotate their own posts or specific individuals, the situation not only degrades further, but the ill effects can extend beyond just the one posting.

Best to just let people blow off steam, ignore the taunts, ignore the troublemakers, accept that people get cranky on certain subjects and go on. Life happens.

’nuff said on this topic, eh?


I can really hurt myself now

Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

The server’s operating system has been reinstalled back to a nice clean pristine Linux install. Without the network management software, must start from scratch – which means take hands off keyboard and think about what I’m going to do, and in what sequence.

I’m impressed with the ISP, Rack Force so far. Good answers, fast responses. What’s more important, I have a great deal of confidence in the technical ability of the support crew.

I’ve never had a web server machine with its own T1 line all my own to configure. I know Linux, and I know web, and I know network – but there’s always been that buffer between me and the nasty world. Well, there still is because the ISP maintains the hardware and network, provides system support, and I’m having them run the firewall and do the backups. I’m adventurous…but not that adventurous.

All these years of being online and this is the first time I’ve had the power of the machine at my fingertips. I can feel it…I can feel it brothers and sisters…I have the power…


Uh, ooops. Sorry. I lost it a moment. Co-op members, no worries. You can trust me. Sure you can. Yup. Remember the operative term: No fear. No fear.

Speaking of which, time to introduce the brave souls who will be taking the co-op challenge. I’m doing this now so they don’t chicken out:

These are brave lads and lasses and deserve a hand for becoming part of this experim…urh…adventure. Once we’re up and running and have everyone ported over, we’ll begin to open the doors, carefully. The goal is a self-supporting server, with fast publication and access times, safe and reliable, hacker resistant, 99.9% uptime, and plenty of space for pics, archives, and what not. Piece of cake, right?

If you’re interested in joining this little party at a future time, let me know.

More later this weekend as I get the first group weblog up and running.

Events of note Just Shelley

These tennies are made for walking

I’m taking a break from my Katy Trail challenge to meet a challenge of a different nature this weekend – participating in the St. Louis Race for the Cure, in support of breast cancer research.

Katy Trail adventures will return next week.
