People Writing

Pulling Emily from the noise

I have two other Emily Dickinson posts planned, just waiting some fresh new pictures to complete. I took photos on a nice long walk today, and will head out tomorrow for an even longer hike, and by the weekend, Emily will ride these pages again.

In the interim, Loren has a lovely post today on Emily and hopefully other posts to come.

Today’s walk was to begin to push myself more after the fall I had a month ago. I am developing a hesitancy in going on more unfinished trails, and that won’t do – once you start developing a nervousness on trails, you will end up hurting yourself again.

The trail wasn’t particularly difficult, but rocky at times and some sloping. I was exhausted by the time I was finished, having to take such caution to keep from twisting my foot even a little. But the weather was lovely, and tomorrow promises better, and I need the air and to feel my muscles stretched.

In fact, today would have been perfect if I hadn’t turned my computer on when I got home. I don’t want to go into details, but I did pull a couple of posts, primarily because I just wasn’t up to the potential of the comments in either. There is more than one way to write on a topic and one way can lead to thoughtful discussion, and the other not, and I don’t think either of the posts I pulled was worded towards the thoughful side. Maybe they were. I’ll have to think on this, and maybe I’ll repost, minus a comment or two (with permissions).

More than that, though, I’m having a lot of problem with someone who is literally stalking me in other people’s comments. Someone who has been in my comments off and on for close to two years now. His presence started out friendly enough but became increasingly erratic, and very uncomfortable. Normally he would only comment for a while and then move on, but he wasn’t moving on this time and got very, very nasty in my comments. I finally had to ban him from not only my comments, but from even reading my site. In fact, I blocked an entire range of IP addresses to keep him out.

Well, he’s now taken to writing some pretty outrageous stuff in comments in other weblogs. It is uncomfortable, but more than that, I’m not sure where this is going to go.

If you get a person in your weblog comments who starts to write about me totally out of context, can you please let me know? In fact, if you could delete the comments, I would be grateful. I hate to ask people to delete comments, but believe me, even without having a name, you’ll know him by the type of comments he makes.

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