
Serendipitous find of the day

I was testing out a humongous mashup of Flickr, RSS, Google, Technorati that I created for Chapter 9 of “Adding Ajax”, when I clicked through on the tags for a Flickr photo of Chihuly glass, which led to a weblog post that features a video of the MBG Chihuly exhibit closing; accompanied by an interview with a smart young man who seems to know more about greenhouse gases than most of Washington DC; interspersed with quotes from famous people read by a safari-hat wearing Dickson Beall; ragtime jazz playing the background.

The site is WaterSANA, a site dedicated to environmentalism, featuring the Green TV Guide: eclectic videos combining tours of sites from throughout St. Louis, political commentary, interviews, music, and quotes, all packaged up into bite size pieces about two minutes long. If the above video I described doesn’t grab you, then may I also recommend Tiger, Bach, Lincoln, TwainA tiger answers the call of nature during the week that George W. Bush (the ungrateful biped) had an urge for a surge toward success in Iraq. Or Pony Express, Cars, Stars, and Fools.

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