HTML5 Specs W3C

Review and comment on the W3C HTML5 specification

The IE Blog recently posted a guide to the W3C process of taking HTML5 to Last Call (LC). The writing included a call to those not currently involved in the W3C HTML Working Group (WG) to review the HTML5 specification and file bugs and LC comments.

The HTML WG has good representation from the browser companies, other major vendors, and the accessibility community. However, the participation from web developers, designers, and smaller tool and utility builders is a little sparse (and further representation from vendors, browser developers, and those working with accessibility issues would always be welcome). Since HTML isn’t just a browser specification, and impacts on more than just Firefox, Chrome, IE, Opera, and Safari, it’s important all groups evaluate the HTML5 specification—to ensure that all web community interests are represented in the final effort.

I join with the IE Blog team in recommending that everyone take some time to review HTML5. However, I also realize that the HTML5 specification isn’t a document for the faint of heart, or those short of time. In order to encourage wider review, I’m posting this as a guide through the labyrinth of processing algorithms, new elements, and cat-featured examples that we know as HTML5. First, though, I want to expand on the HTML WG Last Call process introduced in the IE Blog post.