Photography RDF


Recovered from the Wayback Machine.

Today was a quiet day, and I’m in a quiet mood; mainly interested in working with code and doing some tech writing. I’ve completed my first set of WordPress/Wordform metadata plug-ins, just finishing up processing the XMP data in the photographs and getting the work cleaned up and packaged. I’ll roll it out when I roll out my online RDF tutorial.

The XMP data just mentioned is RDF/XML formatted data that Adobe embeds in photographs. It includes data about the RAW image, keywords, titles, and a great deal of other information. I’m using Evan Hunter’s excellent PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit to extract the data, and now I need to incorporate it into the existing program’s RDF data. I’m currently using Jake Olefsky’s equally terrific program, Exifer, to process the EXIF data in the photo, though I may reserve it’s use with Flickr photos (Flickr processes the XMP data and makes it available using web services), and use the PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit for locally stored photographs.

I took a break this afternoon for a walk at Botanical, trying to work out the stiffness in my back. It was a nice day. Lots of photographers out, including myself. I’m including some of the photos in this, knock on wood that the most recent plugin code change works without a hitch.

Summer meet Fall

Summer meet Fall


Last Rose



Fall Leaves

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